HealthSearch Help
Medical Code

Waardenburg syndrome 

Waardenburg-Shah syndrome 

Wake robin poisoning 

Waking at night short of breath 

Waldenström - serum electrophoresis 
(Medical Test)

Waldenstrom - serum globulin 
(Medical Test)

Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia 

Waldenström macroglobulinemia 

Waldenström macroglobulinemia - UPEP 
(Medical Test)

Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia 

Walking abnormalities 

Walking during sleep 

Walking pneumonia 

Walking pneumonia 

Walking pneumonia - InDepth 

Walking pneumonia - viral 

Wall push-up 

Wall stretch 

Wallet sciatica 
(Cancer Center)


Warfarin - what to ask your doctor 
(Cancer Center)

Warm agglutinins 
(Medical Test)

Warm shock 

Warm water calorics 
(Medical Test)

Warning signs and symptoms of heart disease 
(Cancer Center)

Warning Signs For Potential Complications During Pregnancy 

Warren shunt 

Wart - removal 

Wart -removal aftercare 
(Cancer Center)

Wart remover poisoning 


(Women's Center)

Warts - cryotherapy 

Warts - freezing 

Washing soda poisoning 

Washing your hands 
(Cancer Center)

Washing your hands - COVID 19 
(Cancer Center)

Washing your hands - COVID-19 
(Cancer Center)

Wasp sting 

Wasp sting 

Wasp sting 


Water contaminated with lead 
(Special Topic)

Water deprivation test 
(Medical Test)

Water heater safety 
(Cancer Center)

Water imbalance 

Water in diet 

Water loading test 
(Medical Test)

Water on the brain 

Water retention 
(Women's Center)

Water safety and drowning 
(Cancer Center)

Water vapor therapy (Rezum) 

Water vapor therapy (Rezum) 
(Cancer Center)

Watercolor paints - swallowing 

Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome 

Watery eyes 

Wax poisoning 

Wax poisoning - paraffin 

Waxy casts 
(Medical Test)

Ways to burn more calories every day 
(Cancer Center)

Ways to reduce the health risks of secondhand smoke 
(Care Guide)

Ways to reduce the health risks of secondhand smoke 
(Care Guide)


WBC count 
(Medical Test)

WBC differential 
(Medical Test)

WBC esterase 
(Medical Test)

WBC scan 
(Medical Test)






Weak bones - premature infants 

Weak cervix 
(Cancer Center)


Wear and tear pigment 
(Special Topic)


Wearing gloves in the hospital 
(Cancer Center)

(Care Guide)

Weaver's bottom 

Web finger repair 

Web toe repair 

Webbing of the fingers or toes 

Weber-Cockayne syndrome 


(Cancer Center)

(Cancer Center)

Weedoff poisoning 

Weedy nightshade poisoning 

Weight - loss - children 

Weight control and diet - InDepth 

Weight gain – unintentional 

Weight gain - slow (child 0 - 5 years) 

Weight gain - slow (child 0 to 5 years) 

Weight gain after quitting smoking: What to do 
(Cancer Center)

Weight Gain During Pregnancy 

Weight loss - 500 calories 
(Cancer Center)

Weight loss - activity 
(Cancer Center)

Weight loss - alcohol 
(Cancer Center)

Weight loss - beans and legumes 
(Cancer Center)

Weight loss - brussels sprouts 
(Cancer Center)

Weight loss - burning calories 
(Cancer Center)

Weight loss - calorie count - alcoholic beverages 
(Cancer Center)

Weight loss - calorie count - fast food 
(Cancer Center)

Weight loss - calorie count - sodas and energy drinks 
(Cancer Center)

Weight loss - Chia seeds 
(Cancer Center)

Weight loss - children 

Weight loss - diet after banding 
(Cancer Center)

Weight loss - diet after bypass 
(Cancer Center)

Weight loss - diet busting foods 
(Cancer Center)

Weight loss - diet myths and facts 
(Cancer Center)

Weight loss - emotional meaning 
(Cancer Center)

Weight loss - exercise 
(Cancer Center)

Weight loss - Exercise 
(Cancer Center)

Weight loss - fast food 
(Cancer Center)

Weight loss - gastric banding 

Weight loss - gastric banding discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Weight loss - gastric bypass discharge  
(Cancer Center)

Weight loss - grocery shopping 
(Cancer Center)

Weight loss - healthy snacks 
(Cancer Center)

Weight loss - herbal remedies and supplements 
(Cancer Center)

Weight loss - InDepth 

Weight loss - kale 
(Cancer Center)

Weight loss - low-calorie cocktails 
(Cancer Center)

Weight loss - managing your weight  
(Cancer Center)

Weight loss - managing your weight - InDepth 

Weight loss - metabolism 
(Cancer Center)

