HealthSearch Help
Medical Code

I-131 therapy 

(Special Topic)

I2S deficiency 


IABP - heart failure 
(Cancer Center)

(Medical Test)

Iatrogenic Cushing syndrome 


Ibandronate (Boniva) 
(Cancer Center)


IBD - Crohn disease 

IBD - Crohn disease - InDepth 

IBD - Crohn's disease 

IBD - ileostomy discharge 
(Cancer Center)

IBD - irritable bowel 

IBD - living with 
(Cancer Center)

IBD - stoma care 
(Cancer Center)

IBD - ulcerative colitis 

IBD - ulcerative colitis - InDepth 

IBD in children - Crohn disease 
(Cancer Center)

IBD- Crohn's disease 


(Cancer Center)

IBS - aftercare 
(Cancer Center)


(Cancer Center)


(Cancer Center)

Ibuprofen dosing for children 
(Cancer Center)

Ibuprofen overdose 




ICD - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Ice overdose 


Ichthyosis congenital 

Ichthyosis vulgaris 


ICP - raised 

ICP monitoring 
(Medical Test)

ICSH - blood test 
(Medical Test)

Icterohemorrhagic fever 


Icterus intermittens juvenilis 


Identical Twins 

Idiopathic cardiomyopathy 

Idiopathic diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis 

Idiopathic epilepsy and seizures 

Idiopathic fibrous hyperplasia 

Idiopathic hypercalciuria 

Idiopathic hypersomnia 

Idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis 

Idiopathic intestinal pseudo-obstruction 

Idiopathic intracranial hypertension 

Idiopathic intracranial hypertension 

Idiopathic myelofibrosis 

Idiopathic myocardial fibrosis 

Idiopathic nephrotic syndrome of childhood 

Idiopathic orbital inflammatory syndrome (IOIS) 

Idiopathic peripheral facial palsy 

Idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension 

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis 

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis - home oxygen 
(Cancer Center)

Idiopathic pulmonary pneumonitis (IPP) 

Idiopathic pulmonary pneumonitis - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis 

Idiopathic rhinitis 

Idiopathic short stature 

Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura - platelet antibody 
(Medical Test)

Idiopathic transverse myelitis 


Iduronate 2-sulfatase deficiency 

Iduronate sulfatase deficiency 


IEP - serum 
(Medical Test)

IEP - urine 
(Medical Test)


(Cancer Center)


IgA deficiency 

IgA nephropathy 

IgA vasculitis - Henoch-Schonlein purpura 

IgA vasculitis - Henoch-Schönlein purpura 





ILC - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Ileal conduit 
(Cancer Center)

Ileal conduit 
(Cancer Center)

Ileal pouch - anal anastomosis - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Ileal pouch-anal anastomosis 

Ileal-anal anastomosis - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Ileal-anal pouch 

Ileal-anal pouch - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Ileal-anal resection 

Ileal-anal resection - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Ileal-anal reservoir surgery 

Ileal-anal reservoir surgery - discharge 
(Cancer Center)


Ileitis - children 
(Cancer Center)

Ileitis - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Ileitis - ileostomy discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Ileitis - InDepth 

Ileitis - living with 
(Cancer Center)

Ileorectal anastomosis 


Ileostomy - caring for your stoma 
(Cancer Center)

Ileostomy - changing your pouch 
(Cancer Center)

Ileostomy - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Ileostomy - pouch change 
(Cancer Center)

Ileostomy - stoma and pouch 

Ileostomy - types 
(Cancer Center)

Ileostomy - what to ask your doctor  
(Cancer Center)

Ileostomy and your child 
(Cancer Center)

Ileostomy and your diet 
(Cancer Center)


Ileus - repair 

Iliac artery - angioplasty 

Iliac artery -angioplasty 

iliac artery-angioplasty 

Iliac crest tap 
(Medical Test)

Ilio-bifemoral bypass 

Ilio-bifemoral bypass - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Iliopsoas strain - aftercare 
(Cancer Center)

Iliotibial band friction syndrome - aftercare 
(Cancer Center)

Iliotibial band syndrome - aftercare 
(Cancer Center)

Illicit drug abuse 
(Special Topic)

Illicit drug use 

Illness anxiety disorder 

Illness anxiety disorder 


Image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) 
(Special Topic)

Imaging and radiology 
(Special Topic)


