Cancer Center Home
17-hydroxycorticosteroids urine test
17-Ketosteroids urine test
17-OH corticosteroids
17-OH progesterone
24-hour urinary aldosterone excretion test
24-hour urinary free cortisol (UFC)
24-hour urine collection
24-hour urine copper test
24-hour urine protein
25-hydroxy vitamin D test
25-hydroxycholecalciferol test
25-OH vitamin D test
2D mammography
3D mammography
5-HIAA urine test
5-HT level
5-hydroxyindole acetic acid
5-hydroxytryptamine level
A blood type
A1AT test
A1C test
AB blood type
Abdominal aorta angiogram
Abdominal arteriogram
Abdominal CT scan
Abdominal film
Abdominal MRI scan
Abdominal sonogram
Abdominal tap
Abdominal tap
Abdominal ultrasound
Abdominal wall biopsy
Abdominal wall fat pad biopsy
Abdominal x-ray
Abnormal heart rhythm - Holter
Abnormal heart rhythms - EPS
Abnormal hemoglobins testing
Abnormal mammogram - breast biopsy - ultrasound
Abnormal mammogram - stereotactic breast biopsy
Abnormal Pap smear - HPV testing
ABO blood type
ABO blood typing
Abscess - transvaginal ultrasound
Abscess scan
Absolute eosinophil count
ACE blood test
Acetone bodies
Acetylcholine receptor antibody
Acid fast bacilli stain
Acid loading test (pH)
Acid mucopolysaccharides
Acid perfusion test
Acid-fast stain
Acidosis - CO2
Acidosis - ketones test
Acromegaly - blood test
ACTH blood test
ACTH stimulation test
ACTH suppression test
Activated partial thromboplastin time
Acute phase reactants - CRP
Addison disease - serum aldosterone
Addison disease - urine aldosterone
Adenosine stress test
ADN-B test
Adrenal medullary imaging
Adrenalin - blood
Adrenalin - urine test
Adrenalin -- blood
Adrenalin-urine test
Adrenaline - blood
Adrenocorticotropic hormone
Aerobic bacteria
AFB stain
Agaston score
Agatston score
AGUS - colposcopy
AGUS - cone biopsy
AGUS - Pap
Air caloric testing
Alanine aminotransferase
Alanine transaminase
Alanine transaminase (ALT) blood test
Albumin - urine
Albumin blood (serum) test
Alcohol test - breath
Aldolase blood test
Aldosterone - serum
Aldosterone - urine
Aldosterone blood test
Alkaline phosphatase
Alkaline phosphatase isoenzyme test
Alkalosis - CO2
Allergic rhinitis - allergy testing
Allergy testing
Allergy testing - skin
ALP - blood test
ALP isoenzyme test
Alpha fetoprotein
Alpha-1 antitrypsin blood test
Ambulatory electrocardiography
Ambulatory electrocardiography
Amebiasis - ova and parasites
Amenorrhea - prolactin test
Amino acids - urine
Amino acids blood test
Ammonia blood test
Ammonia level
Amphetamines - screen
Amsler grid test
Amylase - blood
Amylase - urine
Amyloidosis - abdominal wall fat pad biopsy
Amyloidosis - electrophoresis serum
Amyloidosis - rectal biopsy
Amyloidosis - UPEP
ANA panel
ANA reflexive panel
Anaerobic bacteria
Anal cancer - anoscopy
Anal fissures - anoscopy
Anal polyps - anoscopy
Anal warts - anoscopy
Analgesics - screen
Anemia - CBC
Anemia - colonoscopy
Anemia - Hb
Anemia - hemolytic
Anemia - immune hemolytic blood type
Anemia - RBC count
Anemia - reticulocyte
Anemia - serum iron
Anemia -TIBC
Aneurysm - aortic arteriogram
Angina - angiography
Angina - cardiac catheterization
Angina - nuclear stress
Angina - stress echocardiography
Angina - treadmill
Angiogram - coronary
Angiogram - leg
Angiogram of the lungs
Angiography - aorta
Angiography - fluorescein
Angiography - head
Angiography - heart
Angiography - kidney
Angiography - left heart
Angiography - magnetic resonance
Angiography - right heart
Angiography of the extremity
Ankylosing spondylitis-HLA
Annual eye exam
Anoscopy and high-resolution anoscopy
Anthrax blood test
Anthrax serology test
Anti-DNase B blood test
Anti-gastric parietal cell antibodies
Anti-gastric parietal cell antibody
Anti-GBM antibodies
Anti-glomerular basement membrane blood test
Anti-insulin antibody test
Anti-P antibody
Anti-smooth muscle antibody
Anti-TPO antibody
Antibiotic associated colitis - toxin
Antibiotic sensitivity testing
Antibody test for anthrax
Antibody titer blood test
Antibody to human glomerular basement membrane
Anticoagulant-prothrombin time
Antideoxyribonuclease B titer
Antidepressants - screen
Antidiuretic hormone
Antidiuretic hormone blood test
Antihemophilia factor
Antimicrobial susceptibility testing
Antimicrosomal antibody
Antimitochondrial antibody
Antinuclear antibody panel
Antiparietal cell antibody test
Antistreptolysin O titer
Antithrombin III blood test
Antithyroglobulin antibody test
Antithyroid microsomal antibody
Aortic angiography
Aortic arteriogram
Aortic - CTA
Apgar score
Aplastic anemia - bone marrow aspiration
Apolipoprotein B100
Apolipoprotein CII
Apoprotein B100
Apoprotein CII
Arginine - GHRH test
Arginine test
Arginine vasopressin
Arginine-GHRH test
Arm CT scan
Arm MRI scan
Arrhythmia - EPS
Arrhythmia - His
Arrhythmia - Holter
Arrythmia - His
Arrythmia - Holter
Arterial blood gas analysis
Arterial insufficiency of the legs - Doppler
Arterial stick
Arteriogram - abdomen
Arteriography of the extremity
Ascites - abdominal tap
ASCUS - colposcopy
ASCUS - cone biopsy
ASO titer
Aspartate aminotransferase
Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) blood test
Aspergillosis precipitin
Aspergillus immunodiffusion test
Asthma - allergy testing
AT 3
Atrial fibrillation - Holter
Atrophic gastritis - anti-gastric parietal cell antibody
Atypical glandular cells - colposcopy
Atypical glandular cells - cone biopsy
Atypical glandular cells - Pap
Atypical squamous cells - colposcopy
Atypical squamous cells - cone biopsy
Atypical squamous cells - Pap
Audiography (audiogram)
Auditory brainstem response
Autoimmune liver disease panel
Automated perimetry exam
Autoprothrombin I
Autoprothrombin IIA
B and T cell screen
B and T lymphocyte assays
B lymphocyte cell surface markers
B lymphocyte cell surface markerspasting
B-cell leukemia/lymphoma panel
Back films
BAER - brainstem auditory evoked response
Barbiturates - screen
Barium enema
Barium enteroclysis
Barium swallow x-ray
Bartter syndrome - serum aldosterone
Basal cell cancer - biopsy
Basal secretion test
Basic metabolic panel
Benzodiazepines - screen
Bernstein test
Beta-carotene blood test
Beta-HCG - urine
Beta-HCG in blood serum - qualitative
Bicarbonate test
Bile culture
Biliary scan
Biliary tract biopsy
Bilirubin - urine
Bilirubin blood test
Biopsy - abdominal wall fat pad
Biopsy - biliary tract
Biopsy - bladder
Biopsy - bone
Biopsy - bone marrow
Biopsy - breast - stereotactic
Biopsy - breast - ultrasound
Biopsy - brush - urinary tract
Biopsy - carpal tunnel
Biopsy - cervical punch
Biopsy - cervix - colposcopy
Biopsy - colposcopy - directed
Biopsy - cone
Biopsy - endometrium
Biopsy - gastric tissue
Biopsy - gingiva (gums)
Biopsy - heart
Biopsy - kidney
Biopsy - liver
Biopsy - lymph nodes
Biopsy - mouth or throat
Biopsy - muscle
Biopsy - nasal mucosa
Biopsy - nerve
Biopsy - open lung
Biopsy - open pleura
Biopsy - polyps
Biopsy - rectum
Biopsy - salivary gland
Biopsy - skin
Biopsy - stomach tissue
Biopsy - synovial membrane
Biopsy - testicle
Biopsy - thyroid - skinny-needle
Biopsy - tongue
Biopsy - upper airway
Bithermal caloric testing
Black light test
Bladder biopsy
Bladder cancer - cytology
