Cancer Center Home
Acetaminophen and codeine overdose
Acetaminophen overdose
Acetomorphine overdose
Acetone poisoning
Acetylsalicylic acid overdose
Acid soldering flux poisoning
Adapin overdose
Adepril overdose
Adrenergic bronchodilator overdose
Adumbran overdose
Advil overdose
Aftershave poisoning
Aliseum overdose
Allocar overdose
Alocasia plant poisoning
Alphamul overdose
Alupram overdose
Amalox overdose
American nightshade poisoning
Aminophylline overdose
Amitriptyline and perphenazine overdose
Amitriptyline hydrochloride overdose
Ammonia poisoning
Ammonium hydroxide poisoning
Amphetamine intoxication
Angel dust overdose
Angel wings plant poisoning
Angel's trumpet
Anhydrous Benedict's reagent poisoning
Antacids overdose
Anti-rust product poisoning
Anticoagulant rodenticides poisoning
Antidiarrheal drug overdose
Antifreeze poisoning
Antiseptic mouth rinse overdose
Apis venenum purum
Apis venenum purum poisoning
Apis virus poisoning
Apitoxin poisoning
Aqueous - ammonia
Arisaema triphyllum poisoning
Asphalt cement poisoning
Aspirin overdose
Atarax overdose
Atensine overdose
Atropine with diphenoxylate overdose
Automatic dishwasher soap poisoning
Axid overdose
Azo 22 overdose
Baby powder poisoning
Baciferm overdose
Baciquent ointment overdose
Bacitracin overdose
Bacitracin zinc overdose
Baking powder overdose
Baking soda overdose
Barbiturate overdose - pentobarbital
Basra poison grain poisoning
Batteries - dry cell
Battery acid poisoning
Bazinon poisoning
Bee, wasp, hornet, or yellow jacket sting
Beeswax poisoning
Ben-Gay overdose
Benadryl overdose
Benzene poisoning
Benzenol poisoning
Benzodiazepine overdose - oxazepam
Beta-blockers overdose
Bitter nightshade poisoning
Bittersweet poisoning
Black nightshade poisoning
Black widow spider
Blue nightshade poisoning
Bog onion poisoning
Borax poisoning
Boric acid poisoning
Brompheniramine maleate
Brompheniramine overdose
Brown dragon poisoning
Brown recluse spider
Bubble bath soap poisoning
Bug spray poisoning
Butazolidin overdose
Button batteries
Caffeine overdose
Caladium plant poisoning
Calamine lotion overdose
Calcium carbonate overdose
Calcium carbonate with magnesium overdose
Calcium hydroxide poisoning
Calcium overdose
Calcium-channel blocker overdose
Calla lily poisoning
Campho-Phenique overdose
Camphor overdose
Camphor tar
Candles poisoning
Carbamate poisoning
Carbofos poisoning
Carbolic acid poisoning
Carbon monoxide poisoning
Carbonic acid poisoning
Cardiac glycoside overdose
Carrel-Dakin solution
Castor oil overdose
Caulking compound poisoning
Caustic soda poisoning
Cedar leaf oil poisoning
Chalk - swallowing
Chalk poisoning
Chapstick poisoning
Chelating agent poisoning
Chlordiazepoxide overdose
Chlorinated lime poisoning
Chlorine poisoning
Chlorophyll poisoning
Chlorpheniramine maleate
Chlorpromazine overdose
Christmas cherry poisoning
Christmas flower poisoning
Chronic solvent encephalopathy
Ciguatera poisoning
Cimetidine overdose
Cinfacrom poisoning
Clinitest tablets poisoning
Clinoril overdose
Cloth dye poisoning
Clove oil overdose
Coal oil poisoning
Cobalt chloride
Cobalt oxide
Cobalt poisoning
Cobalt sulfate
Codeine overdose
Cold wave lotion poisoning
Colocasia plant poisoning
Cologne poisoning
Compound 4049 poisoning
Contac overdose
Cooking starch poisoning
Coolant poisoning
Copper poisoning
Corramedan overdose
Corticosteroids overdose
Cortisporin ointment overdose
Crank overdose
Crayons poisoning
Crazy Glue
Crystal meth overdose
Crystodigin overdose
Cuticle remover poisoning
Cyanoacrylates poisoning
Cyproheptadine overdose
Cythion poisoning
Deep heating rubs overdose
Dehistine D overdose
Demerol overdose
Deodorant poisoning
Depilatory poisoning
Deprax overdose
Desipramine hydrochloride overdose
Desitin overdose
Desyrel overdose
Detergent poisoning
Devil's weed
Dexchlorpheniramine maleate
Dextromethorphan overdose
Diabetes pill overdose
Diacetylmorphine overdose
Diarrhea medicine poisoning
Diazepam overdose
Diazinon poisoning
Diazol poisoning
Diclofenac sodium overdose
Dieffenbachia poisoning
Diesel oil
Digitoxin overdose
Digoxin overdose
Dilantin overdose
Dilaudid overdose
Dimenhydrinate overdose
Dimethyl formaldehyde poisoning
Dimethyl ketone poisoning
Dinoflagellate poisoning
Diphenhydramine overdose
Diphenoxylate and atropine poisoning
Diphenoxylate with atropine overdose
Dirt - swallowing
Disodium salt poisoning
Diuretic anti-hypertensives overdose
Diuretic antihypertensives overdose