Imipramine overdose 

Immature teratoma 

Immittance testing 
(Medical Test)

Immune dysfunction syndrome 

Immune hemolytic anemia 

Immune hemolytic anemia secondary to drugs 

Immune response 
(Special Topic)

Immune thrombocytopenia 

Immune thrombocytopenia - drug 

Immune thrombocytopenic purpura 

Immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) 

(Special Topic)

Immunization - HPV 
(Special Topic)

(Special Topic)

Immunizations - InDepth 

Immunizations for people with diabetes 
(Cancer Center)

(Special Topic)

Immunize - InDepth 

Immunochemical fecal occult blood test 
(Cancer Center)

Immunodeficiency disorders 

Immunodepressed - agammaglobulinemia 

Immunodepressed - IgA deficiency 

Immunodepressed - immunodeficiency 

Immunoelectrophoresis – blood 
(Medical Test)

Immunoelectrophoresis - urine 
(Medical Test)

Immunofixation - urine 
(Medical Test)

Immunofixation blood test 
(Medical Test)

Immunoglobulin A vasculitis 

Immunoglobulin electrophoresis - blood 
(Medical Test)

Immunoglobulin electrophoresis - urine 
(Medical Test)

Immunoglobulin light chain amyloidosis 

Immunoglobulin light chains - urine 
(Medical Test)

Immunoreactive trypsin 
(Medical Test)

Immunoreactive trypsinogen 
(Medical Test)

Immunosuppressed - agammaglobulinemia 

Immunosuppressed - IgA deficiency 

Immunosuppressed - immunodeficiency 


Immunosuppression - agammaglobulinemia 

Immunosuppression - drinking water safely 
(Cancer Center)

Immunosuppression - eating safely 
(Cancer Center)

Immunotherapy for cancer 
(Cancer Center)

Immunotherapy: questions to ask your doctor 
(Cancer Center)

Impacted tooth 

Impaction - encopresis 

Impaction of the bowels 

Impaired fasting glucose - prediabetes 
(Cancer Center)

Impaired glucose tolerance - prediabetes 
(Cancer Center)

Impaired memory 

Impaired swallowing 

Impaired vision 

Impairment of speech 

Impairment of speech 

Imperforate anus 

Imperforate anus repair 

Imperforate hymen 
(Cancer Center)


Implant therapy - prostate cancer 

Implant therapy - prostate cancer - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Implantable cardiac defibrillator 

Implantable cardiac defibrillator 
(Cancer Center)

Implantable cardioverter defibrillator - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator 

Implantable ventricular assist device 

Implants - breast 

Implants - breast - discharge 
(Cancer Center)


Impotence - InDepth 

Impotence caused by medications 
(Special Topic)

Impotence caused by medicines 
(Special Topic)

Improve your indoor air quality 
(Care Guide)

IMPT (intensity modulated proton therapy) 
(Special Topic)

Impulse control problem - child 

IMRT - breast cancer WBRT 



Inability to speak 

Inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone 

Inborn errors of metabolism 


Incest - resources 
(Special Topic)

(Special Topic)

Incision closures 

Incision closures 
(Cancer Center)

Incisional biopsy - skin 
(Medical Test)

Inclusion cyst 

Incompetent cervix 
(Cancer Center)

Incomplete male pseudohermaphroditism 

Incomplete protein 

Incomplete testicular feminization 


Incontinence - bed sore 
(Special Topic)

Incontinence - bowel 

Incontinence - care 
(Cancer Center)

Incontinence - InDepth 

Incontinence - pressure sore 
(Special Topic)

Incontinence - pressure ulcer 
(Special Topic)

Incontinence - prolapse 

Incontinence - resources 
(Special Topic)

Incontinence - skin care 
(Special Topic)

Incontinence - stool 

Incontinence - stress 

Incontinence - ureterocele 

Incontinence - urge 

Incontinence - urinary 

Incontinence - urinary 
(Women's Center)

Incontinence - urinary - InDepth 

Incontinence devices 
(Special Topic)

Incontinence - skin care 
(Special Topic)

Incontinentia pigmenti 

Incontinentia pigmenti  

Incontinentia pigmenti achromians 

Increased appetite 

Increased head circumference 

Increased intracranial pressure 

Increased muscle tension - care 
(Cancer Center)

Increased thirst 

Increased-permeability pulmonary edema 

India rubber skin 

Indian turnip poisoning 


Indirect antiglobulin test 
(Medical Test)