Bladder infection - urinalysis
Bladder scan
Bleeding scan
Bleeding scan, Tagged RBC scan
Bleeding time
Blockage of leg arteries - Doppler
Blocked fallopian tubes - hysterosalpingography
Blood alcohol test
Blood clot - CTA lung
Blood clot - V/Q scan
Blood clot to the lungs - D-dimer
Blood culture
Blood differential test
Blood gases
Blood group
Blood hemoglobin
Blood in stool - colonoscopy
Blood in stool - sigmoidoscopy
Blood indices
Blood lead levels
Blood pressure measurement
Blood pressure reading
Blood sample - arterial
Blood sample - capillary
Blood smear
Blood sugar level
Blood sugar test
Blood typing
Blood urea nitrogen
BMD test
Bone biopsy
Bone densitometry
Bone density test
Bone lesion biopsy
Bone marrow aspiration
Bone marrow biopsy
Bone marrow culture
Bone mineral density test
Bone scan
Bone x-ray
Bony gallium scan
Bowel obstruction - suction
Bowel transit time
Bradycardia - EPS
Brain CT
Brain MRI
Brain natriuretic peptide test
Brain PET scan
Brain positron emission tomography
Brain wave test
Brainstem auditory evoked potentials
Breast biopsy - stereotactic
Breast biopsy - ultrasound
Breast cancer - breast biopsy - ultrasound
Breast cancer - mammography
Breast cancer - MRI
Breast cancer - screening mammography
Breast cancer - stereotactic breast biopsy
Breast cancer screening - MRI
Breast cancer-breast biopsy - ultrasound
Breast cancer - MRI
Breast leakage - prolactin test
Breast lump - mammogram
Breast lump - ultrasound
Breast MRI scan
Breast positron emission tomography
Breast tomosynthesis
Breast ultrasound
Breath alcohol test
Bronchiolitis - RSV test
Bronchoscopic culture
Brucella antibody test or titer
Brucella serology
Buccal smear
Buccal swab
BUN - blood test
C burnetii - complement fixation test
C difficile - toxin
C-reactive protein
C1 esterase inhibitor
C1 inhibiting factor
CA-125 blood test
CAD - angiography
CAD - cardiac catheterization
CAD - nuclear stress
CAD - stress echocardiography
CAD - treadmill
Calcitonin blood test
Calcium - ionized
Calcium - urine
Calcium blood test
Calcium scoring
Calf pain - Doppler
Caloric stimulation
Caloric test
Campylobacter serology test
Cancer - WBC count
Cancer of cervix - HPV DNA test
Capillary nail refill test
Capillary refill time
Capillary sample
Capsule endoscopy
Capsule enteroscopy
Capsule enteroscopy
Carbon dioxide test
Carcinoembryonic antigen blood test
Carcinoid MIBG
Carcinoma in situ - colposcopy
Carcinoma in situ - Pap
Carcinoma in situ-cone biopsy
Cardiac angiography
Cardiac blood pooling imaging
Cardiac catheterization
Cardiac event monitors
Cardiac-specific troponin I
Cardiac-specific troponin T
Cardiomyopathy - MRI
Cardiomyopathy - nuclear ventriculography
Carotene test
Carotid angiogram
Carotid artery stenosis - CTA
Carotid artery stenosis-CTA
Carotid artery ultrasound
Carotid duplex
Carotid ultrasound
Carpal tunnel biopsy
Casts in the urine
CAT scan
CAT scan - abdomen
CAT scan - arm
CAT scan - brain
CAT scan - heart
CAT scan - knee
CAT scan - leg
CAT scan - lumbar spine
CAT scan - pelvis
CAT scan - shoulder
CAT scan - sinus
CAT scan - thoracic spine
CAT scan – cervical spine
CAT scan of cervical spine
Catecholamine blood test
Catecholamines - urine
Catheterization - cardiac
Catheterization - left heart
Catheterization - right heart
Catheterized urine specimen culture
CBC - peripheral
CBC blood test
CEA blood test
Celiac - xylose
Cephalometric x-ray
Cerebral angiography
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) collection
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) culture
Cerebrospinal fluid - immunofixation
Cerebrospinal fluid analysis
Cerebrospinal fluid culture
Cerebrospinal fluid glucose test
Cerebrospinal fluid smear
Ceruloplasmin blood test
Cervical biopsy
Cervical cancer - colposcopy
Cervical cancer - cone biopsy
Cervical cancer - HPV DNA test
Cervical cancer - Pap
Cervical cancer screening - Pap test
Cervical conization
Cervical cytology
Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia - colposcopy
Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia - cone biopsy
Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia - Pap
Cervical MRI scan
Cervical punch biopsy
Cervical spine CT scan
Cervical spine x-ray
Cervicocerebral catheter-based angiography
Cervix - colposcopy
Cervix - cone biopsy
CF - screening
CF - sweat test
Chemistry - urine
Chest CT
Chest MRI
Chest pain - nuclear stress
Chest pain - stress echocardiography
Chest pain - treadmill
Chest PET scan
Chest radiography
Chest x-ray
Chloride - urine test
Chloride test - blood
Cholangiogram - PTC
Cholangiogram - PTCA
Cholescintigraphy: HIDA
Cholesterol panel
Cholesterol test
Cholinesterase - blood
Christmas factor assay
Chromium - blood test
Chronic kidney disease - urine protein
Chronic lung disease - bronchoscopy
Chylomicronemia syndrome - apolipoprotein CII
CIN - colposcopy
CIN - cone biopsy
CIN - Pap
Cirrhosis - abdominal tap
Cirrhosis - ammonia
Cirrhosis - serum aldosterone
CIS - colposcopy
CIS - cone biopsy
CIS - Pap
Cisternal puncture
Citric acid urine test
CK - isoenzymes
CK test
Claudication - CTA
Clean catch urine sample
Clean catch urine specimen
Closed pleural biopsy
Clotting disorder - AT III
Clotting time: protime
CMV antibody tests
CMV blood test
CO2 blood test
CO2 test - serum
Cobalamin test
Coccidioides antibody test
Coccidioides antibody test - spinal fluid
Coccidioides blood test
Coccidioides complement fixation
Coccidioides precipitin test
Coccidioidomycosis antibody test
Coccidioidomycosis blood test
Cold agglutinins
Cold water calorics
Colitis - toxin
Colography - virtual
Colon cancer - colonoscopy
Colon cancer - guaiac test
Colon cancer screening - Cologuard
Colon cancer sigmoidoscopy
Colon polyps - colonoscopy
Colon precancer screening - Cologuard
Colonic tissue culture
Colonoscopy - screening
Colonoscopy - virtual
Color vision test
Colorectal cancer - barium enema
Colorectal cancer - biopsy
Colorectal cancer - colonoscopy
Colorectal cancer - guaiac test
Colorectal cancer - lower GI series
Colorectal sigmoidoscopy
Colposcopy - cone biopsy
Colposcopy - directed biopsy
Colposcopy - Pap
Complement assay
Complement component 3 (C3)
Complement component 4
Complement fixation test to C burnetii
Complement proteins
Complete blood count
Complete blood count - peripheral
Comprehensive metabolic panel
Computed axial tomography scan
Computed axial tomography scan - arm
Computed axial tomography scan - heart
Computed axial tomography scan - knee
Computed axial tomography scan - leg
Computed axial tomography scan - lumbar spine
Computed axial tomography scan - pelvis
Computed axial tomography scan - shoulder
Computed axial tomography scan - sinus
Computed axial tomography scan - thoracic spine
Computed axial tomography scan – cervical spine
Computed axial tomography scan of cervical spine
Computed tomographic colonography
Computed tomography - cranial
Computed tomography angiography - abdomen and pelvis
Computed tomography angiography - brain
Computed tomography angiography - neck
Computed tomography angiography - peripheral
Computed tomography angiography - thorax
Computed tomography scan
