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FS iPhone symptom navigator banner

Imagine this. You’re on the bus to work, or at the grocery store, or inspecting packages at the warehouse, when suddenly you feel dizzy. You have to stop and put your hand out to steady yourself. Your first thought after regaining your balance is: "Should I see a doctor?"

FS iPhone symptom navigator information

If you had an iPhone and A.D.A.M.’s Symptom Navigator, you may be able to find out in seconds. This cool new application for the iPhone helps you easily get information about your symptoms -- wherever you are -- with just a few taps.

The Symptom Navigator can help you understand possible causes of your symptoms . You can learn basic self-care that you can do at home. You can find out when symptoms are an emergency and when to call a doctor. You’ll even learn to prevent symptoms in the future. And finally, this is physician-reviewed information you can trust. The Symptom Navigator comes from A.D.A.M., one of the leading providers of consumer health information in the world.

"Consumers expect information at their fingertips, at all times, and being able to deliver health-care information to mobile devices is of real value," says Greg Juhn, senior vice president of product development at A.D.A.M. "There are a lot of times when you just aren’t in front of a computer when you have a health question. iPhones are a natural fit. Not only do people carry them around wherever they go, but it’s very easy to use our interactive symptom tool on the iPhone. And if you read about a symptom and have more questions or concerns, with one tap you can call your doctor."

The Symptom Navigator for the iPhone is adapted from the standard edition of A.D.A.M.'s Symptom Navigator, just one of many helpful health information tools available at your organization’s Health & Wellness portal.

To access the Symptom Navigator from your iPhone, point your browser to http://iphone.adam.com.

And if you don’t have an iPhone, what are you waiting for?
