If you clicked on this article, chances are you aren't done with your holiday gift shopping. Why did you wait so long? Why did you put this off -- yet again?
 Ok, we didn't write this article just to hassle you or smugly laugh at your situation. Don't get us wrong, we ARE smug. We finished our shopping a month ago. But let's get back to you.
If your list has more than a few things that still aren't crossed off, then you can't waste any time mindlessly hunting. We're going to help you get organized, get in gear, and get that shopping done. What's that -- you haven't even created your list yet? You're in bigger trouble than we thought.
If you need a gift list, here's a suggestion. Think of a handful of stores that suit the tastes of your friends and loved ones. If you can't even think of any stores, go to the website of a nearby mall. Find the mall's online store directory. Pick 5 or 6 stores. Do this fast. Don't over-think it.
Go to each store's website and give yourself 30 minutes to come up with several gift ideas. At this time of year, the websites for all major retail chains have gift suggestion pages. Start there. If any of your loved ones like books, go to Amazon or Border's and look at the bestseller list. Just scroll through the list and pick a couple of books that sound good and have good ratings.
Once you’ve browsed a handful of gift suggestion pages, you should have a decent list. Make sure you have some back-up gifts, in case your first picks are sold out. It's probably too late to order the items online, unless you are prepared to pay hefty rush delivery charges. So block off a certain amount of time -- like two hours -- and get in your car and go.
Traffic is going to be bad -- especially in the parking lots. Don't drive randomly around town from one store to another. That just eats up more time. Give yourself 5 minutes before you leave to plot your course.
 When you arrive at the first store, go straight to the store sales staff and show them your list. You don't have time to mess around, so just let them point you to each item. If the item is sold out or not carried in that store, ask the sales rep for a gift suggestion. Just ask any of these questions: "What is really popular this year?" "What product is a favorite among the store staff?" "Can you recommend a practical gift that you think someone would actually use?"
Resist the temptation to browse at this point. You might find one or two unexpected items this way, and that's ok -- a little spontaneous inspiration adds a personal touch to gift giving -- but don't get sucked into this. You waited until the last minute, so casual browsing is not an option. It's time to move on.
Go to the next store and repeat the process. Remember that the sales representative wants to sell you stuff and you want to buy. They might be a little cranky from all the holiday crowds they have to contend with, so be polite. Just refer to your list and say something like, "Excuse me, ma'am, can you tell me where the wooden bread box is?" Keep one eye on your watch. Remember you need to be out of there in 30 minutes, and you need to give yourself at least 15 minutes for standing in line.
Finally, don't panic. That just leads to buying all the wrong things -- stuff no one will use, or things that are way overpriced. Calm down. You have a plan. Now go execute it.