HealthSearch Help
Medical Code


S-pouch - discharge 
(Cancer Center)


Saccular aneurysm - endovascular 

Saccular aneurysm repair 

Saccular aneurysm repair - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

(Medical Test)

Sachet poisoning 

Sacroiliac joint pain - aftercare 
(Cancer Center)


SAD - social anxiety disorder 

Saddle nose 


Safe drinking 
(Special Topic)

Safe driving for teens 
(Special Topic)

Safe eating during cancer treatment 
(Cancer Center)

Safe Summer Eating 
(Newsletter Article)

Safety - distracted driving 
(Cancer Center)

Safety - preventing head injury 
(Cancer Center)

Safety in the home 
(Cancer Center)

Sagging skin treatment - triceps 
(Special Topic)

Sagittal craniectomy 

Sagittal craniectomy - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Sal soda poisoning 

Salads and nutrients 
(Special Topic)

Saline nasal washes 
(Cancer Center)

Salivary calculi 

Salivary duct stones 

Salivary gland biopsy 
(Medical Test)

Salivary gland infections 

Salivary gland tumors 


Salmon patch 

Salmonella enterocolitis 


Salpingitis - aftercare 
(Cancer Center)

Salpingo - oophoritis - aftercare 
(Cancer Center)

Salpingo - peritonitis - aftercare 
(Cancer Center)

Salt restriction 
(Cancer Center)

Salt water washes 
(Cancer Center)

Salt-wasting nephropathy 

Same day surgery - child 
(Cancer Center)

Same day surgery - adult 
(Cancer Center)

Same-day surgery - adult 
(Cancer Center)

Same-day surgery - child 
(Cancer Center)

San Joaquin Valley fever 

Sanfilippo syndrome 

(Cancer Center)


Sarcoidosis - nervous system 

Sarcoma botryoides 

Sarcoptes scabiei 


SARS coronavirus 

SARS CoV 2 - Prevention 
(Cancer Center)

SARS CoV-2 antibody test 
(Medical Test)

SARS CoV-2 test 
(Medical Test)

SARS-Co-V2 - symptoms 



SARS-CoV-2 discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Sassafras oil overdose 

Satiety - early  

Saturated fat 

Saturated fat 
(Cancer Center)

Saving Money on Medicine  
(Newsletter Article)

Savings account for health care costs 
(Cancer Center)








Scalded skin syndrome 


Scalp pH testing 
(Medical Test)

Scaly skin 

Scams - cancer treatment 
(Cancer Center)

Scan - carotid duplex 
(Medical Test)

Scan - lung 
(Medical Test)

Scan - thyroid 
(Medical Test)


Scapholunate ligament sprain - aftercare 
(Cancer Center)

Scar - hypertrophic 

Scar - keloid 

Scar repair 

Scar revision 

Scar revision - series 


Scarlet berry poisoning 

Scarlet fever 

Scarring alopecia 

Scary Fridges and Crufty Keyboards 

Scary Health Warnings 
(Newsletter Article)

Scatter (or pan retinal) photocoagulation 


Schatzki's ring 

Scheie syndrome 

Scheuermann disease 

Scheuermann's disease 

Schilder-Addison Complex 

Schilling test 
(Medical Test)

Schirmer test 
(Medical Test)

Schirmer's test 
(Medical Test)


Schistosomiasis - InDepth 

Schizoaffective disorder 

Schizoid personality disorder 


Schizophrenia - InDepth 

Schizophrenia - tardive dyskinesia 

Schizotypal personality disorder 

School age test or procedure preparation 
(Special Topic)

School and asthma: Physical activity 
(Care Guide)

School and asthma: Questions to ask 
(Care Guide)

School-age children development 
(Special Topic)



SCI - autonomic dysreflexia 

Sciatic - home care 
(Special Topic)

Sciatic nerve dysfunction 

Sciatic nerve dysfunction - InDepth 


Sciatica - herniated disk 

Sciatica - InDepth 

Sciatica - lifting 
(Cancer Center)

Sciatica - managing 
(Cancer Center)

Sciatica - returning to sports 
(Cancer Center)

Sciatica - sports 
(Cancer Center)

Sciatica - lifting 
(Cancer Center)

Scintigraphy - bone 
(Medical Test)

Scintiscan - renal perfusion 
(Medical Test)

Scissor excision 

Scissor excision aftercare 
(Cancer Center)


(Special Topic)

Scleral buckling 

Scleral infection 

Scleral injection 


Scleredema adultorum 

Scleredema diabeticorum 

Scleredema of Buschke 



Scleroderma - InDepth 

Scleroderma - resources 
(Special Topic)


Sclerosing cholangitis 


Scoke poisoning 


Scoliosis - InDepth 

Scoliosis - resources 
(Special Topic)

Scoliosis - Rett syndrome 

Scoliosis surgery in children 


Scorpion bite 

Scorpion fish sting 



Scratch - corneal 

Scratch tests - allergy 
(Medical Test)

Screen time and children 
(Cancer Center)

Screening - asymptomatic bacteria 

Screening - testicular cancer - self-exam 
(Medical Test)

Screening and diagnosis for HIV 
(Medical Test)

Screening for colon cancer 
(Special Topic)


Scrotal growth 

Scrotal mass 

Scrotal masses 

Scrotal swelling 

Scrotal trauma 

Scrotal ultrasound 
(Medical Test)

(Special Topic)

Scrotum - empty (anorchia) 

Scrotum - empty (undescended testes) 





SDAT - InDepth 

(Cancer Center)

sDNA test 
(Special Topic)


Seafood contamination 

Seasonal affective disorder 

Seasonal allergic rhinitis 

Seasonal allergic rhinitis - InDepth 

Seasonal allergies 
(Pediatric Center)

Seasonal allergy 

Seasonal allergy - InDepth 

Seasonal depression 

Seasonal rhinitis - self-care 
(Cancer Center)


Sebaceous adenoma 
(Special Topic)

Sebaceous hyperplasia 
(Special Topic)

Seborrheic dermatitis 

Seborrheic dermatitis – infant 

Seborrheic dermatitis - infant 

Seborrheic eczema 

Seborrheic keratosis 

Secobarbital overdose 

Second degree burn 

Second-degree heart block 

Secondard bone tumor 

Secondary bone tumor 

Secondary cardiac amyloidosis - AA type 

Secondary fibrinolysis 

Secondary glaucoma 

Secondary glaucoma - InDepth 

Secondary hypertension 
(Care Guide)

Secondary hypogonadism 

Secondary infections 
(Special Topic)

Secondary myelofibrosis 

Secondary parkinsonism 

Secondary peritonitis 

Secondary pulmonary hypertension 

Secondary Raynaud 

Secondary seizures 

Secondary syphilis 

Secondary systemic amyloidosis 

Secondary tracheomalacia 

Secondary transverse myelitis 

Secondhand smoke 
(Special Topic)

Secondhand smoke - risks 
(Special Topic)

Secondhand smoke and its risk to children 
(Care Guide)

Secondhand smoke and its risk to children 
(Care Guide)

Secretin stimulation test 
(Medical Test)

Secretory otitis media 

Secundum ASD 

Sed rate 
(Medical Test)

Sedative - substance use 
(Cancer Center)

(Cancer Center)

Sedimentation rate 
(Medical Test)

Segmental glomerulosclerosis 

Segmental pulse volume recordings 
(Medical Test)

Segmental resection 

Seizure - absence 

Seizure - eclampsia 

Seizure - EEG 
(Medical Test)

Seizure - fever induced 

Seizure - generalized 

Seizure - generalized - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Seizure - grand mal 

Seizure - grand mal - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Seizure - partial (focal) 

Seizure - partial (focal) - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Seizure - petit mal 

Seizure - reactive 

Seizure - secondary 

Seizure - temporal lobe - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Seizure - tonic-clonic 

Seizure - tonic-clonic - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Seizure - what to ask your doctor 
(Cancer Center)

Seizure disorder 

Seizure disorder - children 

Seizure disorder - InDepth 

Seizure disorder in children - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Seizure disorder - children 

Seizure disorders 


Seizures - what to ask your doctor - adult 
(Cancer Center)

Seizures - what to ask your doctor - child 
(Cancer Center)

Selective deficiency of IgA 

Selective mutism 

Selective mutism - resources 
(Special Topic)

Selective neck dissection 

Selective neck dissection - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Selective neck dissection - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Selenium in diet 

Self catheterization - female 
(Cancer Center)

Self catheterization - male 
(Cancer Center)

Self Help for Springtime Allergies 
(Newsletter Article)

Self-examination of the breast 
(Special Topic)

Self-intermittent catheterization 
(Cancer Center)

Self-intermittent catheterization 
(Cancer Center)

Self-intermittent cathterization 
(Cancer Center)

(Care Guide)

(Care Guide)

Self-test: Are you cholesterol smart?  
(Care Guide)

Self-test: Check your allergy trigger I.Q. 
(Care Guide)

Self-test: Check your hemoglobin A1c I.Q. 
(Care Guide)