Computed tomography scan - abdomen
Computed tomography scan - arm
Computed tomography scan - heart
Computed tomography scan - knee
Computed tomography scan - leg
Computed tomography scan - lumbar spine
Computed tomography scan - orbit
Computed tomography scan - pelvis
Computed tomography scan - shoulder
Computed tomography scan - sinus
Computed tomography scan - thoracic spine
Computed tomography scan – cervical spine
Computed tomography scan of cervical spine
Cone biopsy
Congenital heart disease - MRI
Conjugated bilirubin - blood
Conjugated bilirubin - urine
Continuous electrocardiograms (EKGs)
Coombs test
Copper - ceruloplasmin
Coproporphyrin levels
Cord blood testing
Core biopsy of the prostate
Core needle breast biopsy - stereotactic
Core needle breast biopsy - ultrasound
Coronary angiography
Coronary artery disease - angiography
Coronary artery disease - cardiac catheterization
Coronary artery disease - nuclear stress
Coronary artery disease - stress echocardiography
Coronary artery disease - treadmill
Coronary calcium scan
Coronary risk panel
Cortisol blood test
Cortisol suppression test
Cortisol urine test
Cortrosyn stimulation test
Cosyntropin stimulation test
COVID 19 - Nasopharyngeal swab
COVID 19 - past infection
COVID-19 - Nasopharyngeal swab
COVID-19 - past infection
COVID-19 antibody test
COVID-19 PCR test
COVID-19 serologic test
COVID-19 virus test
Coxiella burnetii - complement fixation test
CP - serum
CPK isoenzymes test
CPK test
Cranial CT
Cranial MRI
Creatine kinase
Creatine kinase - isoenzymes
Creatine phosphokinase - isoenzymes
Creatine phosphokinase test
Creatinine blood test
Creatinine clearance test
Creatinine urine test
Crohn disease - barium enema
Crohn disease - colonoscopy
Crohn disease - lower GI series
Crohn disease - rectal biopsy
Cross matching
Crush - CPK
CSF analysis
CSF cell count
CSF coccidioides complement fixation test
CSF culture
CSF flow scan
CSF glucose test
CSF myelin basic protein
CSF oligoclonal banding
CSF pressure monitoring
CSF smear
CSF total protein
CT - lower back
CT - lumbosacral spine
CT abdomen and pelvis
CT angiography - abdomen and pelvis
CT angiography - arms and legs
CT angiography - head and neck
CT angiography – chest
CT colonography
CT enteroclysis
CT pulmonary angiogram
CT scan
CT scan - abdomen
CT scan - arm
CT scan - cervical spine
CT scan - chest
CT scan - head
CT scan - leg
CT scan - lungs
CT scan - orbital
CT scan - orbits
CT scan - pelvis
CT scan - shoulder
CT scan - sinus
CT scan - sinuses
CT scan - skull
CT scan - upper back
CT scan of cervical spine
CTA - abdomen and pelvis
CTA - cranial
CTA - lungs
CTA - neck
CTA - peripheral
CTA - Runoff
CTA - skull
CTA - peripheral
Culture - bile
Culture - blood
Culture - bone marrow
Culture - bronchoscopic
Culture - cervix
Culture - colonic tissue
Culture - CSF
Culture - duodenal tissue
Culture - ear drainage
Culture - esophageal
Culture - fingernail
Culture - gastric tissue
Culture - genital discharge or exudate
Culture - herpes simplex virus
Culture - joint fluid
Culture - lymph node
Culture - mucosal
Culture - mycobacterial
Culture - nasopharyngeal
Culture - pericardial fluid
Culture - peritoneal fluid
Culture - pleural fluid
Culture - rectal
Culture - skin
Culture - stomach tissue
Culture - stool
Culture - throat
Culture - urine - catheterized specimen
Culture and sensitivity - urine
Culture of urethral discharge
Cystic fibrosis - sweat test
Cystic fibrosis screening - neonatal
Cystitis - clean catch
Cystitis - urinalysis
Cystography - retrograde
Cystometric study
Cystourethrogram - voiding
Cytology - ureteral retrograde brush biopsy
Cytology analysis - biliary tract
Cytology exam of pleural fluid
Cytology exam of urine
D-dimer test
D-xylose absorption
Deep vein thrombosis - AT III
Deep vein thrombosis - D-dimer
Dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate test
Delivery - Apgar
Delta-ALA urine test
Delta-aminolevulinic acid
Dementia-mental status testing
Dental plaque identification at home
Dental x-rays
Dermatan sulfate - urine
Dermatitis - allergy testing
DEXA scan
Dexamethasone suppression test
DHEA-sulfate - serum
DHEA-sulfate test
Diabetes - A1C
Diabetes - blood sugar test
Diabetes - glucose tolerance test
Diabetes - insulin antibodies
Diabetes - ketones test
Diabetes - microalbuminuria
Diabetic - A1C
Diabetic - glucose tolerance test
Diabetic ketoacidosis - urine ketones test
Diabetic nephropathy - microalbuminuria
Diabetic screening - blood sugar test
Diagnostic laparoscopy
Diagnostic mammogram
Diarrhea - colonoscopy
Diarrhea - xylose
Diastolic blood pressure
Diffusing capacity
Digital image
Digital rectal exam
Digoxin test
Direct antiglobulin test
Direct bilirubin - blood
Direct bilirubin - urine
Direct fluorescent antibody - sputum
Direct immunofluorescence
Direct immunofluorescence test
Direct laryngoscopy
Diverticulitis - colonoscopy
DLCO test
Dobutamine stress test
Donath-Landsteiner test
Dopamine - blood
Dopamine - urine test
Dopamine -- blood
Dopamine-urine test
Doppler ultrasound exam of an arm or leg
Doppler ultrasound of the heart
Doppler ultrasound of the heart - children
Double-balloon enteroscopy
Down syndrome - nuchal translucency
Drug abuse screen
Drug screen - urine
Drug screen -- urine
Dry eye test
Dual x-ray absorptiometry
Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry
Duodenal aspirated fluid smear
Duodenal parasites test
Duodenal tissue culture
Duplex ultrasound
DVT - D-dimer
E2 test
Ear drainage culture
Ear examination
EBV antibody test
EBV serology
ECG - exercise treadmill
Echocardiogram - children
Echocardiogram - transthoracic
Echocardiogram - transthoracic - children
Echocardiography stress test
Echography - eye orbit
Eczema - allergy testing
Edrophonium test
Effusion - tympanometry
EGD - esophagogastroduodenoscopy
EGD - gastric tissue biopsy
EKG - exercise treadmill
Elbow MRI
Electrocardiography (ECG) - ambulatory
Electrocardiography - ambulatory
Electrogram - His bundle
Electrolytes - urine
Electrolytes - urine
Electron beam computed tomography - heart
Electrophoresis - hemoglobin
Electrophysiologic testing
Electrophysiology study - intracardiac
ELISA blood test
ELISA for Lyme disease
Embolus - CTA lung
Encephalopathy - ammonia
Endocervical culture
Endocervical curettage
Endocervical Gram stain
Endometrial biopsy
Endoscopic ultrasound
Endoscopy of the bladder
Endovaginal ultrasound
Enterobiasis test
Enzyme-linked immuno assay
Enzyme-linked immunoassay
Eosinophil count - absolute
Epilepsy - EEG
Epinephrine - blood
Epinephrine - urine test
Epinephrine -- blood
Epinephrine-urine test
EPS - intracardiac
Epstein-Barr virus antibody test
Erythrocyte count
Erythrocyte indices
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
Erythropoietin test
Esophageal acidity test
Esophageal culture
Esophageal function studies
Esophageal manometry
Esophageal motility studies
Esophageal pH monitoring
Estimated GFR
Estradiol blood test
Ethylene glycol blood test
Evoked auditory potentials
Evoked response audiometry
Excisional biopsy - skin
Excretory urography
Exercise ECG
Exercise electrocardiography
Exercise stress test