Indirect bilirubin - blood 
(Medical Test)

Indirect laryngoscopy 
(Medical Test)

Indium scan 
(Medical Test)

Indium-labeled white blood cell scan 
(Medical Test)

Indium-labelled WBC scan 
(Medical Test)

Indium-labelled white blood cell scan 
(Medical Test)


Indomethacin overdose 

Indoor fitness routine 
(Cancer Center)

Inducing labor 
(Cancer Center)


Industrial bronchitis 

Indwelling catheter 
(Special Topic)

Indwelling catheter care 
(Cancer Center)

Infant - newborn development 
(Special Topic)

Infant - yellow skin 

Infant bathing 
(Cancer Center)

Infant botulism 

Infant botulism 

Infant car seats 
(Cancer Center)

Infant Formula - buying, preparing, storing, and feeding 
(Cancer Center)

Infant formulas 

Infant Formulas 

Infant of a substance-using mother 
(Special Topic)

Infant of diabetic mother 

Infant open heart surgery 

Infant open heart surgery 
(Cancer Center)

Infant reflexes 

Infant respiratory distress syndrome 

Infant respiratory distress syndrome (IRDS) 

Infant screening tests 
(Medical Test)

Infant skin characteristics 
(Special Topic)

Infant test procedure preparation 
(Special Topic)

Infantile acrodermatitis 

Infantile colic 
(Pediatric Center)

Infantile colic - self-care 
(Cancer Center)

Infantile eczema 

Infantile eczema 
(Cancer Center)

Infantile hemangioendothelioma 

Infantile hemangioma 

Infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis 

Infantile paralysis 

Infantile polyarteritis 

Infantile pyloric stenosis - series 

Infantile scoliosis 

Infantile scoliosis - InDepth 

Infantile seborrheic dermatitis 

Infants - bedtime habits 
(Special Topic)

Infants - excessive crying 

Infarct - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Infarcted bowel - small intestine 

Infected Bartholin gland 

Infected Bartholin's gland 

Infected lymph vessels 

Infection – HIV 

Infection - bone 

Infection - bone - children 

Infection - breast tissue 

Infection - ear 

Infection - esophagus 

Infection - fungal - body 

Infection - fungal - feet 

Infection - fungal - groin 

Infection - fungal - nails 

Infection - fungal - scalp 

Infection - HIV 

Infection - inner ear 

Infection - inner ear - InDepth 

Infection - lymph vessels 

Infection - skin - staph 

Infection - skin around the nail 

Infection - surgical wound 

Infection - WBC count 
(Medical Test)

Infection control - central line infection 
(Cancer Center)

Infection control - wearing gloves 
(Cancer Center)

Infectious arthritis - fungal 

Infectious arthritis - viral 

Infectious diarrhea - bacterial gastroenteritis 

Infectious diarrhea - campylobacter enteritis 

Infectious diseases and travelers 
(Special Topic)

Infectious esophagitis 

Infectious granuloma - pulmonary nodule 

Infectious hepatitis 

Infectious hepatitis - children 

Infectious myringitis 

Infectious polyneuritis 

Infective endocarditis - children 

Infertility - An Overview 
(Cancer Center)

Infertility - Asherman 

Infertility - delayed ejaculation 

Infertility - hysterosalpingography 
(Medical Test)

Infertility - prolactin test 
(Medical Test)

Infertility - transvaginal ultrasound 
(Medical Test)

Infiltrating ductal carcinoma - male 

Infiltrating ductal carcinoma-male 

Infiltrative cardiomyopathy 

Inflamed gums 

Inflamed lymph vessels 

Inflammation - cervix 

Inflammation - conjunctiva 

Inflammation - esophagus 

Inflammation - heart muscle 

Inflammation - lymph vessels 

Inflammation - rectum 

Inflammation - sclera 

Inflammation of gums - involving bone 

Inflammation of gums - involving bone - InDepth 

Inflammation of the tendon sheath 

Inflammation of the vagina 

Inflammatory anemia 

Inflammatory bowel disease 
(Pediatric Center)

Inflammatory bowel disease - series 

Inflammatory bowel disease - Crohn disease 

Inflammatory bowel disease - Crohn disease - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Inflammatory bowel disease - Crohn's 
(Pediatric Center)