Self-test: Check your hemoglobin A1c I.Q. 
(Care Guide)

Self-test: Check your low back pain I.Q. 
(Care Guide)

Self-test: Is your asthma under control? 
(Care Guide)

Self-test: The risks of high blood pressure 
(Care Guide)

Self-testing for COVID-19 
(Cancer Center)

Semantic dementia 

Semen - bloody 


Seminoma testicular cancer 

Senile amyloidosis 

Senile angioma 

Senile dementia - Alzheimer type (SDAT) 

Senile dementia - Alzheimer type (SDAT) - InDepth 

Senile dementia - Alzheimer's type (SDAT) 

Senile keratosis 

Senile or solar lentigines 

Senile or solar lentigo or lentigines 

Senile verruca 

Senior drivers 
(Cancer Center)

Senior-Loken syndrome 

Sensitivity analysis 
(Medical Test)

Sensitivity to heat 

Sensitivity to the cold 

Sensorimotor polyneuropathy 

Sensorineural - cochlear 
(Special Topic)

Sensorineural deafness 

Sensorineural hearing loss 

Sensorineural hearing loss - infants 

Sensory hallucinations 

Sensory hearing loss - music 
(Cancer Center)

Sensory loss 

Sentinel lymph node biopsy 
(Medical Test)

Separated shoulder - aftercare 
(Cancer Center)

Separation anxiety in children 

Separation of the sutures 


Sepsis - infant 

Sepsis neonatorum 

Sepsis syndrome 

Septic arthritis 

Septic arthritis - gonococcal arthritis 

Septic shock 

Septic shock 

Septic socket 
(Cancer Center)



Septicemic plague 

Septicemic shock 


Septoplasty - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Sequential multi-channel analysis with computer-20 
(Medical Test)

Sequential multi-channel analysis with computer-7 
(Medical Test)

Serax overdose 

Serenid Forte overdose 

Serial chest x-ray 
(Medical Test)

Sernyl overdose 

Serologic test for B anthracis 
(Medical Test)

Serologic test for B. anthracis 
(Medical Test)

Serology for brucellosis 
(Medical Test)

Serology for Francisella tularensis 
(Medical Test)

Seropositive rheumatoid arthritis (RA) 

(Special Topic)

(Special Topic)

Serotonergic syndrome 

Serotonin blood test 
(Medical Test)

Serotonin metabolite 
(Medical Test)

Serotonin syndrome 

Serotonin test 
(Medical Test)

Serotonin toxicity 

Serous labyrinthitis 

Serous labyrinthitis - aftercare 
(Cancer Center)

Serous otitis media 

Serrated adenoma 

Serrated polyp 

Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor 

Sertoli-stromal cell tumor 

Serum adrenocorticotropic hormone 
(Medical Test)

Serum ammonia 
(Medical Test)

Serum angiotensin-converting enzyme 
(Medical Test)

Serum antibodies 
(Medical Test)

Serum calcitonin 
(Medical Test)

Serum calcium 
(Medical Test)

Serum chloride test 
(Medical Test)

Serum cholesterol 
(Medical Test)

Serum cholinesterase 
(Medical Test)

Serum chromium 
(Medical Test)

Serum cortisol 
(Medical Test)

Serum creatinine 
(Medical Test)

Serum creatinine clearance 
(Medical Test)

Serum DHEA-sulfate 
(Medical Test)

Serum erythropoietin 
(Medical Test)

Serum factor IX 
(Medical Test)

Serum ferritin level 
(Medical Test)

Serum fibrinogen 
(Medical Test)

Serum free hemoglobin test 
(Medical Test)

Serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase 
(Medical Test)

Serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase 
(Medical Test)

Serum HCG - qualitative 
(Medical Test)

Serum hemoglobin 
(Medical Test)

Serum herpes simplex antibodies 
(Medical Test)

Serum immunofixation 
(Medical Test)

Serum immunoglobulin electrophoresis 
(Medical Test)

Serum iron test 
(Medical Test)

Serum leucine aminopeptidase 
(Medical Test)

Serum myoglobin 
(Medical Test)

Serum phenylalanine screening 
(Medical Test)

Serum phosphorus 
(Medical Test)

Serum prothrombin conversion accelerator deficiency 

Serum sickness 

Serum sodium 
(Medical Test)

Serum TBG level 
(Medical Test)

Serum testosterone 
(Medical Test)

Serum thyroxine binding globulin 
(Medical Test)

Serum trypsin 
(Medical Test)

Serum trypsinogen 
(Medical Test)

Sestamibi stress test 
(Medical Test)

Setting limits 
(Special Topic)

Seventh cranial nerve palsy due to birth trauma 

Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) 

Severe coronavirus 2019 - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Severe COVID-19 - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Severe MPS I 

Severe PMS 

Severe SARS-CoV-2 - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Sewing a wound closed - series 

Sex - delayed ejaculation 

Sex - orgasmic dysfunction 
(Special Topic)

Sex and rape 
(Special Topic)

Sex chromatin test 
(Medical Test)

Sex During Pregnancy 

Sex-linked dominant 
(Special Topic)

Sex-linked recessive 
(Special Topic)

Sexual abuse - children 
(Cancer Center)

Sexual abuse - domestic violence 
(Cancer Center)

Sexual abuse in children - what to know 
(Cancer Center)

Sexual assault 
(Special Topic)

Sexual assault - prevention 
(Special Topic)

Sexual Differentiation 

Sexual dysfunction 
(Women's Center)

Sexual dysfunction - cancer treatment 
(Cancer Center)

Sexual dysfunction - female - self-care 
(Cancer Center)

Sexual dysfunction - male 

Sexual dysfunction - male - InDepth 

Sexual dysfunction - orgasmic 
(Special Topic)

Sexual dysfunction - vaginismus 

Sexual dysfunction - female - self-care 
(Cancer Center)

Sexual problem - orgasmic 
(Special Topic)

Sexual violence 
(Special Topic)

Sexual violence - incest 
(Special Topic)

Sexually transmitted - chlamydia 

Sexually transmitted disease – chancroid 

Sexually transmitted disease – donovanosis 

Sexually transmitted disease (STD) - warts 

Sexually transmitted disease - chancroid 

Sexually transmitted disease - chlamydia male 

Sexually transmitted disease - PID aftercare 
(Cancer Center)

Sexually transmitted disease - syphilis 

Sexually transmitted disease - donovanosis 

Sexually transmitted diseases 

Sexually transmitted infection – chancroid 

Sexually transmitted infection – donovanosis 

Sexually transmitted infection (STI) - warts 

Sexually transmitted infection - chancroid 

Sexually transmitted infection - syphilis 

Sexually transmitted infection - trichomonas vaginitis 

Sexually transmitted infection - donovanosis 


(Medical Test)

(Medical Test)


Shaken baby syndrome 

Shaken baby syndrome - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Shaken impact syndrome 


Shaking - drug tremor 

Shaking - essential tremor 

Shaking - self-care 
(Cancer Center)

Shaking palsy 

Shaking palsy - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Shaking palsy - InDepth 

Shampoo - swallowing 

Shared decision making 
(Cancer Center)

Shave biopsy 
(Medical Test)

Shave biopsy - skin 
(Medical Test)

Shave excision - skin 

Shave excision - skin aftercare 
(Cancer Center)

Shaving cream poisoning 

Shaving lotion poisoning 

Sheehan syndrome 

Sheehan's syndrome 

Shellac poisoning 

Shigella enteritis 

Shigella gastroenteritis 


Shin splints - self-care 
(Cancer Center)


Shingles - aftercare 
(Cancer Center)

Shingles - pain 
(Cancer Center)

Shingles and chickenpox 
(Pediatric Center)

Shingles and chickenpox (Varicella-zoster virus) - InDepth 



(Heart Center)

Shock - anaphylactic 

Shock - cardiogenic 

Shock - hypovolemic 

Shock liver 

Shock lung 

Shock therapy 

Shock treatment 

Shock wave lithotripsy 

Shock wave lithotripsy - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Short bones 
(Special Topic)

Short bowel syndrome 

Short gut syndrome 

Short philtrum 

Short stature 

Short stature - growth hormone deficiency 

Short-acting beta-agonists 
(Cancer Center)

Short-term care - nursing home 
(Cancer Center)

Shortness of breath 

Shortness of breath - first aid 


Should You Go Gluten-free?  
(Newsletter Article)

Shoulder arthroscopy 

Shoulder arthroscopy - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Shoulder blade retraction 

Shoulder blade retraction with tubing 

Shoulder CT scan 
(Medical Test)

Shoulder dislocation - aftercare 
(Cancer Center)

Shoulder exercises 
(Cancer Center)

Shoulder impingement syndrome 

Shoulder MRI scan 
(Medical Test)

Shoulder overuse syndrome 

Shoulder pain 

Shoulder pain - frozen 

Shoulder pain - frozen shoulder 
(Cancer Center)

Shoulder presentation 
(Special Topic)

Shoulder reduction - aftercare 
(Cancer Center)