Exploratory laparoscopy
Extraocular movement
Extraocular muscle function testing
Extremity angiography
Extremity x-ray
Eye and orbit ultrasound
Eye angiography
Eye CT scan
Eye exam - refraction
Eye exam - standard
Eye test - acuity
Eye test - color
Eye test - refraction
Eye test -- acuity
Eye test -- color
Factor I
Factor II (prothrombin) assay
Factor IX assay
Factor V assay
Factor VII assay
Factor VIII assay
Factor X assay
Factor XII assay
Fasting blood sugar
Fat absorption
Fatty casts
FE sodium
Febrile/cold agglutinins
Fecal culture
Fecal fat
Fecal occult blood test - flushable home test
Fecal occult blood test - guaiac smear
Fecal occult blood test -- guaiac smear
Fecal smear
Feces - Gram stain
Feces Gram stain
Female genital tract culture
Ferric ion
Ferritin blood test
Ferrous ion
Fetal alpha globulin
Fetal blood testing - scalp
Fetal distress - fetal scalp testing
Fetal echocardiography
Fetal monitoring - ultrasound
Fetal scalp blood
Fetal scalp pH testing
Fetal-maternal erythrocyte distribution blood test
Fiberoptic bronchoscopy
Fiberoptic laryngoscopy
Fibrillation - EPS
Fibrin breakdown products
Fibrin degradation fragment
Fibrin degradation products blood test
Fibrin split products
Fibrinogen blood test
Fibrinopeptide A blood test
Fibroids - transvaginal ultrasound
Fine needle aspiration biopsy
Fine needle aspiration of the thyroid
Fine needle biopsy of the prostate
Fingernail culture
FIT-DNA stool test
Flat plate
Flexible laryngoscopy
Flexible sigmoidoscopy
Flow cytometry - fetal-maternal erythrocyte distribution
Flow cytometry - leukemia/lymphoma immunophenotyping
Fluorescein angiography
Fluorescein eye stain
Fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test
Flushable reagent stool blood test
Flutter - Holter
Folate - test
Folic acid - test
Follicle stimulating hormone
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) blood test
Foreign object in the anus - anoscopy
Forssman antibody test
Fractional excretion of sodium
Fragment D-dimer
Free calcium
Free T4 test
Free thyroxine test
FTA-ABS blood test
Functional antithrombin III
Funduscopic exam
Fungal smear - sputum
Fungal wet prep
G6PD screen
Galactorrhea - prolactin test
Galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase blood test
Galactosemia screen
Gallbladder radionuclide scan
Gallbladder scan
Gallium 67 lung scan
Gallium scan
Gallium scan - lung
Gamma globulin electrophoresis
Gamma globulin electrophoresis - urine
Gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) blood test
Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase
Gastric culture
Gastric lavage
Gastric suction
Gastric tissue biopsy and culture
Gastric ulcer - anti-gastric parietal cell antibody
Gastrin blood test
Gastroenteritis - rotavirus antigen
Gastroenteritis fecal culture
Gastrointestinal bleeding - sigmoidoscopy
GBM antibody test
Genital exudate culture
Gestational diabetes - glucose screening
GH suppression test
GH test
GI series
Giardia - string test
Giardiasis - ova and parasites
Gigantism - blood test
Glaucoma test
Globulin electrophoresis
Glomerular filtration rate
Glucagon blood test
Glucagonoma - glucagon test
Glucose challenge test - pregnancy
Glucose loading test
Glucose screening tests during pregnancy
Glucose test
Glucose test - CSF
Glucose tolerance test - non-pregnant
Glucose urine test
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase test
Glucosuria test
Glycated hemoglobin
Glycated hemoglobin test
Glycohemoglobin test
Glycosuria test
Glycosylated hemoglobin
Glycosylated hemoglobin test
Goiter - scan
Goiter - TSH
Goiter - TSI
Goiter - ultrasound
Goldmann applanation tonometry (GAT)
Goldmann visual field exam
Gout - synovial biopsy
Gout - uric acid in blood
Gram stain
Gram stain of cervical secretions
Gram stain of cervix
Gram stain of joint fluid
Gram stain of pericardial fluid
Gram stain of pleural fluid
Gram stain of skin lesion
Gram stain of skin lesion
Gram stain of sputum
Gram stain of stool
Gram stain of the cervix
Gram stain of tissue biopsy
Gram stain of tissue biopsy
Gram stain of urethral discharge
Gram stain of urethral discharge
Granular casts
Graves disease - T3
Graves disease - thyroglobulin antibody
Growth hormone stimulation test
Growth hormone suppression test
Growth hormone test
Guaiac smear test
Gum biopsy
Gynecologic ultrasound
Hageman factor assay
Hand x-ray
Hansen disease - skin test
Hanson disease - skin test
Haptoglobin blood test
Hayfever - allergy testing
Hb electrophoresis
HbA1C test
HbA1C test: Glycated hemoglobin test
HCG blood test - qualitative
HCG in blood serum - qualitative
HCG in urine
HDL cholesterol
HDL test
Head CT
Head CT scan
Head MRI
Head x-ray
Hearing test
Heart attack - CPK
Heart attack - myoglobin blood test
Heart attack - myoglobin urine test
Heart beat
Heart biopsy
Heart block - EPS
Heart block - His
Heart catheterization
Heart CT scan
Heart disease - angiography
Heart disease - stress echocardiography
Heart disease - treadmill
Heart failure - cardiac catheterization
Heart failure - digoxin test
Heart failure - MRI
Heart MRI
Heart nuclear medicine scan
Heart PET scan
Heart positron emission tomography
Heart rate
Heart scan - nuclear
Heart valve - cardiac catheterization
Hematuria - urinalysis
Hematuria test
Hemochromatosis - serum iron
Hemoglobin - glycosylated
Hemoglobin A1C
Hemoglobin electrophoresis
Hemoglobin glycosylated test
Hemoglobinopathy - electrophoresis
Hemoglobinuria test
Hemolytic anemia - free hemoglobin
Hemolytic anemia sugar water hemolysis test
Hemophilic factor B
Hemorrhage - RBC scan
Hemorrhoids - anoscopy
Heparan sulfate - urine
Hepatitis A antibody test
Hepatitis B antibody test
Hepatitis C antibody test
Hepatitis D antibody test
Hepatitis virus panel
Hepatobiliary nuclear imaging scan
Herpes serology
Herpes simplex virus culture
Herpes viral culture of lesion
Herpes zoster virus culture
Heterophile agglutination test
Heterophile antibody test
Hgb electrophoresis
Hgb S test
High blood pressure - blood pressure measurement
High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels
High-grade colposcopy
High-grade cone biopsy
High-grade dysplasia - HPV testing
High-grade Pap
High-sensitivity C-reactive protein
Highly-sensitive ACTH
Hirschsprung disease - rectal biopsy
His bundle electrogram
His bundle electrography
His bundle recording
Histocompatibility antigen test
Histoplasma antibody test
Histoplasma complement fixation
Histoplasma skin test
Histoplasmosis skin test
HIV confirmatory test
HIV screening
HIV screening test
HIV testing
HLA typing
HLA-B27 antigen
Holter monitor (24h)
Holter monitors
Home vision tests
Homovanillic acid (HVA)
Hormone levels
HPO4-2, PO4-3
HPV - colposcopy
HPV - cone biopsy
HPV - Pap
HPV test
HPV testing in women
HSIL - colposcopy
HSIL - cone biopsy
HSIL - HPV testing
HSIL - Pap
HSV blood test
Human chorionic gonadotrophin - serum - qualitative
Human chorionic gonadotropin - urine
Human leukocyte antigen B27
Human papilloma virus - colposcopy
Human papilloma virus - cone biopsy
Human papilloma virus - Pap cervix - Pap
Human papilloma virus - testing
Humphrey visual field exam
Hyaline casts