Inflammatory bowel disease - Crohn's disease 

Inflammatory bowel disease - Crohn's disease - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Inflammatory bowel disease - Crohn's disease - InDepth 

Inflammatory bowel disease - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Inflammatory bowel disease - ileostomy and your child 
(Cancer Center)

Inflammatory bowel disease - ileostomy and your diet 
(Cancer Center)

Inflammatory bowel disease - ileostomy and your ileostomy type 
(Cancer Center)

Inflammatory bowel disease - ileostomy and your pouch change 
(Cancer Center)

Inflammatory bowel disease - ileostomy discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Inflammatory bowel disease - living with 
(Cancer Center)

Inflammatory bowel disease - stoma care 
(Cancer Center)

Inflammatory bowel disease - toxic megacolon 

Inflammatory bowel disease - ulcerative colitis 

Inflammatory bowel disease - ulcerative colitis - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Inflammatory bowel disease - ulcerative colitis - InDepth 

Inflammatory bowel disease in children - Crohn disease 
(Cancer Center)

Inflammatory bowel disease in children - UC 
(Cancer Center)

Inflammatory breast cancer - male 

Inflammatory breast cancer-male 

Inflammatory fibrous hyperplasia 

Inflammatory injury of the kidney 

Inflammatory myopathies 

Inflammatory response 
(Special Topic)

Inflatable artificial sphincter 

Inflatable artificial sphincter - series 

(Pediatric Center)

Influenza (flu) vaccine (inactivated or recombinant) - what you need to know 
(Special Topic)

Influenza (flu) vaccine (live, intranasal) - what you need to know 
(Special Topic)

Influenza - InDepth 

Influenza - shots 
(Special Topic)

Influenza - what to ask your doctor - adult 
(Cancer Center)

Influenza - what to ask your doctor - child 
(Cancer Center)

Influenza A 

Influenza A - InDepth 

Influenza B 

Influenza B - InDepth 

Informed consent - adults 
(Cancer Center)

Infratentorial brain tumors 

(Cancer Center)

Infusion therapy - home 
(Cancer Center)

Ingrown toenail 

Ingrown toenail removal 

Ingrown toenail removal 
(Cancer Center)

Ingrown toenail removal - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Inguinal hernia 

Inguinal hernia repair 

Inguinal hernia repair - discharge  
(Cancer Center)

Inguinal lymphadenopathy 

Inguinal orchidopexy 

Inhaler propellants will be changing 
(Care Guide)

(Special Topic)

Inheritance - autosomal dominant 
(Special Topic)

Inheritance - autosomal recessive 
(Special Topic)

Inheritance - sex-linked dominant 
(Special Topic)

Inheritance - sex-linked recessive 
(Special Topic)

Inheritance patterns 
(Special Topic)

Inherited mutations 
(Cancer Center)

Inherited myopathy 

Inherited myopathy, MD 

Inherited variations 
(Cancer Center)

Inhibited sexual excitement 
(Special Topic)

Injectable bulking agents for stress urinary incontinence 

Injection laryngoplasty 

Injury - bladder and urethra 

Injury - inner ear 

Injury - kidney and ureter 

Injury - wrist 

Ink poisoning 

Ink remover poisoning 

Inkberry poisoning 

Innate immunity 
(Special Topic)

Innocent murmur 

Inorganic phosphate 
(Medical Test)

(Medical Test)

Insect bite 

Insect bites and stings 

Insect repellent safety 
(Special Topic)

Insect sting 

Insect stings 
(Care Guide)

Insecticide poisoning 

Insertion of tube into chest 

Insertional heel pain 

(Special Topic)

Insoluble vs. soluble fiber 
(Special Topic)



(Women's Center)

Insomnia - InDepth 

Insomnia - medicines 
(Cancer Center)

Insomnia - older adults 

Insomnia - sleep habits 
(Cancer Center)

(Special Topic)

Insufficient cervix 
(Cancer Center)

Insulin Ab test 
(Medical Test)

Insulin and syringes - storage and safety 
(Cancer Center)

Insulin antibodies - serum 
(Medical Test)

Insulin C-peptide test 
(Medical Test)

Insulin pumps 
(Cancer Center)

Insulin reaction 

Insulin resistance - insulin antibodies 
(Medical Test)

Insulin resistance - sick day management 
(Cancer Center)

Insulin resistance syndrome 

Insulin shock 

Insulin subcutaneous injection 
(Cancer Center)