Shoulder repair 

Shoulder repair - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Shoulder replacement 

Shoulder replacement - discharge  
(Cancer Center)

Shoulder replacement surgery - after 
(Cancer Center)

Shoulder separation - aftercare 
(Cancer Center)

Shoulder separation - series 

Shoulder subluxation - aftercare 
(Cancer Center)

Shoulder surgery 

Shoulder surgery - after 
(Cancer Center)

Shoulder surgery - discharge  
(Cancer Center)

Shoulder surgery - using your shoulder 
(Cancer Center)

Shoulder-hand syndrome 

Shulman syndrome 

Shunt - portacaval 

Shunt - ventriculoperitoneal 

Shunt - ventriculoperitoneal - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Shunt revision 

Shunt revision - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Shy-Drager syndrome 

Shy-McGee-Drager syndrome 


SI joint - aftercare 
(Cancer Center)



(Medical Test)

(Medical Test)



Sibilant rhonchi 

Siblings - new baby 
(Cancer Center)


Sicca syndrome 

Sick sinus syndrome 

Sick-day management - diabetes 
(Cancer Center)

Sickle cell - electrophoresis 
(Medical Test)

Sickle cell anemia 

Sickle cell anemia - InDepth 

Sickle cell anemia - resources 
(Special Topic)

Sickle cell disease 

Sickle cell disease - InDepth 

Sickle cell test 
(Medical Test)

(Medical Test)

Side pain 

Sideropenic dysphagia 


SIDS - resources 
(Special Topic)

Sigmoid colectomy 

Sigmoid colectomy - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Sigmoid volvulus 

(Medical Test)

Sigmoidoscopy - flexible 
(Medical Test)

Sigmoidoscopy - screening 
(Special Topic)

Signs of an asthma attack 
(Cancer Center)

Signs of Pregnancy 
(Cancer Center)

SIJ dysfunction - aftercare 
(Cancer Center)

SIJ dysfunction - aftercare 
(Cancer Center)

SIJ pain - aftercare 
(Cancer Center)

SIJ pain - aftercare 
(Cancer Center)

SIJ strain - aftercare 
(Cancer Center)

SIJ strain - aftercare 
(Cancer Center)

SIJ subluxation - aftercare 
(Cancer Center)

SIJ subluxation -aftercare 
(Cancer Center)

SIJ syndrome - aftercare 
(Cancer Center)

Silent ear infection 

Silent infection - HBV children 

Silent infection - HCV children 

Silent otitis media 

Silent thyroiditis 



Silicosis - rheumatoid pneumoconiosis 


Silver syndrome 

Silver-Russell syndrome 

Simian crease 

Simple carbohydrates 

Simple goiter 

Simple mastectomy 

Simple mastectomy - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Simple mastoidectomy 

Simple nephrectomy 

Simple nephrectomy - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Simple prostatectomy 

Simple pulmonary eosinophilia 

Simple sugars 

Simple, heart-smart substitutions 
(Cancer Center)

Simvastatin (Zocor) 
(Cancer Center)

Simvastatin (Zocor®) 
(Cancer Center)

Sinequan overdose 

Single palmar crease 

Single ventricle 

Single-balloon enteroscopy 
(Medical Test)


Sinus arrest - sick sinus 

Sinus CT scan 
(Medical Test)

Sinus headache 
(Women's Center)

Sinus infection 

Sinus infection 
(Pediatric Center)

Sinus infection - InDepth 

Sinus infection - self-care 
(Cancer Center)

Sinus inflammation 
(Pediatric Center)

Sinus MRI scan 
(Medical Test)

Sinus node dysfunction 

Sinus pause - sick sinus 

Sinus video 
(Care Guide)

Sinus video 
(Care Guide)

Sinus x-ray 
(Medical Test)


(Care Guide)

(Care Guide)

(Pediatric Center)

Sinusitis - acute 

Sinusitis - acute - InDepth 

Sinusitis - chronic 

Sinusitis - chronic - InDepth 

Sinusitis - InDepth 

Sinusitis - nasal wash 
(Cancer Center)

Sinusitis in adults - aftercare 
(Cancer Center)


Sipple syndrome 


Sitz bath 
(Special Topic)

Sixth disease 

Sixth nerve palsy 


Sjögren - Schirmer 
(Medical Test)

Sjogren syndrome 

Sjögren syndrome 

Sjögren syndrome - Raynaud 

Sjögren's syndrome 


Skeletal Formation 

Skeletal limb abnormalities 

Skeletal muscle animation 
(Care Guide)

Skeletal survey 
(Medical Test)

Skier's thumb - aftercare 
(Cancer Center)

Skilled nursing - home care 
(Cancer Center)

Skilled nursing - home health 
(Cancer Center)

Skilled nursing facilities after joint replacement 
(Cancer Center)

Skilled nursing facility - nursing home 
(Cancer Center)

Skilled nursing or rehabilitation facilities 
(Cancer Center)

Skin - abnormally light or dark 

Skin - clammy 

Skin - dry 
(Cancer Center)

Skin - oily 
(Special Topic)

Skin - pale or gray 

Skin - yellow 

Skin abscess 

Skin adhesives 
(Cancer Center)

Skin and hair changes during pregnancy 
(Cancer Center)

Skin and Sun 
(Newsletter Article)

Skin and sunburn treatments 

Skin autografting 

Skin autografting - self-care 
(Cancer Center)

Skin biopsy 
(Medical Test)

Skin blushing/flushing 

Skin bumps - acne-like 

Skin cancer 
(Cancer Center)

Skin cancer - basal cell 

Skin cancer - biopsy 
(Medical Test)

Skin cancer - InDepth 

Skin cancer - melanoma 

Skin cancer - melanoma - InDepth 

Skin cancer - Mohs surgery 

Skin cancer - self-exam 
(Cancer Center)

Skin cancer - squamous cell 

Skin cancer removal 

Skin cancer removal aftercare 
(Cancer Center)

Skin care and incontinence 
(Special Topic)

Skin cut - caring for staples 
(Cancer Center)

Skin cut - caring for stitches 
(Cancer Center)

Skin cut - liquid bandage 
(Cancer Center)

Skin cut - suture care 
(Cancer Center)

Skin disorders - dermatitis 
(Women's Center)

Skin disorders - eczema 
(Pediatric Center)

Skin disorders - photodermatitis 
(Women's Center)

Skin findings in newborns 
(Special Topic)

Skin flaking 

Skin flaps and grafts - self-care 
(Cancer Center)

Skin graft 

Skin graft - series 

Skin growths - fatty 

Skin hemorrhages 

Skin infection - bacterial 

Skin infection - ecthyma 

Skin infection - erysipeloid 

Skin infection - fungal 

Skin infection - staphylococcal 

Skin infection - yeast 

Skin irritation from rubbing 
(Special Topic)

Skin lesion 

Skin lesion - actinic keratosis 

Skin lesion - Gram stain 
(Medical Test)

Skin lesion aspiration 
(Medical Test)

Skin lesion biopsy 
(Medical Test)

Skin lesion Gram stain 
(Medical Test)

Skin lesion KOH exam 
(Medical Test)

Skin lesion of blastomycosis 

Skin lesion removal 

Skin lesion removal - aftercare 
(Cancer Center)

Skin lesion removal - benign 

Skin lesion removal - benign aftercare 
(Cancer Center)

Skin lumps 

Skin mole - self-exam 
(Heart Center)

Skin nodules 

Skin or nail culture 
(Medical Test)

Skin pigment 
(Special Topic)

Skin pigment disorder - acanthosis nigricans 

Skin planing 

Skin rash 

Skin rash - contact dermatitis 

Skin redness or inflammation 

Skin sagging treatment - underarms 
(Special Topic)

Skin self-exam 
(Cancer Center)

Skin sparing mastectomy 

Skin sparing mastectomy, Simple mastectomy 

Skin spots - aging 

Skin spots - red 

Skin tag 

Skin tag removal 

Skin tag removal aftercare 
(Cancer Center)

Skin tests - allergy 
(Medical Test)

Skin transplant 

Skin transplant - self-care 
(Cancer Center)

Skin turgor 

Skin ulcer skin graft self-care  
(Cancer Center)

Skin wrinkles and blemishes - InDepth 

Skinny-needle thyroid biopsy 
(Medical Test)

Skull fracture 

Skull radiography 
(Medical Test)

Skull x-ray 
(Medical Test)

Skull-base osteomyelitis 


Slaked lime 

SLAP lesion 

SLAP repair 

SLAP repair - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Slapped cheek 

Slapped cheek rash 


(Medical Test)

SLE - InDepth 

Sleep - bedtime habits 
(Special Topic)

Sleep - natural short sleeper 

Sleep and your health 
(Cancer Center)

Sleep apnea 

Sleep apnea - central 

Sleep apnea - obstructive 

Sleep apnea - obstructive - adults 

Sleep apnea - obstructive - InDepth 

Sleep apnea - pediatric 

Sleep apnea - sleep study 
(Medical Test)