Hydrogen breath test for lactose tolerance
Hyperbilirubinemia - bilirubin blood test
Hypercalcemia - calcium level
Hypercholesterolemia - apolipoprotein B100
Hyperkalemia test
Hyperparathyroidism - calcium level
Hyperparathyroidism - PTH blood test
Hypertension - blood pressure measurement
Hyperthyroidism - scan
Hyperthyroidism - TBG
Hyperthyroidism - TSH
Hyperthyroidism - TSI
Hyperuricemia - uric acid in blood
Hypocalcemia - calcium level
Hypofibrinogenemia test
Hypoglycemia - glucagon test
Hypokalemia test
Hypoparathyroidism - PTH blood test
Hypothyroidism - TBG
Hypothyroidism - thyroglobulin antibody
Hypothyroidism - TSH
Hypothyroidism - TSI
Hypoxia - ABG
ICP monitoring
ICSH - blood test
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura - platelet antibody
IEP - serum
IEP - urine
Iliac crest tap
Immittance testing
Immunoelectrophoresis - blood
Immunoelectrophoresis - urine
Immunofixation - urine
Immunofixation blood test
Immunoglobulin electrophoresis - blood
Immunoglobulin electrophoresis - urine
Immunoglobulin light chains - urine
Immunoreactive trypsin
Immunoreactive trypsinogen
Incisional biopsy - skin
Indirect antiglobulin test
Indirect bilirubin - blood
Indirect laryngoscopy
Indium scan
Indium-labeled white blood cell scan
Indium-labelled WBC scan
Indium-labelled white blood cell scan
Infant screening tests
Infection - WBC count
Infertility - hysterosalpingography
Infertility - prolactin test
Infertility - transvaginal ultrasound
Inorganic phosphate
Insulin Ab test
Insulin antibodies - serum
Insulin C-peptide test
Insulin resistance - insulin antibodies
Intact PTH
Intermittent claudication - Doppler
International normalized ratio
Interstitial cell stimulating hormone - blood test
Intestinal blockage - barium enema
Intestinal blockage - lower GI series
Intra-arterial digital subtraction angiography
Intracardiac electrophysiology study (EPS)
Intracranial pressure monitoring
Intradermal allergy testing
Intraocular pressure (IOP) measurement
Intrauterine growth - ultrasound
Intravenous pyelogram
Iodine uptake test
Ionized calcium
Iontophoretic sweat test
Iron - serum
Iron deficiency anemia - ferritin
IRT test
Ishihara color vision test
IUGR - ultrasound
Jaundice - bilirubin blood test
Joint fluid - Gram stain
Joint fluid analysis
Joint fluid aspiration
Joint fluid culture
Joint fluid Gram stain
Joint infection - synovial biopsy
Joint x-ray
Ketoacidosis - ketones blood test
Ketoacidosis - urine ketones test
Ketone bodies - serum
Ketone bodies - urine
Ketones - blood
Ketones - serum
Ketones blood test
Ketones urine test
Kidney biopsy
Kidney disease - microalbuminuria
Kidney failure - urine protein
Kidney function - creatinine
Kidney function - creatinine clearance
Kidney function tests
Kidney MRI - abdomen
Kidney scan
Kidney stones - calcium in urine
Kidney stones - citric acid test
Kleihauer-Betke stain
Knee CT scan
Knee MRI scan
KOH test
KUB x-ray
Labile factor
Labor - fetal scalp testing
Lactate dehydrogenase test
Lactate test
Lactic (lactate) dehydrogenase isoenzymes
Lactic acid dehydrogenase test
Lactic acid test
Lactose tolerance tests
LAP - serum
Laparoscopy - diagnostic
Laryngoscopy and nasolaryngoscopy
Laryngoscopy using strobe (laryngeal stroboscopy)
Lateral neck x-ray
Latex agglutination test
LDH isoenzyme blood test
LDH test
LDL cholesterol
LDL test
Lead levels - blood
Left heart catheterization
Left heart ventricular angiography
Left ventriculography
Leg CT scan
Leg MRI scan
Leg pain and cramping - Doppler
Lepromin skin test
Leprosy skin test
Leucine aminopeptidase - urine
Leucine aminopeptidase blood test
Leukemia - bone marrow aspiration
Leukocyte count
Leukocyte esterase urine test
LH response to GnRH blood test
Limb plethysmography
Lipase test
Lipid panel
Lipid panel - total cholesterol
Lipid profile
Lipid profile - total cholesterol
Lipid profile test
Lipid test
Lipoprotein electrophoresis
Lipoprotein lipase deficiency - apolipoprotein CII
Lipoprotein profile
Liver biopsy
Liver disease test panel - autoimmune
Liver failure - ammonia
Liver function tests
Liver gallium scan
Liver MRI - abdomen
Liver scan
Liver technetium sulfur colloid scan
Liver-spleen radionuclide scan
Low back pain - CT
Low blood sugar - glucagon test
Low-density lipoprotein LDL cholesterol levels
Low-grade colposcopy
Low-grade cone biopsy
Low-grade dysplasia - HPV testing
Low-grade Pap
Lower abdomen ultrasound
Lower extremity angiogram
Lower gastrointestinal series
Lower GI series
LSIL - colposcopy
LSIL - cone biopsy
LSIL - Pap
LSIL-HPV testing
LSIL-HPV testing, Low-grade dysplasia - HPV testing
Lumbar MRI scan
Lumbar puncture
Lumbar spine CT scan
Lumbosacral spine CT
Lumbosacral spine x-ray
Lung cancer - bronchoscopy
Lung cancer - pleural fluid
Lung diffusion testing
Lung function tests
Lung gallium scan
Lung needle biopsy
Lung PET scan
Lung plethysmography
Lung positron emission tomography
Lung scan
Lung ventilation/perfusion scan
Lung volume
Luteinizing hormone (LH) blood test
Luteinizing hormone - blood test
Luteinizing hormone response to gonadotropin-releasing hormone
Lyme disease blood test
Lyme disease serology
Lymph node biopsy
Lymph node culture
Magnesium - blood
Magnesium blood test
Magnetic resonance angiography
Magnetic resonance imaging
Magnetic resonance imaging - abdomen
Magnetic resonance imaging - ankle
Magnetic resonance imaging - breast
Magnetic resonance imaging - cardiac
Magnetic resonance imaging - chest
Magnetic resonance imaging - cranial
Magnetic resonance imaging - heart
Magnetic resonance imaging - knee
Magnetic resonance imaging - leg
Magnetic resonance imaging - lower extremity
Magnetic resonance imaging - lumbar spine
Magnetic resonance imaging - pelvis
Magnetic resonance imaging - shoulder
Magnetic resonance imaging - sinuses
Malignant ascites - abdominal tap
Malnutrition - xylose
Mantoux test
Maxillary sinus MRI
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH)
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC)
Mean corpuscular volume (MCV)
Measuring blood pressure
Mediastinoscopy with biopsy
Melanin - urine
Melanoma - biopsy
Melena - sigmoidoscopy
Menopause - FSH
Menstrual bleeding - transvaginal ultrasound
Mental status exam
Mental status testing
Mesenteric angiogram
Mesenteric angiography
Mesenteric CTA
Meta-iodobenzylguanidine scintiscan
Metabolic panel - comprehensive
Metabolic panel 20
Metabolic panel 7
Methanol test
Methemoglobinemia - methylene blue test
Methylene blue test
Methylmalonic acid blood test
MIBG scintiscan
MIBI stress test
Microalbuminuria test
Microsomal antibody
Mirror laryngoscopy
Moderately increased albuminuria
Mono test
Mononucleosis spot test
Monospot test
Mouth lesion biopsy
MR enteroclysis
MRI - ankle
MRI - arm
MRI - brain
MRI - breast
MRI - cervical spine
MRI - cranial
MRI - elbow
MRI - femur
MRI - head
MRI - hips
MRI - knee
MRI - leg
MRI - lower back
MRI - lower extremity
MRI - neck
MRI - pelvis
MRI - shoulder
MRI - wrist
MRI of the abdomen
MRI of the head
MRI of the heart
MRI of the sinuses
MRI of the thorax
Mucosal culture
Multi-detector CT scan - heart
Multiple endocrine neoplasia type I - glucagon test
