And the winners are:
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In the previous newsletter, we asked readers to search for important health messages in this portal. Our goals we prove your health.

Both of our winners had the following correct answers:

  1. You knew regular physical activity was good for you, but did you know that it helps keep your cholesterol levels healthy? -- found in "Step 6: Maintain healthy habits," in the High Cholesterol Care Guide
  2. More than 100 foods may potentially trigger a migraine headache. Caffeine is one such trigger. Caffeine withdrawal can also trigger migraines in people who are accustomed to caffeine. -- found in the Migraine headaches In-Depth Report
  3. Low back pain is the #2 reason that Americans see their doctor -- second only to colds and the flu. -- found in the Low back pain Health Illustrated Encyclopedia article
  4. Take your TV or computer out of your bedroom. Otherwise, your brain becomes used to the stimulation and starts to expect it when you are there. This makes it harder for you to fall asleep. -- found in the Sleeping difficulty Health Illustrated Encyclopedia article
  5. The only way to know your blood sugar level is to test it. Some people say that they can feel when it is high or low, but that type of guesswork is NOT accurate. -- found in "Step 5: Monitor your blood sugar," in the Type 2 Diabetes Care Guide

Winner #1
Marcus R. chose to tell us how the first piece of treasure (regular physical activity) is improving his health:

I am 56 and have type 2 diabetes. I used to drink 3 Dr. Peppers a day. I now drink decaffeinated Earl Grey tea and have given up on all sugary desserts. I am improving my health through exercise, too. For example, my family recently adopted a dog. I now walk him every day before work. Sammy is an adventurous dog, and these 20-minute morning walks are always vigorous. After my walks with Sammy, I swim for 20 minutes at a local aquatics center. When I swim, I use paddles on my hands and flippers on my feet, for resistance in the water. The swimming is soothing, and my stress seems to melt away when I'm in the water. I am doing this physical activity on a regular basis to keep my blood glucose levels correct.

Winner #2
Carol P. writes about our migraine information:

On occasion I receive migraine headaches. Sometimes they are so bad that the only way to get rid of them is to go to bed. The Migraine headaches In-Depth Report gives me the information I need to identify which type of headache I am having. Once I determine what type of situation I am experiencing, I can then proceed with the recommended treatment (such as taking certain medicines, laying off of caffeine, or exercising more). I've learned about medications that may be helpful, and what side effects I should watch out for. It is also nice to know I may be able to take herbs and supplements (instead of medicine) to ease my migraines. The more I can control my migraines, the more productive I can be at work, and the more time I can spend with family and friends, instead of waiting out my headaches in bed.


Thanks to all who entered, and congratulations to the winners! Good luck to all in our next contest.