Sleep disorder - insomnia 

Sleep disorder - insomnia - InDepth 

Sleep disorder - medicines  
(Cancer Center)

Sleep disorder - sleep habits 
(Cancer Center)

Sleep disorders 

Sleep disorders in older adults 

Sleep disruptive behaviors 

Sleep hygiene 
(Cancer Center)

Sleep hygiene - insomnia 

Sleep hygiene - insomnia - InDepth 

Sleep issues 

Sleep issues - InDepth 

Sleep paralysis 

Sleep paralysis - isolated 

Sleep rhythm 

Sleep study 
(Medical Test)

Sleep terror disorder 

Sleep-disordered breathing 

Sleep-disordered breathing - adults 

Sleep-disordered breathing - pediatric 

Sleep-disordered breathing  - InDepth 

Sleep-wake syndrome - irregular 

Sleepiness - during the day 

Sleeping pills 
(Cancer Center)

Sleeping sickness 

(Women's Center)


Sleepwalking and children 
(Special Topic)


Sling - instructions 

Slipped capital femoral epiphysis 

Slipped disk 

Slipped disk - lifting 
(Cancer Center)

Slipped disk - MRI 
(Special Topic)

Slipping rib syndrome 

Slipping-rib-cartilage syndrome 

Slit-lamp exam 
(Medical Test)

Slow heart rate - sick sinus 

Slow involuntary movements of large muscle groups 

Slow rate of growth 

Slurred speech 

Slurred speech 

Slurred speech - dysarthria 
(Cancer Center)


(Medical Test)

(Medical Test)

(Medical Test)

(Medical Test)

Small bowel bacterial overgrowth 

Small bowel biopsy 
(Medical Test)

Small bowel capsule endoscopy (SBCE) 
(Medical Test)

Small bowel enema 
(Medical Test)

Small bowel follow-through 
(Medical Test)

Small bowel obstruction 

Small bowel resection 

Small bowel resection - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Small bowel tissue smear/biopsy 
(Medical Test)

Small cell lung cancer 

Small for gestational age (SGA) 
(Special Topic)

Small incision total hip replacement 

Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth 

Small intestinal ischemia and infarction 

Small intestine aspirate and culture 
(Medical Test)

Small intestine insufficiency 

Small intestine surgery 

Small intestine surgery - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Small noncleaved cell lymphoma 


Smallpox/monkeypox vaccine (JYNNEOS) - what you need to know 
(Special Topic)

Smashed fingers 

Smear of duodenal fluid aspirate 
(Medical Test)

Smell - impaired 

Smell - impaired 


SMILE - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

SMILE - what to ask your doctor 
(Cancer Center)

Smokeless snuff 

Smokeless tobacco - medications 
(Special Topic)

Smokeless tobacco - nicotine addiction 

Smokeless tobacco - stop smoking programs 
(Special Topic)

Smokeless tobacco - tips on how to quit 
(Special Topic)

Smokeless tobacco - weight gain 
(Cancer Center)

Smoker's keratosis 

Smoking - electronic cigarettes 
(Cancer Center)

Smoking - InDepth 

Smoking - nicotine addiction and withdrawal 

Smoking and asthma 
(Cancer Center)

Smoking and COPD 
(Cancer Center)

Smoking and smokeless tobacco - quitting 
(Special Topic)

Smoking and smokeless tobacco - risks 
(Special Topic)

Smoking and surgery 
(Cancer Center)

Smoking Cessation - Input 

Smoking cessation - medications 
(Special Topic)

Smoking cessation - nicotine replacement 
(Special Topic)

Smoking cessation - tips on how to quit 
(Special Topic)

Smoking cessation - weight gain 
(Cancer Center)

Smoking cessation medications 
(Special Topic)

Smoking cessation programs 
(Special Topic)

Smoking cessation techniques 
(Special Topic)

Smoldering leukemia 

Smooth tongue 


Snack Food Contest Winner 
(Newsletter Article)

Snacking when you have diabetes 
(Cancer Center)

Snacks and sweetened drinks - children 
(Cancer Center)

Snacks for adults 
(Cancer Center)

Snail fever 

Snake bites 

Snakebite (poison) treatment - series 

Sneddon syndrome - idiopathic livedo reticularis 


Snellen test 
(Medical Test)

(Cancer Center)


Snoring - adults 
(Cancer Center)


Soap - swallowing 

Soap ingestion 

Social anxiety disorder 

Social Networking in Your New Town 
(Newsletter Article)

Social phobia 

Sociopathic personality 


Soda ash poisoning 

Soda loading 

Sodium - serum 
(Medical Test)

Sodium bicarbonate 

Sodium bisulfate poisoning 

Sodium blood test 
(Medical Test)

Sodium carbonate poisoning 

Sodium hydroxide poisoning 

Sodium hypochlorite poisoning 

Sodium in diet 

Sodium orthophosphate poisoning 

Sodium urine test 
(Medical Test)


Soft chancre 

Soft spot - bulging 

Soft spot - craniosynostosis 

Soft spot - large 

Soft spot - sunken 

Soft tissue cancer - rhabdomyosarcoma 

Soft tissue gangrene 

Soft tissue sarcoma 


Solanum tuberosum poisoning 

Solar erythema 

Solar erythema: Burn from the sun 

Solar keratosis 

Solar keratosis - cryotherapy 

Solder poisoning 

Solid organ transplant - lung 

Solitary fibrous tumor 

Solitary fibrous tumor of the pleura 

Solitary pulmonary nodule 

Solitary pulmonary nodule - PET 
(Medical Test)

Soluble vs. insoluble fiber 
(Special Topic)

Somatic symptom and related disorders 

Somatic symptom and related disorders 

Somatic symptom disorder 

Somatic symptom disorder 

Somatiform disorders 

Somatization disorder 

Somatoform disorders 


Somatotroph adenoma 

Some controversial and unproven theories 
(Care Guide)

Something stuck in the nose 

Sominex overdose 



Somnolence - idiopathic 

Sonde enteroscopy 
(Medical Test)

(Medical Test)

Sonogram of the breast 
(Medical Test)

Sopental overdose 

Sore throat 

Sore throat - tonsillectomy 

Sore throat - tonsillitis 

Sore throat strep 

Sores - male genitals 

Sores on the female genitals 

Sound distortion 



Sparklelan poisoning 

Spasm of the esophagus 

Spasmodic bladder 

Spasmodic croup 

Spasmodic dysphonia 

Spasmodic torticollis 

Spasms of the hands or feet 

Spasmus nutans 

Spastic colitis 

Spastic colitis 

Spastic colon 

Spastic colon 

Spastic diplegia 

Spastic hemiplegia 

Spastic paralysis 

Spastic quadriplegia 


Special-Care Pregnancies 

Specific developmental language disorder 

Specific language impairment 

Specific learning disorder with impairment in written expression 

Specks in the eye 
(Special Topic)

Specks in your vision 
(Special Topic)

Specks in your vision. 
(Special Topic)

Spectracide poisoning 

Speech and language disorder - aphasia 
(Cancer Center)

Speech and language disorder - dysarthria care 
(Cancer Center)

Speech disfluency 

Speech disorder - apraxia 

Speech disorder - phonological 

Speech disorder - spasmodic dysphonia 

Speech disorder - stuttering 

Speech disorders - children 

Speech disorders - dysarthria 

Speech distortion 

Speech impairment in adults 

Speech sound disorder 

Speed overdose 

Spell - newborns 

(Medical Test)

Sperm Production 


Spherocytosis - osmotic fragility 
(Medical Test)

Sphingomyelinase deficiency 

(Medical Test)

Spider angioma 

Spider angioma 

Spider bite 

Spider fingers 

Spider nevus 

Spider telangiectasia 

Spider veins 

Spider veins 


Spina bifida - resources 
(Special Topic)

Spina bifida repair 

Spinal abscess 

Spinal and epidural anesthesia 

Spinal bone graft - series 

Spinal cord abscess 

Spinal cord injury 

Spinal cord injury 

Spinal cord injury - autonomic dysreflexia 

Spinal cord injury, SCI 

Spinal cord stimulation 

Spinal cord trauma 

Spinal CT 
(Medical Test)

Spinal curvature 

Spinal curvature - InDepth 

Spinal curvature surgery - child 

Spinal dysraphism repair 

Spinal fluid culture 
(Medical Test)

Spinal fluid smear 
(Medical Test)

Spinal fusion 

Spinal fusion - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Spinal injection for back pain 

Spinal injury 

Spinal injury - resources 
(Special Topic)

Spinal microdiskectomy 

Spinal microdiskectomy - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Spinal muscular atrophy 

Spinal stenosis 

Spinal stenosis - fusion 

Spinal stenosis - managing 
(Cancer Center)

Spinal stenosis - MRI 
(Special Topic)

Spinal stenosis - returning to sports 
(Cancer Center)

Spinal surgery -- cervical - series 

Spinal tap 
(Medical Test)

Spinal tumor 

Spine and low back pain video 
(Care Guide)