Multiple gate acquisition scan (MUGA)
Multiple myeloma - serum electrophoresis
Multiple myeloma - UPEP
Multiple pregnancy - ultrasound
Muscle biopsy
Myasthenia gravis - tensilon
Myasthenia gravis - Tensilon test
Myasthenia gravis-tensilon
Mycobacterial culture
Myelodysplastic syndrome - bone marrow aspiration
Myelofibrosis - bone marrow aspiration
Myocardial biopsy
Myocardial perfusion scintigraphy
Myocardial PET scan
Myoglobin blood test
Myoglobin urine test
Myositis - myoglobin blood test
Myositis - myoglobin urine test
Nail blanch test
Nail culture
Narcotics - screen
Nasal endoscopy
Nasal mucosal biopsy
Nasogastric tube suction
Nasopharyngeal culture
NBT test
Neck CT scan
Neck x-ray
Necrotizing colitis - toxin
Needle biopsy of liver
Needle biopsy of the pleura
Neonatal cystic fibrosis screening test
Neonatal screening tests
Nerve biopsy
Nerve conduction study (NCS)
Nerve conduction velocity
Neuroblastoma - MIBG
Neurocognitive testing
Neurosyphilis - VDRL
Newborn scoring
Newborn screening tests
Nitroblue tetrazolium blood test
Nitroprusside test
NMR - abdomen
NMR - cardiac
NMR - chest
NMR - cranial
Norepinephrine - blood
Norepinephrine - urine test
Norepinephrine -- blood
Norepinephrine-urine test
Nose biopsy
Nuchal fold scan
Nuchal fold test
Nuchal translucency screening
Nuchal translucency test
Nuclear bladder scan
Nuclear cardiology
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imaging
Nuclear magnetic resonance - abdomen
Nuclear magnetic resonance - cardiac
Nuclear magnetic resonance - chest
Nuclear magnetic resonance - cranial
Nuclear scan - liver or spleen
Nuclear scan - technetium
Nuclear scan - thyroid
Nuclear stress test
Nuclear ventriculography
O blood type
Obstetric sonogram
Obstetric ultrasonography
Obstructive sleep apnea - sleep study
Ocular motility examination
Ocular sonography
Ocular ultrasonography
OGTT - non-pregnant
OGTT - pregnancy
Oligohydramnios - ultrasound
Open lung biopsy
Open lymph node biopsy
Open pleural biopsy
Oral cancer - biopsy
Oral glucose tolerance test
Oral glucose tolerance test - non-pregnant
Oral glucose tolerance test - pregnancy
Oral glucose tolerance test - pregnancy (OGTT)
Oral glucose tolerance test - non-pregnant
Orbit CT scan
Orbital sonography
Orbital ultrasonography
Oropharynx lesion biopsy
OSA - sleep study
Osmolality blood test
Osmolality urine test
Osmotic fragility test
Osteoporosis - BMD
Osteoporosis - calcium level
Otitis media - tympanometry
Ovarian - transvaginal ultrasound
Ovarian cancer - CA-125 test
Overactive thyroid - TBG
Overactive thyroid - TBG thyroid hormone binding globulin
Oxyuriasis test
PAD - angiography
PAD - CT angiography
PAD - Doppler
Pancreas MRI - abdomen
Pancreatic function test
Pancreatitis - blood amylase
Pancreatitis - blood lipase
Panoramic film
Pap smear
Pap smear - colposcopy
Pap smear - cone biopsy
Pap test
Papanicolaou test
Paranasal sinus radiography
Parasites and stool ova exam
Parathormone (PTH) intact molecule
Parathyroid - calcium in urine
Parathyroid hormone
Parathyroid hormone (PTH) blood test
Parathyroid hormone-related protein blood test
Paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria - Donath-Landsteiner
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria sugar water hemolysis test
Partial thromboplastin time (PTT)
Patch tests - allergy
Paul-Bunnell test
PBD - Percutaneous biliary drainage
PBD-Precutaneous Biliary drainage
PBG urine test
PE - D-dimer
PE- V/Q scan
Pelvic CT scan
Pelvic MRI with prostate probe
Pelvic scan
Pelvic sonography
Pelvic ultrasonography
Pelvic ultrasound - abdominal
Pelvis MRI scan
Pelvis x-ray
Penile pulse volume recording
Peptic ulcer - gastrin blood test
Peptic ulcer disease - H pylori
Peptic ulcer disease - H. pylori
Percutaneous biopsy
Percutaneous liver biopsy
Percutaneous needle aspiration
Percutaneous pericardiocentesis
Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiogram
Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography
Perfusion scintiscan - renal
Periapical film
Pericardial effusion - peric
Pericardial effusion - pericardiocentesis
Pericardial fluid - Gram stain
Pericardial fluid culture
Pericardial fluid Gram stain
Pericardial tap
Pericarditis - pericardiocentesis
Peripheral angiogram
Peripheral angiography
Peripheral artery disease
Peripheral artery disease - angiography
Peripheral artery disease - CT angiography
Peripheral smear
Peripheral vascular disease - CTA
Peripheral vascular disease - Doppler
Peripheral vascular ultrasound
Peritoneal fluid analysis
Peritoneal fluid culture
Peritoneal tap
Pernicious anemia - anti-gastric parietal cell antibody
Pernicious anemia - vitamin B12 level
Persantine stress test
PET - breast
PET - chest
PET - lung
PET - tumor imaging
PET - tumor imaging - breast
PET scan
PET scan - brain
PET scan for breast cancer
PET/CT - lung
PGx - testing
pH - urine
pH monitoring - esophageal
Pharmacogenetic testing
Pharmacogenetics - testing
Pharmacogenomics - testing
Phenothiazines - screen
Phenylalanine - blood test
Pheochromocytoma - MIBG
Phlebogram - leg
Phosphorus - serum
Phosphorus blood test
Pinworm test
Pituitary tumor - prolactin test
PKU - phenylalanine
Placenta previa - ultrasound
Plasma amino acids
Plasma cholinesterase
Plasma factor VIII antigen
Plasma fibrinogen
Plasma renin activity
Plasma thromboplastin component
Platelet aggregation test
Platelet antibodies blood test
Platelet count
Plethysmography - limb
Pleural fluid - Gram stain
Pleural fluid analysis
Pleural fluid aspiration
Pleural fluid culture
Pleural fluid cytology
Pleural fluid Gram stain
Pleural fluid smear
Pleural needle biopsy
Pleural tap
Pneumonia - bronchoscopy
PNH sugar water hemolysis test
Polycythemia - Hb
Polyhydramnios - ultrasound
Polyp biopsy
Polyps - sigmoidoscopy
Porphobilinogen test
Porphyria - urine
Porphyria - uroporphyrin
Porphyrins - total
Porphyrins -- total
Porphyrins blood test
Porphyrins urine test
Positron emission tomography
Posterior circulation ischemia - CTA
Posterior circulation ischemia-CTA
Potassium hydroxide examination of skin lesion
Potassium test
Potassium urine test
PPD skin test
Precancerous changes of the cervix - colposcopy
Precancerous changes of the cervix - cone biopsy
Precancerous changes of the cervix - Pap
Pregnancy sonogram
Pregnancy test
Pregnancy test - blood - qualitative
Pregnancy test - hCG in urine
Prenatal genetic screening
Primary hyperaldosteronism - serum aldosterone
Progesterone - 17-OH
Prolactin blood test
Prolactinoma - prolactin test
Prostate biopsy
Prostate biopsy - transrectal ultrasound (TRUS)
Prostate cancer screening test
Prostate gland biopsy
Prostate-specific antigen
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test
Prostate cancer screening test
Protein C blood test
Protein electrophoresis - serum
Protein S blood test
Proteinuria - microalbuminuria
Prothrombin assay
Prothrombin time (PT)
PROTO test
Protoporphyrin levels
Pseudomembranous - toxin
Pseudomembranous colitis - toxin
Psoriatic arthritis-HLA
PTH-related peptide
PUD - H pylori
PUD - H. pylori
Pulmonary angiogram
Pulmonary angiography
Pulmonary arteriography