Weight loss - microgreens 
(Cancer Center)

Weight loss - quinoa 
(Cancer Center)

Weight loss - quitting smoking 
(Cancer Center)

Weight loss - rapid weight loss 
(Cancer Center)

Weight loss - reading food labels 
(Cancer Center)

Weight loss - sweetened beverages  
(Cancer Center)

Weight loss - time to move 
(Cancer Center)

Weight loss - unintentional 

Weight loss and alcohol 
(Cancer Center)

Weight loss glossary 
(Care Guide)

Weight loss guide 
(Care Guide)

Weight loss-rapid weight loss 
(Cancer Center)

Weight loss: Key points 
(Care Guide)

Weight loss: Personal stories 
(Care Guide)

Weight loss: Personal story 
(Care Guide)

Weight loss: Personal story 
(Care Guide)

Weight profile forms 
(Care Guide)

Weight-loss - eating out 
(Cancer Center)

Weight-loss - portion size 
(Cancer Center)

Weight-loss - snacks 
(Cancer Center)

Weight-loss boost metabolism 
(Cancer Center)

Weight-loss calorie count fast food 
(Cancer Center)

Weight-loss calorie count sodas 
(Cancer Center)

Weight-loss diet myths and facts 
(Cancer Center)

Weight-loss medicines 
(Cancer Center)

Weight-loss surgery - gastric bypass 

Weight-loss surgery and children 
(Cancer Center)

Weightlifting - back pain 
(Cancer Center)

Weil disease 

Weil-Felix reaction 
(Medical Test)

Weird Ways to Make a Living 
(Newsletter Article)

Weisenberg syndrome 

Welcome to Week 10 

Welcome to Week 11  

Welcome to Week 12 

Welcome to Week 13  

Welcome to Week 14  

Welcome to Week 15  
(Cancer Center)

Welcome to Week 16 
(Cancer Center)

Welcome to Week 17 

Welcome to Week 18 

Welcome to Week 19 

Welcome to Week 20 

Welcome to Week 21  

Welcome to Week 22  

Welcome to Week 23  

Welcome to Week 24  

Welcome to Week 25 

Welcome to Week 26  

Welcome to Week 27 

Welcome to Week 28  

Welcome to Week 29 

Welcome to Week 3  

Welcome to Week 30  

Welcome to Week 31 

Welcome to Week 32  

Welcome to Week 33 

Welcome to Week 34 

Welcome to Week 35  

Welcome to Week 36  

Welcome to Week 37  

Welcome to Week 38  

Welcome to Week 39 

Welcome to Week 4  

Welcome to Week 40  

Welcome to Week 5 

Welcome to Week 6  

Welcome to Week 7  

Welcome to Week 8 

Welcome to Week 9  

Well child - 12 months 
(Special Topic)

Well child - 18 months 
(Special Topic)

Well child - 3 to 6 years 
(Special Topic)

Well child - 3 years 
(Special Topic)

Well child - 4 months 
(Special Topic)

Well child - 4 years 
(Special Topic)

Well child - 5 years 
(Special Topic)

Well child - 9 months 
(Special Topic)

Well child - ages 6 to 12 
(Special Topic)

Well child - bathroom safety 
(Cancer Center)

Well child - excessive crying 

Well child - puberty in boys 
(Cancer Center)

Well child - puberty in girls 
(Cancer Center)

Well child care - bedtime habits 
(Special Topic)

Well child care - discipline 
(Special Topic)

Well child care - teething 
(Special Topic)

Well-child visits 
(Special Topic)

Wellness - beans and legumes 
(Cancer Center)

Wellness - brussels sprouts 
(Cancer Center)

Wellness - Chia seeds 
(Cancer Center)

Wellness - dance 
(Cancer Center)

Wellness - flaxseeds 
(Cancer Center)

Wellness - healthy snacks 
(Cancer Center)

Wellness - heart smart substitutions 
(Cancer Center)

Wellness - kale 
(Cancer Center)

Wellness - learn to love exercise 
(Cancer Center)

Wellness - microgreens 
(Cancer Center)

Wellness - quinoa 
(Cancer Center)

Wellness appointment 
(Special Topic)


Wenckebach's block 

Werdnig-Hoffmann disease 

Wermer syndrome 

Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome 

Wernicke's disease 

West Nile virus - InDepth 

West Nile virus infection 

Western blot for Lyme disease 
(Medical Test)

Wet lungs - newborns 

Wet overdose 

Wet prep 
(Medical Test)

Wet prep - fungal 
(Medical Test)

Wet prep - vaginitis 
(Medical Test)

Wet-to-dry dressing changes 
(Cancer Center)


What are "empty" calories? 
(Care Guide)

What causes bone loss?  
(Cancer Center)

What Do You Enjoy Most About Fall? 