Spine surgery - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Spine surgery - diskectomy 

Spine surgery - diskectomy - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Spine surgery - foraminotomy 

Spine surgery - foraminotomy - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Spine surgery - laminectomy 

Spine surgery - laminectomy - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Spine surgery - spinal fusion 

Spine surgery - spinal fusion - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Spine x-ray 
(Medical Test)

Spinocerebellar degeneration 

Spiral enteroscopy 
(Medical Test)

Spirillary fever 

(Medical Test)

(Medical Test)

(Care Guide)

Spitting up - self-care 
(Cancer Center)

Spitting up blood 

Spleen enlargement 

Spleen removal 

Spleen removal - adult - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Spleen removal - adult - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Spleen removal - child - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Spleen removal - laparoscopic 

Spleen swelling 


Splenectomy - adult - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Splenectomy - child - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Splenectomy - microscopic - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Splenectomy - post-surgery syndrome 

Splenectomy - reactive thrombocytosis 

Splenic infarction 

Splenomegalic polycythemia 


Splint - instructions 

Splinter hemorrhages 

Splinter removal 
(Special Topic)

Split night polysomnography 
(Medical Test)

Split thickness skin graft 

Split-skin graft - self-care 
(Cancer Center)



Spondylitis - psoriatic arthritis 


Spondyloarthritis - psoriatic arthritis 



Sponge bath 
(Cancer Center)

Spongy degeneration of the brain 

Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis 

Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) 

Spontaneous pneumothorax 

Spoon nails 

Sporadic primary pulmonary hypertension 

(Special Topic)


Sports cream overdose 

Sports physical 
(Cancer Center)

Spotted fever 

Spousal abuse 
(Cancer Center)

Sprain - ankle 

Sprain - hamstring 
(Cancer Center)

Sprained elbow - aftercare 
(Cancer Center)

Sprained thumb 
(Cancer Center)

Sprained thumb, stable thumb,ulnar collateral ligament injury, gamekeeper’s thumb 
(Cancer Center)


Sprains and strains 
(Pediatric Center)

Springtime Sniffles  
(Newsletter Article)


Sprue - xylose 
(Medical Test)

(Cancer Center)

Sputum - Gram stain 
(Medical Test)

Sputum culture 
(Medical Test)

Sputum direct fluorescent antibody (DFA) test 
(Medical Test)

Sputum fungal smear  
(Medical Test)

Sputum Gram stain 
(Medical Test)

Sputum stain for mycobacteria 
(Medical Test)


SQ injections 
(Cancer Center)

Squamous cell - recurrence 
(Cancer Center)

Squamous cell - removal 

Squamous cell - self-exam 
(Heart Center)

Squamous cell - targeted 
(Cancer Center)

Squamous cell cancer - biopsy 
(Medical Test)

Squamous cell cancer - InDepth 

Squamous cell cancer - mouth 

Squamous cell cancer - mouth and neck radiation 
(Cancer Center)

Squamous cell cancer - neck dissection 

Squamous cell cancer - penis 

Squamous cell carcinoma - anal 

Squamous cell carcinoma - lung 

Squamous cell carcinoma - lung - InDepth 

Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin 

Squamous cell skin cancer 

Squamous cell skin cancer - Mohs surgery 

Squamous cell-recurrence 
(Cancer Center)

Squamous cell-removal aftercare 
(Cancer Center)

Squamous cell-targeted 
(Cancer Center)

Squamous intraepithelial lesion - colposcopy 
(Medical Test)

Squamous intraepithelial lesion - cone biopsy 
(Medical Test)

Squamous intraepithelial lesion - dysplasia 

Squamous intraepithelial lesion - Pap 
(Medical Test)









SSRI - serotonin syndrome 



ST - elevation myocardial infarction 

ST - elevation myocardial infarction 
(Special Topic)

ST elevation myocardial infarction - ACS 

ST elevation myocardial infarction - ACS - InDepth 

St. Vitus dance 

ST-elevation myocardial infarction 

ST-elevation myocardial infarction - InDepth 

ST-elevation myocardial infarction-ACS 

Stable angina 

Stable angina - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Stable factor 
(Medical Test)

Stable thumb 
(Cancer Center)



Standard eye exam  
(Medical Test)

Standard ileostomy 
(Cancer Center)

Standard ileostomy - diet 
(Cancer Center)

Standard ileostomy - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Standard ileostomy - living with 
(Cancer Center)

Standard ileostomy - pouch change 
(Cancer Center)

Standard ileostomy - stoma care 
(Cancer Center)

Standard ileostomy and your child 
(Cancer Center)

Standard isolation precautions 
(Cancer Center)

Standard ophthalmic exam 
(Medical Test)


Staph - ecthyma 

Staph - impetigo 

Staph - MRSA 

Staph infection - abscess 

Staph infections - self-care at home 
(Cancer Center)

Staph infections in the hospital 
(Cancer Center)

Staph skin infection 

Staphylococcal - MRSA 

Staphylococcal meningitis 

Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome 

Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (SSS) 

Staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome 

Staphylococcus - cellulitis 

Staphylococcus - ecthyma 

Staphylococcus - impetigo 

Staphylococcus aureus - endocarditis 

Staphylococcus aureus - endocarditis - children 

Staphylococcus aureus - endocarditis - children 

Staphylococcus infections - self care at home 
(Cancer Center)

Staphylococcus infections - self-care at home 
(Cancer Center)

(Special Topic)

Starch poisoning 


Startle reflex 

Startle response 

Stasis dermatitis - venous ulcer 
(Cancer Center)

Stasis dermatitis and ulcers 

Stasis leg ulcers - self-care 
(Cancer Center)

Static lung volume determination 
(Medical Test)

(Cancer Center)

Stay active and exercise when you have arthritis 
(Cancer Center)

Stay away from asthma triggers 
(Cancer Center)

Stay Safe: When Do you REALLY Need to Toss that Stuff 
(Newsletter Article)

Staying active - burning calories 
(Cancer Center)

Staying Healthy During Pregnancy 

Staying safe at home 
(Cancer Center)

STD - chancroid 

STD - chlamydia 

STD - chlamydia male 

STD - donovanosis 

STD - PID aftercare 
(Cancer Center)

STD - syphilis 

STD - trichomonas vaginitis 

(Women's Center)

Steam iron cleaner poisoning 



Steely hair disease 

Stein-Leventhal syndrome 

Stellachrome poisoning 

Stem cell transplant 

Stem cell transplant - children - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Stem cell transplant - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Stem cell transplant - donation 
(Cancer Center)

Stem cell transplant - graft-versus-host disease 

STEMI - thrombolytic 
(Special Topic)

Stenosis - carotid 

Stenosis - foraminotomy 

Stenosis - laminectomy 

Stenosis - pulmonary valve 

Stenosis - renal artery 


Step 1: Introduction to the bloodless approach 
(Care Guide)

Step 1: Taking charge 
(Care Guide)

Step 1: Taking control of asthma 
(Care Guide)

Step 1: The benefits of a healthy weight 
(Care Guide)

Step 1: The dangers of high cholesterol 
(Care Guide)

Step 1: Understanding morbid obesity 
(Care Guide)

Step 1: Welcome! 
(Care Guide)

Step 1: What is an allergy? 
(Care Guide)

Step 1: What is blood pressure? 
(Care Guide)

Step 1: What is diabetes? 
(Care Guide)

Step 1: What is low back pain? 
(Care Guide)

Step 1: What is osteoarthritis? 
(Care Guide)

Step 10: Avoid long-term complications 
(Care Guide)

Step 10: Change your work habits 
(Care Guide)

Step 10: Choosing a weight loss program  
(Care Guide)

Step 10: Drug therapy 
(Care Guide)

Step 10: Make "peak flow" a habit! 
(Care Guide)

Step 10: Over-the-counter versus prescription drugs 
(Care Guide)

Step 10: Overcoming roadblocks 
(Care Guide)

Step 10: Post-surgical lifestyle changes 
(Care Guide)

Step 10: Recognize medical emergencies 
(Care Guide)

Step 10: Weight control and exercise 
(Care Guide)

Step 11: Avoid asthma triggers 
(Care Guide)

Step 11: Immunotherapy 
(Care Guide)

Step 11: Living with osteoarthritis 
(Care Guide)

Step 11: Long-term complications 
(Care Guide)

Step 11: Medication and surgery 
(Care Guide)

Step 11: Medications 
(Care Guide)

Step 11: Monitor your blood pressure at home 
(Care Guide)

Step 12: Maintain regular check-ups 
(Care Guide)

Step 12: Other treatments 
(Care Guide)

Step 12: Visit your doctor regularly 
(Care Guide)

Step 12: You and your doctor are a team 
(Care Guide)

Step 12: You and your doctor are a team 
(Care Guide)

Step 13: The healthcare team 
(Care Guide)

Step 2: Know your back anatomy 
(Care Guide)

Step 2: Symptoms 
(Care Guide)

Step 2: Take high blood pressure seriously 
(Care Guide)

Step 2: The benefits of exercise 
(Care Guide)

