Our Songs About Work Survey Results Are In!The working life has inspired all kinds of music from rock to country and everything in between. We asked our readers to tell us your favorites and you did (along with some we hadn’t even thought about before).
Congrats to Deb J. of Minnesota! She has extra reason to whistle while she works – Deb is the winner of a $50 Visa gift card.
Deb answered last month’s “What’s Your Fave Song About Work” survey. Like the majority who took part in our search for the most popular work-related ditties, Deb’s top pick was She Works Hard for the Money.
“That song hits home because we all work hard for our living,” says Deb, Business Unit Analyst with Schwan’s Food Service, Inc., in Marshall, Minnesota. She tells Synergy she’ll use her prize money to buy some new music.
Now the drum roll! Here’s your hit parade of the top seven songs about work, in order of popularity (including your write-in faves):
- She Works Hard for the Money
- Manic Monday
- Whistle While You Work
- Nine to Five
- Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho, It’s Off to Work We Go
- Take This Job and Shove It tied with Everybody’s Working for the Weekend
- Takin’ Care of Business tied with Bang the Drum All Day and Workin’ For a Living