Insulin-dependent diabetes 

Insulin-dependent diabetes - InDepth 




Intact PTH 
(Medical Test)

Integrative medicine for cancer treatment 
(Cancer Center)

Intellectual developmental disorder 

Intellectual disability 

Intellectual disability - Rett syndrome 

Intelligence testing 
(Special Topic)

Intensity-modulated radiation therapy - breast cancer 

Intensity-modulated radiation therapy - breast cancer 

Intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) 
(Special Topic)

Intensive blood glucose management 
(Care Guide)

Intensive care unit (ICU) 

Intention tremor 

Inter-trochanteric fracture repair 

Inter-trochanteric fracture repair - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Interchondral subluxation 

Intercostal retractions 

Interdigital neuroma 

Interdigital plantar neuroma 

Intermetatarsal neuralgia 

Intermittent claudication 

Intermittent claudication - Doppler 
(Medical Test)

Intermittent claudication - InDepth 

Intermittent claudication - self-care 
(Cancer Center)

Intermittent fasting - rapid weight loss 
(Cancer Center)

Internal pacemaker 

Internal pacemaker - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Internal radiation therapy - prostate 

Internal rotation with band 

International normalized ratio 
(Medical Test)



Interstitial brachytherapy 

Interstitial cell stimulating hormone - blood test 
(Medical Test)

Interstitial cystitis 

Interstitial cystitis 

Interstitial cystitis - resources 
(Special Topic)

Interstitial keratitis 

Interstitial laser coagulation 

Interstitial laser coagulation - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Interstitial lung disease 

Interstitial lung disease - adults - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Interstitial lung disease - drug induced 

Interstitial lung disease - home oxygen 
(Cancer Center)

Interstitial lung disease - pursed lip breathing 
(Cancer Center)

Interstitial nephritis 

Interstitial pneumonitis - from asbestos exposure 

Intertriginous candidiasis 


Intervention study 
(Cancer Center)

Intervention study - cancer 
(Cancer Center)

Interventional radiology 
(Special Topic)

Interventricular septal defect 

Intervertebral disk herniation video 
(Care Guide)

Intervertebral disk herniation video 
(Care Guide)

Intervertebral foramina 

Intervertebral foramina - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Intestinal amebiasis 

Intestinal blockage - barium enema 
(Medical Test)

Intestinal blockage - lower GI series 
(Medical Test)

Intestinal leiomyoma 

Intestinal lipodystrophy 

Intestinal motility 
(Special Topic)

Intestinal necrosis 

Intestinal obstruction (pediatric) - series 

Intestinal obstruction and Ileus 

Intestinal obstruction repair 

Intestinal obstruction repair - series 

Intestinal opening - stoma formation 

Intestinal opening, stoma formation 

Intestinal or bowel obstruction - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Intestinal parasite - ascariasis 

Intestinal parasite - strongyloidiasis 

Intestinal parasite - whipworm 

Intestinal perforation 

Intestinal polyps 

Intestinal pseudo-obstruction 

Intestinal volvulus 

Intestinal volvulus - repair 

Intimate partner sexual violence 
(Special Topic)

Intimate partner violence 
(Cancer Center)

Intolerance to cold 

Intolerance to heat 

Intoxication - amphetamines 

Intoxication - barbiturates 

Intoxication - cocaine 

Intoxication - ethylene glycol 

Intoxication - marijuana (cannabis) 

Intoxication - opioids 

Intoxication - uppers 

Intra-aortic balloon pumps - heart failure 
(Cancer Center)

Intra-arterial digital subtraction angiography 
(Medical Test)

Intra-articular steroid injections - hip 

Intracardiac electrophysiology study (EPS) 
(Medical Test)

Intracavitary brachytherapy 

Intracranial hypertension 

Intracranial hypotension 

Intracranial pressure - increased 

Intracranial pressure - raised 

Intracranial pressure monitoring 
(Medical Test)

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection 
(Cancer Center)

Intradermal allergy testing 
(Medical Test)

Intraductal carcinoma - male 

Intraductal carcinoma-male 

Intraductal papilloma 

Intrahepatic cholestasis 

Intraocular pressure (IOP) measurement 
(Medical Test)

Intraoperative radiotherapy 
(Special Topic)

Intraperitoneal adhesion 

Intraspinal anesthesia 

Intrathecal anesthesia 

Intrauterine - deciding 
(Cancer Center)