Step 2: The components of blood 
(Care Guide)

Step 2: The health risks of obesity 
(Care Guide)

Step 2: The role of the immune system 
(Care Guide)

Step 2: Types of cholesterol 
(Care Guide)

Step 2: What is asthma? 
(Care Guide)

Step 2: What is diabetes? 
(Care Guide)

Step 2: What is your ideal weight? 
(Care Guide)

Step 2: Who gets type 2 diabetes? 
(Care Guide)

Step 3: Before you begin 
(Care Guide)

Step 3: Causes 
(Care Guide)

Step 3: Causes and medical considerations 
(Care Guide)

Step 3: Causes of low back pain 
(Care Guide)

Step 3: How do you know if you have diabetes? 
(Care Guide)

Step 3: Know the signs 
(Care Guide)

Step 3: Symptoms of diabetes 
(Care Guide)

Step 3: Treatment overview 
(Care Guide)

Step 3: What causes high blood pressure? 
(Care Guide)

Step 3: What causes high cholesterol? 
(Care Guide)

Step 3: What substances cause allergies?  
(Care Guide)

Step 3: Why people choose bloodless medicine 
(Care Guide)

Step 4: Allergy-related conditions 
(Care Guide)

Step 4: Are you at risk? 
(Care Guide)

Step 4: Benefits and risks 
(Care Guide)

Step 4: Diagnosing diabetes 
(Care Guide)

Step 4: How asthma is diagnosed 
(Care Guide)

Step 4: How much exercise is enough? 
(Care Guide)

Step 4: How osteoarthritis is diagnosed 
(Care Guide)

Step 4: How to lose weight the healthy way 
(Care Guide)

Step 4: How weight loss surgery might help 
(Care Guide)

Step 4: Symptoms of high cholesterol 
(Care Guide)

Step 4: Who gets high blood pressure 
(Care Guide)

Step 4: You are in charge - design a treatment plan 
(Care Guide)

Step 5: Cholesterol screening and testing 
(Care Guide)

Step 5: Gastric bypass surgery 
(Care Guide)

Step 5: High blood pressure is "silent" 
(Care Guide)

Step 5: Modify your diet 
(Care Guide)

Step 5: Monitor your blood sugar 
(Care Guide)

Step 5: Overview of arthritis treatment 
(Care Guide)

Step 5: Should you see an allergist? 
(Care Guide)

Step 5: Surgeries that can use bloodless methods 
(Care Guide)

Step 5: The levels of severity 
(Care Guide)

Step 5: Types of exercise 
(Care Guide)

Step 5: What to do when pain begins  
(Care Guide)

Step 5: Your management program 
(Care Guide)

Step 6: Allergy testing and diagnosis 
(Care Guide)

Step 6: Create healthy food habits  
(Care Guide)

Step 6: Determine your goals and expectations 
(Care Guide)

Step 6: Diagnosing high blood pressure 
(Care Guide)

Step 6: Heat and cold therapy 
(Care Guide)

Step 6: Lose weight and follow the right diet 
(Care Guide)

Step 6: Maintain healthy habits 
(Care Guide)

Step 6: Preparing for bloodless surgery 
(Care Guide)

Step 6: Seeing your doctor 
(Care Guide)

Step 6: Use insulin every day 
(Care Guide)

Step 6: Vertical sleeve gastrectomy 
(Care Guide)

Step 6: Why use weights? 
(Care Guide)

Step 7: Asthma drugs 
(Care Guide)

Step 7: Cholesterol-lowering drugs 
(Care Guide)

Step 7: Exercise  
(Care Guide)

Step 7: Follow a meal plan 
(Care Guide)

Step 7: Follow-up office visits 
(Care Guide)

Step 7: Get moving 
(Care Guide)

Step 7: Introduction to allergy treatment 
(Care Guide)

Step 7: Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding 
(Care Guide)

Step 7: Pain medication 
(Care Guide)

Step 7: Strategies and techniques during surgery 
(Care Guide)

Step 7: Warm up, cool down, and stretch 
(Care Guide)

Step 7: What tests might be ordered? 
(Care Guide)

Step 8: Avoid allergy triggers 
(Care Guide)

Step 8: Drug delivery devices 
(Care Guide)

Step 8: Drugs and insulin 
(Care Guide)

Step 8: Monitor blood glucose 
(Care Guide)

Step 8: Other options 
(Care Guide)

Step 8: Post-surgery 
(Care Guide)

Step 8: Post-surgical nutrition 
(Care Guide)

Step 8: Small steps add up 
(Care Guide)

Step 8: Stay safe  
(Care Guide)

Step 8: Treatment overview 
(Care Guide)

Step 8: When is low back pain a serious sign? 
(Care Guide)

Step 8: You and your doctor are a team 
(Care Guide)

Step 9: Exercise and physical therapy 
(Care Guide)

Step 9: Exercise is important! 
(Care Guide)

Step 9: Just getting out the door 
(Care Guide)

Step 9: Maintain healthy habits 
(Care Guide)

Step 9: Post-surgical exercise 
(Care Guide)

Step 9: Treat low blood sugar 
(Care Guide)

Step 9: Types of allergy medication 
(Care Guide)

Step 9: Understand your action plan 
(Care Guide)

Step 9: Unproven remedies 
(Care Guide)

Step 9: You can do it! 
(Care Guide)

Steps to Prevent a Cold 
(Newsletter Article)

Steps to take before you get pregnant 
(Cancer Center)

Stereotactic body radiotherapy 

Stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT)-radiation therapy 
(Special Topic)

Stereotactic brain biopsy 

Stereotactic brain biopsy - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Stereotactic breast biopsy 
(Medical Test)

Stereotactic craniotomy 

Stereotactic craniotomy - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Stereotactic radiosurgery 

Stereotactic radiosurgery - CyberKnife 

Stereotactic radiosurgery - discharge  
(Cancer Center)

Stereotactic radiosurgery - Gamma Knife 

Stereotactic radiotherapy 

Stereotactic radiotherapy 

Stereotactic radiotherapy (SRT)-radiation therapy 
(Special Topic)

Stereotactic radiotherapy - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Stereotactic transperineal prostate biopsy (STPB) 
(Medical Test)

Stereotypic movement disorder 

Sterile gloves 
(Cancer Center)

Sterile technique 
(Cancer Center)

Sterilization surgery - female - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Sternal dehiscence 

Sternal exploration or closure 

Sternal infection 

Sternal tap 
(Medical Test)


Steroid injection - back 

Steroid injection - epidural 

Steroid injections - tendon, bursa, joint 

Steroid nasal sprays 
(Cancer Center)

Stevens-Johnson syndrome 

STI - chancroid 

STI - chlamydia 

STI - donovanosis 

STI - syphilis 

STI - trichomonas vaginitis 

Stiff heart syndrome 

Stiff lung 

Stiff neck  

Stiff shoulder - aftercare 
(Cancer Center)

Stiffness in a joint 

Still disease 

(Cancer Center)

Still's disease 

Still's disease - adult 

Stimulant - substance use 
(Cancer Center)

(Special Topic)

(Special Topic)


Stings - marine animals 


Stoddard solvent poisoning 

Stomach cancer 

Stomach cancer - gastrectomy 

Stomach flu 

Stomach flu - dehydration 

Stomach pain 

Stomach pain in children 

Stomach pumping 
(Medical Test)

Stomach tube insertion 

Stomach tube insertion-discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Stomach upset 


Stomatitis – herpetic 

Stomatitis - herpetic 

Stomatitis - ulcerative 

Stonefish sting 

Stones - bladder 

Stones - cystine 

Stones - kidney 

Stones - kidney - InDepth 

Stones - kidney - self-care 
(Cancer Center)

Stones and kidney - self-care 
(Cancer Center)

Stones and kidney - self-care 
(Cancer Center)

Stool - Gram stain 
(Medical Test)

Stool - trypsin and chymotrypsin 
(Medical Test)

Stool C difficile toxin 
(Medical Test)

Stool culture 
(Medical Test)

Stool DNA test 
(Special Topic)

Stool DNA test - Cologuard 
(Medical Test)

Stool Gram stain 
(Medical Test)

Stool guaiac test 
(Medical Test)

Stool incontinence - devices 
(Special Topic)

Stool O and P 
(Medical Test)

Stool occult blood test - flushable home test 
(Medical Test)

Stool occult blood test - guaiac smear 
(Medical Test)

Stool occult blood test -- guaiac smear 
(Medical Test)

Stool ova and parasites exam 
(Medical Test)

Stool smear 
(Medical Test)

Stool transplant 

Stools – floating 

Stools - black or tarry 

Stools - bloody 

Stools - foul smelling 

Stools - pale or clay-colored 

Stools - watery 

Stop smoking support programs 
(Special Topic)

Stop smoking techniques 
(Special Topic)

Stop the Busy Work Do Great Work  
(Newsletter Article)

Stop the Madness 
(Newsletter Article)

Storing your medicines 
(Cancer Center)