What Do You Love the Most about Spring? 

What Everyone Needs to Know About Cataracts 
(Newsletter Article)

What Happened Here?  
(Newsletter Article)

What Happens If My Baby Is Born Prematurely? 

What happens when a person has cystic fibrosis (CF)? 

What Happens When You Pass The Due Date? 

What if cancer comes back? 
(Cancer Center)

What Is a Trimester? 

What is neuropathic pain? 

What is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)? 

What is palliative care? 
(Cancer Center)

What is sciatica? 
(Care Guide)

What is Your New Years Resolution 

What Kind of Pet Do You Have? 

What to ask your doctor - conception 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor - labor and delivery 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor - pregnancy 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about allergic rhinitis - adult 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about allergic rhinitis - child 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about anesthesia - adult 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about anesthesia - child 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about angina and heart disease 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about asthma - adult 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about asthma - child 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about cataracts 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about chemotherapy 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about cholesterol 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about colds and the flu - adult 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about colds and the flu - child 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about concussion - adult 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about concussion - child 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about constipation 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about COPD 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about dementia 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about diabetes - type 2 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about diarrhea - adult 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about diarrhea - child 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about diverticulitis 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about ear tube surgery 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about enlarged prostate 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about epilepsy - adult 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about epilepsy - child 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about febrile seizures 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about headaches 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about heart failure 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about heartburn and reflux 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about high blood pressure 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about home care for mom 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about home oxygen 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about hospital care for mom 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about ileostomy or colostomy 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about kidney stones 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about knee replacement - before 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about Lyme disease 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about mastectomy and breast reconstruction 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about newborn jaundice 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about pressure ulcers 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about preventing falls 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about radiation therapy 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about refractive eye surgery 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about spinal surgery - before 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about staying healthy during pregnancy 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about taking warfarin (Coumadin) 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about taking warfarin (Jantoven) 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about tonsil removal 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about urinary incontinence 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about varicose veins 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor about your heart attack 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor after hip or knee replacement 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor after hip or knee replacement 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor after knee replacement 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor after weight-loss surgery 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor before hip or knee replacement 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your doctor before weight-loss surgery 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your health care provider about diarrhea - adult 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your health care provider about pressure ulcers 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your provider about diabetes - type 2 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your provider about heartburn and reflux 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your provider about Lyme disease 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your provider about your heart attack 
(Cancer Center)

What to ask your surgeon about spinal surgery - before 
(Cancer Center)

What to bring to your labor and delivery 
(Cancer Center)

What to do after exposure to COVID-19 
(Cancer Center)

What to expect at the doctor's office 
(Care Guide)

What To Expect In The First Few Weeks 

What to include in your birth plan 
(Cancer Center)

What You Need to Know about Holiday Leftovers 
(Newsletter Article)

What You Should Bring To The Hospital 

What You Wear Can Make You Sick 
(Newsletter Article)

What’s Your Best Healthy Grilling Recipe, Part 2? 

What’s Your Best Healthy Grilling Recipe? 

What’s Your Best Healthy Grilling Recipe? 
(Newsletter Article)

What’s Your Dream Vacation 

What’s your Favorite April Fool’s Day Joke? 

What’s Your Favorite Exercise Tip for Staying in Shape? 

What’s Your Favorite Way to Have a COOL Time? 

What’s Your Favorite Workday Breakfast? 

What's Your #1 New Year's Resolution? 

What's Your (of your Kid's) Favorite Halloween Costume Ever? 

What's your asthma story? 
(Care Guide)

What's Your Dream Vacation 

What's Your Fave Summertime Food? 

What's Your Favorite Fitness Workout? 

What's Your Favorite Snack Food? 

What's Your Favorite Social Media? 




Wheezing - asthma - adults 

Wheezing - asthma - children 

Wheezing - asthma - InDepth 

Wheezing - asthma - InDepth 

Wheezing - bronchiectasis 

Wheezing - bronchiolitis 

Wheezing - bronchiolitis 

Wheezing - bronchitis 

Wheezing - control drugs 
(Cancer Center)

Wheezing - COPD 

Wheezing - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Wheezing - exercise-induced 
(Cancer Center)

Wheezing - heart failure 

Wheezing - nebulizer 
(Cancer Center)

Wheezing - nebulizer 
(Cancer Center)

Wheezing - school 
(Cancer Center)

Wheezing - stridor 

Wheezing asthma 

When Did the Thanksgiving Gluttony Start?  
(Newsletter Article)

When is surgery necessary? 
(Care Guide)

When to use the emergency room - adult 
(Cancer Center)

When to use the emergency room - child 
(Cancer Center)

When you are drinking too much - tips for cutting back 
(Cancer Center)

When you feel like changing your medicine 
(Cancer Center)

When you have diarrhea 
(Cancer Center)

When you have nausea and vomiting 
(Cancer Center)

When you have urinary incontinence 
(Cancer Center)

When you need to gain more weight during pregnancy 
(Cancer Center)

When you pass your due date 
(Cancer Center)

When your baby has diarrhea 
(Special Topic)

When your baby is stillborn 
(Cancer Center)

When your baby or infant has a fever 
(Cancer Center)

When your cancer treatment stops working 
(Cancer Center)

When your child has diarrhea 
(Cancer Center)

When your child's cancer treatment stops working  
(Cancer Center)

When your infant has diarrhea 
(Special Topic)

Where Do Babies Come From? 