Intrauterine adhesion 

Intrauterine adhesions 

Intrauterine drug exposure 
(Special Topic)

Intrauterine growth - ultrasound 
(Medical Test)

Intrauterine growth restriction 

Intrauterine growth retardation 

Intravascular echocardiography 

(Special Topic)

Intravenous fluids - infants 
(Special Topic)

Intravenous pyelogram 
(Medical Test)

Intraventricular hemorrhage of the newborn  

Intravitreal injection 

Intrinsic factor 
(Special Topic)

Intrinsic sphincter deficiency repair 

Intubation - endotracheal 

Intussusception – children 

(Special Topic)

Inverted nipple 

Inverted nipple 
(Cancer Center)

Inverted nipple 
(Cancer Center)

Involuntary body movements 

Involuntary eye movements 

Involuntary movement - tardive dyskinesia 

Involuntary slow and twisting movements 


Iodine in diet 

Iodine poisoning 

Iodine uptake test 
(Medical Test)

Ionized calcium 
(Medical Test)

(Special Topic)


Iontophoretic sweat test 
(Medical Test)



IPAA - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

IPAA- discharge 
(Cancer Center)


IPP - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

IPV - shots 
(Special Topic)


IQ testing 
(Special Topic)



(Special Topic)

Iris defect 


(Pediatric Center)

Iron - serum 
(Medical Test)

Iron deficiency 

Iron deficiency - InDepth 

Iron deficiency anemia 

Iron deficiency anemia - ferritin 
(Medical Test)

Iron in diet 

Iron overdose 

Iron overload 

Iron Prevents Anemia 

Irradiated foods 

Irregular heartbeat 

Irregular menstruation 
(Women's Center)

Irregular sleep-wake syndrome 

Irregularity of bowels 


Irritable bladder 

Irritable bowel 

Irritable bowel syndrome 

Irritable bowel syndrome 

Irritable bowel syndrome - aftercare 
(Cancer Center)

Irritable bowel syndrome - low FODMAP diet 
(Cancer Center)

Irritable colon 

Irritable colon 

Irritant contact dermatitis 

Irritant rhinitis 

Irritant-induced reactive airways disease 

IRT test 
(Medical Test)


Is it a cold, flu, allergic rhinitis, or sinusitis? 
(Care Guide)

Is Your Bank the Best Choice For You? 
(Newsletter Article)

Is Your Workplace Going To The Dogs? 
(Newsletter Article)

Ischemic bone necrosis 

Ischemic bowel 

Ischemic bowel - mesenteric 

Ischemic bowel - small intestine 

Ischemic colitis 

Ischemic contracture 

Ischemic contracture - Volkmann 

Ischemic hepatitis 

Ischemic necrosis - mesenteric artery 

Ischemic stroke 

Ischemic stroke - discharge 
(Cancer Center)

Ischemic stroke - InDepth 

Ischemic ulcer - wound center 
(Cancer Center)

Ischemic ulcers - self-care 
(Cancer Center)

Ischemic wounds - self-care 
(Cancer Center)

Ischial gluteal bursitis 

ISD repair 

Ishihara color vision test 
(Medical Test)

Islet cell adenoma 

Islet cell adenoma, Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor 

Islet cell tumors 

Islet of Langerhans tumor 

Isolated growth hormone deficiency 

Isolated mononeuritis 

Isolated sleep paralysis 

Isolation precautions 
(Cancer Center)

Isolation precautions - standard 
(Cancer Center)

Isolation precautions - transmission-based 
(Cancer Center)


Isopropanol alcohol poisoning 

Isopropyl alcohol overdose 

Isopropyl alcohol poisoning 



IT band syndrome - aftercare 
(Cancer Center)

ITB syndrome - aftercare 
(Cancer Center)


Itching - burning eyes 

Itching - vaginal area 

Itching in the groin 

Ito hypomelanosis 


It's Healthy to Go (For) Nuts! 
(Newsletter Article)


(Special Topic)


IUGR - ultrasound 
(Medical Test)


(Special Topic)

IV fluids - infants 
(Special Topic)

IV treatment at home 
(Cancer Center)

IVH - newborn 

Ivor-Lewis esophagectomy, Blunt esophagectomy 

Ivor-Lewis operation 

(Medical Test)


Ivy - poisonous 