Stork bite 


Strabismus repair 

Strabismus repair - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Straddle injury 

Strained iliopsoas muscle - aftercare 
(Cancer Center)


Strange Ways to Treat Medical Conditions 
(Newsletter Article)


Strategies for getting through labor 

Strategies for getting through labor 
(Cancer Center)

Strawberry mark 

Strawberry nevus 

Streeter dysplasia 

Streeter's dysplasia 

Strep - ecthyma 

Strep - impetigo 

Strep infection - erysipelas 

Strep infection - scarlet fever 

Strep throat 

Strep throat - anti-DNase B test 
(Medical Test)

Strep throat - guttate psoriasis 

Strep throat - InDepth 

Strep throat - rheumatic fever 

Strep throat - Sydenham chorea 

Streptobacillary fever 


Streptococcal - Sydenham chorea 

Streptococcal infection - erysipelas 

Streptococcal pharyngitis 

Streptococcal proctitis 

Streptococcal screen 
(Medical Test)

Streptococcus - ecthyma 

Streptococcus - impetigo 

Streptococcus - rheumatic fever 

Streptococcus - scarlet fever 

Streptococcus - Sydenham chorea 

Streptococcus pyogenes - rheumatic fever 

Streptococcus viridans - endocarditis 

Streptococcus viridians - endocarditis - children 

Streptococcus viridians - endocarditis - children 

Streptokinase (SK) 
(Special Topic)


(Women's Center)

Stress - COPD 
(Cancer Center)

Stress - InDepth 

Stress - managing 
(Special Topic)

Stress - recognizing 
(Special Topic)

Stress - relaxation techniques 
(Special Topic)

Stress - traumatic events in children 
(Cancer Center)

Stress and your health 

Stress and your heart 
(Cancer Center)

Stress ECG 
(Medical Test)

Stress echocardiography 
(Medical Test)

Stress fracture 

Stress in childhood 
(Special Topic)

Stress incontinence 

Stress incontinence - care at home 
(Cancer Center)

Stress survey 

Stress test - echocardiography 
(Medical Test)

Stress test - exercise treadmill 
(Medical Test)

Stress test - nuclear 
(Medical Test)

Stress urinary incontinence 

Stress urinary incontinence 
(Cancer Center)

Stress urinary incontinence - vaginal wall repair 

Stretch marks 

(Care Guide)

Stretching back of your shoulder 


Striae atrophica 

Striae distensae 


String test for intestinal parasites 
(Medical Test)

Strip craniectomy 

Strip craniectomy - discharge 
(Cancer Center)



Stroke - aphasia 
(Cancer Center)

Stroke - AVM 

Stroke - butter 
(Cancer Center)

Stroke - carotid artery 

Stroke - carotid duplex 
(Medical Test)

Stroke - cholesterol and lifestyle 
(Cancer Center)

Stroke - CTA neck 
(Medical Test)

Stroke - Description, causes, risks and treatment  

Stroke - dietary fats 
(Cancer Center)

Stroke - dietary fats: Atherosclerosis - dietary fats 
(Cancer Center)

Stroke - discharge  
(Cancer Center)

Stroke - hemorrhagic 

Stroke - hemorrhagic - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Stroke - hemorrhagic - InDepth 

Stroke - InDepth 

Stroke - ischemic 

Stroke - ischemic - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Stroke - ischemic - InDepth 

Stroke - monounsaturated fat 
(Cancer Center)

Stroke - polyunsaturated fat 
(Cancer Center)

Stroke - prevention 
(Cancer Center)

Stroke - prevention 
(Cancer Center)

Stroke - recovery 
(Special Topic)

Stroke - saturated fat 
(Cancer Center)

Stroke - series 

Stroke - thrombolysis 
(Special Topic)

Stroke - thrombolytic 
(Special Topic)

Stroke - thrombolytic therapy 
(Special Topic)

Stroke - trans fat 
(Cancer Center)

Stroke - transient 
(Heart Center)

Stroke rehabilitation 
(Special Topic)

Stroke risk factors 
(Cancer Center)

Stroke secondary to atrial fibrillation - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Stroke video 
(Care Guide)

Stroke-CTA head 
(Medical Test)

Stroke-CTA neck 
(Medical Test)


Strongyloidiasis - ova and parasites 
(Medical Test)

Strongyloidiasis - ova and parasites Taeniasis - ova and parasites 
(Medical Test)

Struvite - stones 

Struvite - stones - InDepth 



STSG - self-care 
(Cancer Center)

Stuart-Prower deficiency 

Stuart-Prower factor 
(Medical Test)

Student's elbow 

Students need access to their medications 
(Care Guide)

Stuffy nose 

Stuffy or runny nose – adult 

Stuffy or runny nose - children 

Stump care 

Stump care 
(Cancer Center)


Sturge-Weber syndrome 


Stuttgart disease 



Sub-acute rehab 
(Cancer Center)

Sub-Q injections 
(Cancer Center)

Subacute combined degeneration 

Subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord 

Subacute granulomatous thyroiditis 

Subacute lymphocytic thyroiditis 

Subacute nonsuppurative thyroiditis 

Subacute sclerosing leukoencephalitis 

Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis 

Subacute thyroiditis 

Subarachnoid anesthesia 

Subarachnoid bleeding 

Subarachnoid hemorrhage 

Subarachnoid hemorrhage - aneurysm 

Subareolar abscess 

Subclavian artery occlusive syndrome 

Subclavian port 
(Cancer Center)

Subclavian steal syndrome 

Subconjunctival hemorrhage 

(Special Topic)

Subcutaneous (SQ) injections 
(Cancer Center)

Subcutaneous abscess 

Subcutaneous air 

Subcutaneous emphysema 

Subcutaneous mastectomy 

Subcutaneous mastectomy - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Subdural effusion 

Subdural hematoma  

Subdural hematoma - chronic 

Subdural hemorrhage 

Subdural hemorrhage - chronic 

Subdural hygroma 

Subfalcine herniation 

Sublingual space infection 

Submandibular space infection 

Submucus resection of the septum 
(Cancer Center)

Substance abuse 

Substance abuse 
(Special Topic)

Substance abuse - amphetamines 
(Cancer Center)

Substance abuse - cocaine 
(Cancer Center)

Substance abuse - cocaine withdrawal 

Substance abuse - inhalants 
(Cancer Center)

Substance abuse - LSD 
(Cancer Center)

Substance abuse - marijuana 
(Cancer Center)

Substance abuse - opiate withdrawal 

Substance abuse - phencyclidine 
(Cancer Center)

Substance abuse - prescription drugs 
(Cancer Center)

Substance abuse - teenagers 
(Special Topic)

Substance abuse recovery and diet 
(Special Topic)

Substance abuse-teenages: 
(Special Topic)

Substance misuse 

Substance use  
(Special Topic)

Substance use - alcohol 

Substance use - alcohol - InDepth 

Substance use - amphetamines 
(Cancer Center)

Substance use - cocaine 
(Cancer Center)

Substance use - cocaine withdrawal 

Substance use - inhalants 
(Cancer Center)

Substance use - LSD 
(Cancer Center)

Substance use - marijuana 
(Cancer Center)

Substance use - opiate withdrawal 

Substance use - phencyclidine (PCP) 
(Cancer Center)

Substance use - prescription drugs 
(Cancer Center)

Substance use - resources 
(Special Topic)

Substance use - resources, Drug abuse - resources 
(Special Topic)

Substance use disorder 

Substance use disorder - infant 
(Special Topic)

Substance use disorder - prescription drugs 
(Cancer Center)

Substance use recovery and diet 
(Special Topic)

Substernalthyroid - surgery 

Subthalamic deep brain stimulation 

Subtotal colectomy 

Subtotal colectomy 

Subtotal colectomy - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Subtotal thyroidectomy 

Subtotal thyroidectomy - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Subtrochanteric fracture repair 

Subtrochanteric fracture repair - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Subungual hematoma 
(Cancer Center)

Subungual warts 

Subvastus knee replacement 

Sucrose hemolysis test 
(Medical Test)

Sudden cardiac arrest 

Sudden cardiac arrest, SCA 

Sudden increased intracranial pressure 

Sudden infant death syndrome 

Sudden sniffing death syndrome 

Sudeck atrophy 

Sudeck's atrophy 

Sugar alternatives 

Sugar-water hemolysis test 
(Medical Test)


Suggestions For Employers  

Suicide and suicidal behavior 

Suitcase elbow 

(Medical Test)

Sulfite poisoning 

Sulfonylurea overdose 

Sulfuric acid poisoning 

Sulindac overdose 

Sumac - poisonous 

Summer Vacationing on a Shoestring Budget 
(Newsletter Article)

Sun protection 
(Cancer Center)

Sun-induced skin changes - keratosis 

Sun-induced skin changes - liver spots 


(Women's Center)

Sundowning - care 
(Cancer Center)

Sunken chest 

Sunken chest repair 

Sunken fontanelles 

Sunscreen - swallowing 

Sunscreen poisoning 

Super Glue 

(Cancer Center)