Whiplash - self-care 
(Cancer Center)

Whiplash - shaken infant 

(Cancer Center)

Whipple disease 

Whipple disease - supranuclear ophthalmoplegia 

Whipple procedure 

Whipple procedure 
(Cancer Center)

Whipple's disease 

(Pediatric Center)

Whipworm infection 

White blood cell casts 
(Medical Test)

White blood cell count 
(Medical Test)

White blood cell count - series 

White blood cell differential 
(Medical Test)

White blood cell differential count 
(Medical Test)

White matter of the brain 
(Special Topic)

Whiteboard Art Contest! 

Whiteboard Art of the Month 
(Newsletter Article)



Whole breast radiation therapy 

Whole-body plethysmography 
(Medical Test)

Whooping cough 

Whooping cough 
(Pediatric Center)

Why and How to Avoid Politics at Work  
(Newsletter Article)

Why Eating Healthy Is Making You Fat 
(Newsletter Article)

Why I Exercise Contest Winners 
(Newsletter Article)

Why you should quit smoking 
(Special Topic)


Widal test 
(Medical Test)

Widal's test 
(Medical Test)

Wide local excision 

Wide spaced teeth 

Wide-complex tachycardia 

Widely spaced teeth 

Wild turnip poisoning 

Will The Baby Be A Boy Or A Girl? 

Williams syndrome 

Williams-Beuren syndrome 

Willis-Ekbom disease 

Willis-Ekbom disease - InDepth 

Willow-leaved foxglove poisoning 

Wilms tumor 

Wilson disease 

Wilson's disease 

Window cleaner poisoning 

Windshield washer fluid 

Wine and heart disease 
(Special Topic)

Wine and heart health 
(Special Topic)

Wine consumption 
(Special Topic)

Winter cherry poisoning 

Winter depression 

Winter Exercise 
(Newsletter Article)

Winter itch 
(Cancer Center)

Winter Soup Recipes 
(Newsletter Article)

Wintertime blues 

Wireless capsule endoscopy 
(Medical Test)

Wissler-Fanconi syndrome 

Witch's milk 

Witch's milk (neonatal milk) 

Withdrawal from cocaine 

Withdrawal from nicotine 

Withdrawal from opioids 


Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome (WPW) 

Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome - cardiac ablation 

Women and high blood pressure 
(Care Guide)

Women and sexual problems 
(Cancer Center)

Women’s health - age 40 - 64 
(Special Topic)

Women’s health - ages 40 - 64 
(Special Topic)

Women's health 
(Special Topic)

Women's health - age 18 - 39 
(Special Topic)

Women's health - ages 18 - 39 
(Special Topic)

Women's health - ages 18 to 39 
(Special Topic)

Women's health - ages 40 to 64 
(Special Topic)

Women's health - over 65 
(Special Topic)

Women's health - over age 65 
(Special Topic)

Wonderberry poisoning 

Wood alcohol poisoning 

Wood lamp examination  
(Medical Test)

Wood stain poisoning 

Wool alcohol poisoning 

Wool wax poisoning 

Woolsorter's disease 

Work and Travel During Pregnancy 

Work Can Be Dangerous to Your Health 
(Newsletter Article)

Working during cancer treatment 
(Cancer Center)

Working with a personal trainer 
(Cancer Center)

Wound - cut or puncture 

Wound - liquid bandage 
(Cancer Center)

Wound care - dressing change 
(Cancer Center)

Wound care - sterile technique 
(Cancer Center)

Wound care centers 
(Cancer Center)

Wound drain 
(Cancer Center)

Wound healing - smoking 
(Cancer Center)





Wrinkles - aging changes 
(Special Topic)

Wrinkles - aging changes - InDepth 

Wrist arthroscopy 

Wrist fracture - osteoporosis 

Wrist fracture - osteoporosis - InDepth 

Wrist MRI 
(Medical Test)

Wrist pain 

Wrist sprain - aftercare 
(Cancer Center)

Wrist surgery 

Writing ink poisoning 

Written expression disorder 

Wry neck 


Wuhan coronavirus 