Pulmonary embolism - CTA chest
Pulmonary embolism - D-dimer
Pulmonary embolism - V/Q scan
Pulmonary function tests
Pulmonary plethysmography
Pulmonary ventilation/perfusion scan
Pulse volume recordings
Punch biopsy
Punch biopsy - skin
Purified protein derivative standard
Push enteroscopy
PVD - CT angiography
PVD - Doppler
Pyruvate kinase blood test
Q fever - complement fixation test
Quantitative Bence-Jones protein test
Quantitative immunoglobulins
Quantitative immunoglobulins
Quantitative nephelometry test
Quantitative stool fat determination
Quantitative urinary copper
Radioactive abscess scan
Radioactive iodine uptake
Radioactive iodine uptake and scan test - thyroid
Radiograph - dental
Radionuclide - gallbladder
Radionuclide cisternogram
Radionuclide cystogram
Radionuclide renal perfusion scan
Radionuclide ventriculography (RNV)
Random blood sugar
Random plasma renin
Rapid eye movement studies
Rapid plasma reagin test
Rapid strep test
RAST test
RBC (or erythrocyte) cholinesterase
RBC count
RBC G6PD test
RBC indices
RBC nuclear scan
RBC urine test
Reactive arthritis-HLA
Rectal biopsy
Rectal bleeding - biopsy
Rectal bleeding - sigmoidoscopy
Rectal culture
Rectal polyps - biopsy
Rectal sigmoidoscopy
Red blood cell casts
Red blood cell count
Red blood cell indices
Red blood cells in urine
Regadenoson stress test
Renal angiogram
Renal angiography
Renal arteriography
Renal artery - CTA
Renal artery stenosis - arteriography
Renal biopsy
Renal calculi - calcium in your urine
Renal cancer - cytology
Renal disease - BUN
Renal failure - BUN
Renal function - creatinine
Renal function - creatinine clearance
Renal insufficiency - BUN
Renal perfusion scintigraphy
Renal perfusion scintiscan
Renal scan
Renal tubular acidosis - acid loading test
Renal tubular acidosis - citric acid test
Renal tubular epithelial casts
Renal vein thrombosis - venogram
Renal venogram
Renal biopsy
Renin blood test
Resin T3 uptake
Respiratory failure - ABG
Respiratory inductance plethysmography
Respiratory syncytial virus antibody test
Reticulocyte count
Retinal photography
Retinol test
Retinopathy - fluorescein
Retrograde cystography
Retrograde ureteral brush biopsy cytology
Rh incompatibility - erythrocyte distribution
Rh typing
Rhabdomyolysis - myoglobin blood test
Rhabdomyolysis - myoglobin urine test
Rheumatoid arthritis - synovial biopsy
Rheumatoid factor (RF)
Right heart catheterization
Right heart ventricular angiography
Right heart ventriculography
Right upper quadrant sonogram
Rigid sigmoidoscopy
Rotavirus antigen test
Routine eye examination
Routine urine test
RPR test
RSV antibody test
RSV serology
Salivary gland biopsy
SARS CoV-2 antibody test
SARS CoV-2 test
Scalp pH testing
Scan - carotid duplex
Scan - lung
Scan - thyroid
Schilling test
Schirmer test
Schirmer's test
Scintigraphy - bone
Scintiscan - renal perfusion
Scratch tests - allergy
Screening - testicular cancer - self-exam
Screening and diagnosis for HIV
Scrotal ultrasound
Secretin stimulation test
Sed rate
Sedimentation rate
Segmental pulse volume recordings
Seizure - EEG
Sensitivity analysis
Sentinel lymph node biopsy
Sequential multi-channel analysis with computer-20
Sequential multi-channel analysis with computer-7
Serial chest x-ray
Serologic test for B anthracis
Serologic test for B. anthracis
Serology for brucellosis
Serology for Francisella tularensis
Serotonin blood test
Serotonin metabolite
Serotonin test
Serum adrenocorticotropic hormone
Serum ammonia
Serum angiotensin-converting enzyme
Serum antibodies
Serum calcitonin
Serum calcium
Serum chloride test
Serum cholesterol
Serum cholinesterase
Serum chromium
Serum cortisol
Serum creatinine
Serum creatinine clearance
Serum DHEA-sulfate
Serum erythropoietin
Serum factor IX
Serum ferritin level
Serum fibrinogen
Serum free hemoglobin test
Serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase
Serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase
Serum HCG - qualitative
Serum hemoglobin
Serum herpes simplex antibodies
Serum immunofixation
Serum immunoglobulin electrophoresis
Serum iron test
Serum leucine aminopeptidase
Serum myoglobin
Serum phenylalanine screening
Serum phosphorus
Serum sodium
Serum TBG level
Serum testosterone
Serum thyroxine binding globulin
Serum trypsin
Serum trypsinogen
Sestamibi stress test
Sex chromatin test
Shave biopsy
Shave biopsy - skin
Shoulder CT scan
Shoulder MRI scan
Sickle cell - electrophoresis
Sickle cell test
Sigmoidoscopy - flexible
Single-balloon enteroscopy
Sinus CT scan
Sinus MRI scan
Sinus x-ray
Sjögren - Schirmer
Skeletal survey
Skin biopsy
Skin cancer - biopsy
Skin lesion - Gram stain
Skin lesion aspiration
Skin lesion biopsy
Skin lesion Gram stain
Skin lesion KOH exam
Skin or nail culture
Skin tests - allergy
Skinny-needle thyroid biopsy
Skull radiography
Skull x-ray
Sleep apnea - sleep study
Sleep study
Slit-lamp exam
Small bowel biopsy
Small bowel capsule endoscopy (SBCE)
Small bowel enema
Small bowel follow-through
Small bowel tissue smear/biopsy
Small intestine aspirate and culture
Smear of duodenal fluid aspirate
Snellen test
Sodium - serum
Sodium blood test
Sodium urine test
Solitary pulmonary nodule - PET
Sonde enteroscopy
Sonogram of the breast
Spherocytosis - osmotic fragility
Spinal CT
Spinal fluid culture
Spinal fluid smear
Spinal tap
Spine x-ray
Spiral enteroscopy
Split night polysomnography
Sprue - xylose
Sputum - Gram stain
Sputum culture
Sputum direct fluorescent antibody (DFA) test
Sputum fungal smear
Sputum Gram stain
Sputum stain for mycobacteria
Squamous cell cancer - biopsy
Squamous intraepithelial lesion - colposcopy
Squamous intraepithelial lesion - cone biopsy
Squamous intraepithelial lesion - Pap
Stable factor
Standard eye exam
Standard ophthalmic exam
Static lung volume determination
Stereotactic breast biopsy
Stereotactic transperineal prostate biopsy (STPB)
Sternal tap
Stomach pumping
Stool - Gram stain
Stool - trypsin and chymotrypsin
Stool C difficile toxin
Stool culture
Stool DNA test - Cologuard
Stool Gram stain
Stool guaiac test
Stool occult blood test - flushable home test
Stool occult blood test - guaiac smear
Stool occult blood test -- guaiac smear
Stool ova and parasites exam
Stool smear
Strep throat - anti-DNase B test
Streptococcal screen
Stress ECG
Stress echocardiography
Stress test - echocardiography
Stress test - exercise treadmill
Stress test - nuclear
String test
Stroke - carotid duplex
Stroke - CTA neck
Stroke-CTA head
Stroke-CTA neck
Strongyloidiasis - ova and parasites
Strongyloidiasis - ova and parasites Taeniasis - ova and parasites
Stuart-Prower factor
Sucrose hemolysis test
Sugar-water hemolysis test
Surface echo
Surface echo - children
Swab for respiratory viruses
Swab for staph carriage
Swan-Ganz - right heart catheterization
Sweat chloride
Sweat electrolytes test
Sweat test
Synacthen stimulation test
Syncope - Holter
Synovial biopsy
Synovial fluid analysis
Synovitis - synovial biopsy
Syphilis - VDRL
Syphilis screening test
Systemic lupus erythematosus - ANA
Systolic blood pressure
T and B lymphocyte assays
T cell count
T-cell count
T-lymphocyte count
T3 radioimmunoassay