Superficial spreading melanoma 

Superficial spreading melanoma - InDepth 

Superficial thrombophlebitis 

Superior vena cava obstruction 

Superior vena cava syndrome 

Supernumerary digits 

Supernumerary nipples 

Support groups - by disease and condition 
(Special Topic)

Support stockings 
(Cancer Center)

Supporting your child with weight loss 
(Cancer Center)

Supracervical hysterectomy 

Supracervical hysterectomy - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Supracervical hysterectomy - discharge 
(Cancer Center)


Supranuclear ophthalmoplegia 

Suprapubic catheter care 
(Cancer Center)

Suprapubic catheters 
(Special Topic)

Suprapubic prostatectomy 

Suprapubic tube 
(Cancer Center)

Supraventricular arrhythmia 

Supraventricular tachycardia 

Surface echo 
(Medical Test)

Surface echo - children 
(Medical Test)

Surgeries to Improve Fertility 
(Cancer Center)

Surgery - ankle - arthroscopic 

Surgery - ankle - arthroscopy 

Surgery - appendectomy 

Surgery - bone graft 

Surgery - brain 

Surgery - brain - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Surgery - carpal tunnel 

Surgery - child 
(Cancer Center)

Surgery - clear liquid diet 
(Cancer Center)

Surgery - compartment syndrome 

Surgery - full liquid diet 
(Cancer Center)

Surgery - gallbladder - laparoscopic 

Surgery - gallbladder - open 

Surgery - general anesthesia 

Surgery - knee - cartilage 

Surgery - knee - meniscus transplant 

Surgery - low fiber diet 
(Cancer Center)

Surgery - quitting smoking 
(Cancer Center)

Surgery - quitting tobacco 
(Cancer Center)

Surgery - rotator cuff 

Surgery - shoulder - rotator cuff 

Surgery - stomach removal 

Surgery - wrist - arthroscopic 

Surgery - wrist - arthroscopy 

Surgery for pancreatic cancer 

Surgery for pancreatic cancer - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Surgery for pilonidal cyst  

Surgery using a laser 

Surgical drain 
(Cancer Center)

Surgical drain 
(Cancer Center)

Surgical emphysema 

Surgical excision 
(Special Topic)

Surgical incision care 
(Cancer Center)

Surgical incision care 
(Cancer Center)

Surgical nail avlusion 

Surgical nail avulsion 

Surgical procedure - adult 
(Cancer Center)

Surgical procedure - child 
(Cancer Center)

Surgical site infection - SSI 

Surgical weight loss guide 
(Care Guide)

Surgical weight loss: Biliopancreatic diversion 
(Care Guide)

Surgical weight loss: Key points 
(Care Guide)

Surgical weight loss: Personal stories 
(Care Guide)

Surgical weight loss: Personal story 
(Care Guide)

Surgical weight loss: Personal story 
(Care Guide)

Surgical weight loss: Personal story 
(Care Guide)

Surgical wound - wound center 
(Cancer Center)

Surgical wound care - closed 
(Cancer Center)

Surgical wound care - open 
(Cancer Center)

Surgical wound infection – treatment 

Surprising Facts About Coffee 
(Newsletter Article)

Surprising Strategies for Happiness and Success 
(Newsletter Article)

Survey Results 
(Newsletter Article)

Survey Results - New Year’s Resolutions 
(Newsletter Article)

Survey Results - Spring Cleaning 
(Newsletter Article)

Survey Results - Thanksgiving Tradition 
(Newsletter Article)

Survey Results - What Kind of Pet do You Have? 
(Newsletter Article)

Survey Results: Spring Exercise 
(Newsletter Article)

Survey Results: Holiday Stress 
(Newsletter Article)

Survey Results: Independence Day 
(Newsletter Article)

Survey Results: Scary Movies 
(Newsletter Article)

Survey Results: Your Picks For Top Summer Yummies! 
(Newsletter Article)

Survey Review: Favorite Breakfasts 
(Newsletter Article)

Survey says... 

Survey Winner: Going “Green” Ideas 
(Newsletter Article)

Survey Winner: Going “Green” Ideas 
(Newsletter Article)

Survey Winner: Here's What You Love About Fall 
(Newsletter Article)

Survey Winner: April Fools Day 
(Newsletter Article)

Survey Winner: Dream Vacation 
(Newsletter Article)

Survey Winner: Economizing 
(Newsletter Article)

Survey Winner: Fave Social Media 
(Newsletter Article)

Survey Winner: How Does Your Garden Grow 
(Newsletter Article)

Survey Winner: How You’re Making the Holidays Greener  
(Newsletter Article)

Survey Winner: New Years Resolution 
(Newsletter Article)

Survey Winner: Personalizing Your Workspace 
(Newsletter Article)

Survey Winner: Valentines Day 
(Newsletter Article)

Survey Winner: Valentines Day 
(Newsletter Article)

Survey Winner: Ways to Cool Off This Summer 
(Newsletter Article)

Survey Winner: Ways to Cool Off This Summer 
(Newsletter Article)

Survey Winner: Ways to Save 
(Newsletter Article)

Survey Winner: You Dressed Up As What? 
(Newsletter Article)

Survey: How Do You Make the Holidays Greener? 

Survey: How Does Your Garden Grow? 

Survey: Money Saving Techniques 

Survival - cancer 
(Cancer Center)

Survival curve 
(Cancer Center)

Sustained virologic response - hepatitis C 

Sutures - cranial 
(Special Topic)

Sutures - ridged 

Sutures - separated 


SVC obstruction 

SVR - hepatitis C 


Swab for respiratory viruses 
(Medical Test)

Swab for staph carriage 
(Medical Test)

Swallowing - pain or burning 

Swallowing batteries 

Swallowing chalk 

Swallowing difficulty 

Swallowing pencils 

Swallowing problems 

Swallowing problems 
(Cancer Center)

Swallowing problems  
(Cancer Center)

Swallowing problems - achalasia 

Swallowing problems - esophageal ring 

Swallowing problems for liquids and solids 

Swallowing shampoo 

Swallowing soap 

Swallowing sunscreen 

Swamp fever 

Swan-Ganz - right heart catheterization 
(Medical Test)


Sweat - cold 

Sweat chloride 
(Medical Test)

Sweat electrolytes test 
(Medical Test)

Sweat test 
(Medical Test)


Sweating - excessive 

Sweetened beverages 
(Cancer Center)

Sweeteners - sugar substitutes 

Sweeteners - sugars 

Sweeteners and sugar substitutes 
(Care Guide)


Swelling in the abdomen 

Swelling of a joint 

Swelling of the ankles - feet - legs 

Swelling of the face 

Swelling of the scrotum 

Swimmer's ear  

Swimmer's itch 

Swimmer's shoulder 

Swimming pool cleaner poisoning 

Swimming pool granuloma 

Swine flu 

Swine Flu 
(Newsletter Article)

Swine flu (H1N1) - what to ask your doctor - child 
(Cancer Center)

Swineherd's disease 

Swollen belly 

Swollen eye or conjunctiva 

Swollen glands 

Swollen gums 

Swollen lymph nodes 

Swollen uvula 



Sydenham chorea 

Sympathectomy - endoscopic thoracic 

Sympathectomy -- endoscopic thoracic 

Sympathetic hyperreflexia 

Symptom Navigator 

Symptom Navigator - widget 

(Special Topic)

Symptoms of drug use in teenagers 
(Special Topic)

Symptoms of pulmonary hypertension 

Synacthen stimulation test 
(Medical Test)


(Heart Center)

Syncope - first aid 

Syncope - Holter 
(Medical Test)


Syndactyly release 

Syndactyly repair 

Syndesmosis injury - aftercare 
(Cancer Center)

Syndrome of inappropriate ADH release 

Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis 

Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion 

Syndrome X 


Synostectomy - discharge 
(Cancer Center)


Synovectomy - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Synovectomy - knee 

Synovial biopsy 
(Medical Test)

Synovial fluid analysis 
(Medical Test)

Synovial sarcoma 

Synovitis - synovial biopsy 
(Medical Test)

Synovitis - toxic 


Syphilis - neurosyphilis 

Syphilis - VDRL 
(Medical Test)

Syphilis screening test 
(Medical Test)

Syphilitic aneurysm 

Syphilitic aseptic meningitis 

Syphilitic myeloneuropathy 

Syphilitic myelopathy 



(Special Topic)

Systemic exertion intolerance disease (SEID) 

Systemic exertion intolerance disease (SEID) - InDepth 

Systemic inflammatory response syndrome 

Systemic lupus erythematosus 

Systemic lupus erythematosus  
(Women's Center)

Systemic lupus erythematosus - ANA 
(Medical Test)

Systemic lupus erythematosus - InDepth 

Systemic lupus erythematosus - Raynaud 

Systemic necrotizing vasculitis 

Systemic sclerosis 

Systemic sclerosis - InDepth 

Systolic blood pressure 
(Medical Test)

Systolic click-murmur syndrome 

Systolic heart murmur 
