Last month, we asked Synergy readers to pick a favorite flick about the working life. And the winner is Office Space! In fact, this l999 comedy, which centers around software company employees fed up with their jobs, was tops with almost 35 percent of our survey participants.
The runner up, with about 25 percent of your votes, was that "hell on heels" story of a ruthless magazine editor, The Devil Wears Prada (2006); in a close third place was Nine to Five ( l980).
Darlene H. of West Columbia, South Carolina selected the Charlie Chaplin l936 classic Modern Times, about a factory worker’s trials and tribulations during the Great Depression, as her favorite. The reason? Darlene says she likes movies that are relaxing and funny, too. We picked Darlene at random as this month’s winner of a $50 gift certificate. Thanks to everyone who participated – and stay tuned for more fun monthly surveys.