T3 resin uptake
T3 test
T3RU test
Tachycardia - EPS
Tachycardia - Holter
Taeniasis - ova and parasites
Tagged RBC scan
Tangent screen exam
Tape test
Targeted prostate biopsy
TB skin test
TB smear
TBG blood test
TBG level
TCD ultrasonography
Tear test
Tearing test
Technetium scan
Temperature measurement
Tensilon test
Test for precipitating antibodies
Test of adrenal reserve
Testicular biopsy
Testicular cancer - screening - self-exam
Testicular self-exam
Testicular sonogram
Testicular ultrasound
Tests for H pylori
Tests of adrenal reserve
Tetracosactide stimulation test
Thalassemia - electrophoresis
Thalassemia - osmotic fragility
Thallasemia - electrophoresis
Thallium stress test
The PKU test
Therapeutic drug levels
Therapeutic drug monitoring
Thoracic aortic aneurysm - CTA chest
Thoracic CT
Thoracic MRI
Thoracic spine CT scan
Thoracic spine films
Thoracic spine x-ray
Thoracic x-ray
Thormahlen's test
Throat culture and sensitivity
Throat lesion biopsy
Throat swab culture
Thrombocyte count
Thrombocytopenia - bone marrow aspiration
Thrombocytopenia - platelet antibody
Thymus derived lymphocyte count
Thyroglobulin antibody
Thyroid antimicrosomal antibody
Thyroid cancer - aspiration
Thyroid echogram
Thyroid function tests
Thyroid hormone-binding ratio
Thyroid nodule - aspiration
Thyroid nodule - scan
Thyroid nodule - ultrasound
Thyroid nodule fine needle aspirate biopsy
Thyroid peroxidase antibody
Thyroid scan
Thyroid sonogram
Thyroid stimulating hormone
Thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin
Thyroid ultrasound
Thyroid uptake
Thyroiditis - T3
Thyroiditis - thyroglobulin antibody
Thyroiditis - TSI
Thyrotoxicosis - T3
Thyroxine test
Thyroxine test by equilibrium dialysis
TIA - carotid duplex
TIA - CTA neck
TIA-CTA head
TIA-CTA neck
Tissue biopsy - Gram stain
Tissue sampling
Tissue typing
Titer - antibodies
Tongue biopsy
TORCH screen
Total bilirubin - blood
Total cholesterol
Total CO2
Total iron binding capacity
Total protein
Total T4 test
Toxic nodular goiter - T3
Toxicology screen
Toxoplasma antibody titer
Toxoplasma blood test
Toxoplasma serology
Transabdominal ultrasound
Transcranial Doppler study
Transcranial Doppler ultrasonography
Transcranial Doppler ultrasound
Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE)
Transfusion - blood typing
Transient ischemic attack - carotid duplex
Transrectal prostate biopsy
Transtelephonic event monitors
Transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE)
Transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE) - children
Transthoracic needle aspiration
Transvaginal ultrasound
Triacylglycerol test
Trichomoniasis - wet mount
Triglyceride level
Troponin test
Trypsin and chymotrypsin in stool
Trypsin-like immunoreactivity
Trypsinogen test
TSH receptor antibody
TSH receptor stimulating antibody
TSH test
TSI test
Tuberculin skin test
Tuberculosis smear
Tularemia blood test
Tularemia test
Tumor imaging - PET
Ulcerative colitis - colonoscopy
Ultrasonography of the breast
Ultrasound - abdomen
Ultrasound - carotid
Ultrasound - eye orbit
Ultrasound - pregnancy
Ultrasound - thyroid
Ultrasound - transvaginal
Ultrasound - vascular - carotid
Ultrasound pelvis
Ultrasound pregnancy
Ultrasound-guided breast biopsy
Ultraviolet light test
Unconjugated bilirubin - blood
Underactive thyroid - TBG
Underactive thyroid - thyroglobulin antibody
Upper airway biopsy
Upper endoscopy
Upper endoscopy - gastric tissue biopsy
Upper GI and small bowel series
Upper GI series
Urea nitrogen urine test
Ureteral retrograde brush biopsy
Urethral cancer - cytology
Urethral discharge - Gram stain
Urethral discharge culture
Urethral discharge Gram stain
Urethritis - culture
Urethritis - Gram stain
Uric acid - blood
Uric acid urine test
Urinalysis - clean catch
Urinary 24 hours sodium
Urinary Ca+2
Urinary casts
Urinary chloride
Urinary tract infection - clean catch
Urinary tract infection - urinalysis
Urine - citric acid test
Urine - hemoglobin
Urine - red blood cells
Urine 24-hour volume
Urine albumin
Urine amino acids
Urine appearance and color
Urine Bence-Jones protein
Urine catecholamines
Urine chemistry
Urine collection - clean catch
Urine collection - infants
Urine concentration test
Urine coproporphyrin
Urine creatinine test
Urine culture
Urine culture - catheterization
Urine culture - catheterized specimen
Urine culture - clean catch
Urine cytology
Urine density
Urine dermatan sulfate
Urine drug screen
Urine glucose test
Urine heparan sulfate
Urine immunoglobulin electrophoresis
Urine ketones
Urine melanin test
Urine metanephrine
Urine myoglobin
Urine Na+
Urine pH test
Urine potassium
Urine protein
Urine protein - 24 hour
Urine protein - 24 hour
Urine protein dipstick test
Urine protein electrophoresis
Urine protein electrophoresis test
Urine specific gravity test
Urine sugar test
Urine urea nitrogen
Urine uroporphyrin
Urine volume
Urolithiasis - citric acid test
Uterine bleeding - transvaginal ultrasound
UTI - clean catch
UTI - urinalysis
V/Q scan
Vaginal bleeding - FSH
Vaginal bleeding - transvaginal ultrasound
Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy - ultrasound
Vaginal candida - wet mount
Vaginal culture
Vaginitis test - wet mount
Vaginosis - wet mount
Valley fever blood test
Vanillylmandelic acid (VMA)
Vascular ultrasound
Vascular ultrasound - carotid
Vasoactive intestinal peptide test
Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide test
VDRL test
Venereal disease research laboratory slide test - CSF
Venereal disease research laboratory test
Venogram - kidney
Venogram - leg
Venogram - renal
Venography - leg
Venous Doppler - DVT
Venous thromboembolism - CTA lung
Ventilation/perfusion scan
Ventricular puncture
Vertebral angiogram
Vertebral artery - CTA
Vertebral artery-CTA
Vertebral radiography
Vertebrobasilar - CTA
Very low density lipoprotein test
Video capsule endoscopy (VCE)
VIPoma - vasoactive intestinal polypeptide test
Virtual colonoscopy
Vision test - acuity
Vision test - color
Vision test - refraction
Vision test -- acuity
Vision test -- color
Visual acuity test
Visual acuity test - home
Visual field
Vitamin A blood test
Vitamin B12 - anti-gastric parietal cell antibody
Vitamin B12 absorption test
Vitamin B12 level
VLDL test
Voiding cystourethrogram
Waldenström - serum electrophoresis
Waldenstrom - serum globulin
Waldenström macroglobulinemia - UPEP
Warm agglutinins
Warm water calorics
Water deprivation test
Water loading test
Waxy casts
WBC count
WBC differential
WBC esterase
WBC scan
Weil-Felix reaction
Western blot for Lyme disease
Wet prep
Wet prep - fungal
Wet prep - vaginitis
White blood cell casts
White blood cell count
White blood cell differential
White blood cell differential count
Whole-body plethysmography
Widal test
Widal's test
Wireless capsule endoscopy
Wood lamp examination
Wrist MRI
X-ray - abdomen
X-ray - bone
X-ray - chest
X-ray - hand
X-ray - head
X-ray - joint
X-ray - lower spine
X-ray - lumbosacral spine
X-ray - neck
X-ray - pelvis
X-ray - sinuses
X-ray - skeleton
X-ray - skull
X-ray - spine
X-ray - teeth
Xylose tolerance test
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