Doxepin hydrochloride overdose
Doxepin overdose
Drain cleaner poisoning
Drain opener poisoning
Drain opening agents
Drainpipe cleaners
Dry cell battery poisoning
Dumbcane poisoning
DXM overdose
Dye remover poisoning
Dyes - cloth
Elavil overdose
Elephant ear poisoning
Emulsoil overdose
Endep overdose
Engine coolant poisoning
Enovil overdose
Epoxy poisoning
Equanil overdose
Eskalith toxicity
Estrogen overdose
Ethanol poisoning
Ethylene glycol poisoning
Etrafon overdose
Eucalyptus oil overdose
Eugenol oil overdose
Face powder poisoning
Famotidine overdose
Feldene overdose
Fenoprofen calcium overdose
Ferrous fumarate overdose
Ferrous gluconate overdose
Ferrous sulfate overdose
Fire ants
Fish poisoning
Fluorhydric acid
Fluoride overdose
Fluorinated hydrocarbon poisoning
Fluorohydric acid
Flux poisoning
Fosfothion poisoning
Fountain pen ink poisoning
Foxglove poisoning
Freon poisoning
Fuel oil poisoning
Funnel-web spider bite
Furniture polish poisoning
Gardentox poisoning
Gasoline poisoning
Glaze poisoning
Glossylan poisoning
Glue poisoning
Golden dawn poisoning
Graphite poisoning
Grass allergy
Grass and weed killer poisoning
Ground cherry poisoning
H2 receptor antagonists overdose
H2-blocker overdose
Hair bleach poisoning
Hair dye poisoning
Hair lightener poisoning
Hair removal agents poisoning
Hair spray poisoning
Hair straightener poisoning
Hair tint poisoning
Hair tonic poisoning
Hand cream poisoning
Hand lotion poisoning
Heart of Jesus plant poisoning
Heroin overdose
Hornet sting
Household glue poisoning
Household plant food poisoning
Hydrate - calcium
Hydrated lime
Hydrochloric acid poisoning
Hydrochloride - thioridazine overdose
Hydrocodone and acetaminophen overdose
Hydrocodone/oxycodone overdose
Hydrofluoric acid poisoning
Hydrogen peroxide poisoning
Hydrogen sulfate poisoning
Hydromorphone overdose
Hydroquinone poisoning
Hydroxybenzene poisoning
Hydroxyzine overdose
Ibuprofen overdose
Ice overdose
Imipramine overdose
Indian turnip poisoning
Indomethacin overdose
Ink poisoning
Ink remover poisoning
Inkberry poisoning
Insect bite
Insect sting
Insecticide poisoning
Intoxication - amphetamines
Intoxication - ethylene glycol
Intoxication - uppers
Iodine poisoning
Iron overdose
Isopropanol alcohol poisoning
Isopropyl alcohol overdose
Isopropyl alcohol poisoning
Ivy - poisonous
Jack-in-the-pulpit poisoning
Jamestown weed
Janimine overdose
Jellyfish stings
Jerusalem cherry poisoning
Jewelry cleaner poisoning
Jimsonweed poisoning
Kerosene poisoning
Ketoprofen overdose
Knox-Out poisoning
Lacquer poisoning
Lamp oil poisoning
Lanolin poisoning
Lanoxin overdose
Laundry starch poisoning
Lavender oil
Laxative abuse
Laxative overdose
Laxopol overdose
Lead poisoning
Leopard lily poisoning
Librium overdose
Lice medication poisoning
Lice medicine poisoning
Lighter fluid poisoning
Lily of the valley poisoning
Lime milk
Lip moisturizer poisoning
Liqui-Histine overdose
Liqui-minic infant overdose
Liquid Incense
Listerine overdose
Lithane toxicity
Lithium toxicity
Lithobid toxicity
Lithonate toxicity
Lithotabs toxicity
Lobster plant poisoning
Lomotil overdose
Lorcet overdose
Lortab overdose
Loxosceles reclusa
Luminal overdose
Lye poisoning
Malathion poisoning
Matting acid poisoning
MDMA overdose
Meballymal overdose
Meclofenamate overdose
Mellaril overdose
Menthol and methyl salicylate overdose
Menthol poisoning
Mepergan Forte overdose
Meperidine hydrochloride overdose
Meprobamate overdose
Merbromin poisoning
Mercaptothion poisoning
Mercuric chloride poisoning
Mercuric oxide poisoning
Mercurochrome poisoning
Mercury poisoning
Merthiolate poisoning
Metal cleaner poisoning
Metal polish poisoning
Meth overdose
Methadone overdose
Methamphetamine overdose
Methanol poisoning
Methyl salicylate and menthol overdose
Methyl salicylate overdose
Methylmercury poisoning
Methylmorphine overdose
Mildew remover poisoning
Millipede toxin
Minamata Bay disease
Mineral deposit remover poisoning
Mineral oil overdose
Mineral spirits poisoning
Mistletoe poisoning
Molipaxin overdose
Morelle noire poisoning
Morphine overdose
Moth balls
Moth flakes
Motrin overdose
Mouthwash overdose
MS Contin overdose
MSContin overdose
Multiple vitamin overdose
Myristica oil poisoning
N-propyl alcohol
Nail polish poisoning
Nail polish remover poisoning
Nalfon overdose
Naphthalene poisoning
Naproxen sodium overdose
Nembutal overdose
Nicotine poisoning
Nightshade poisoning
Nitric acid poisoning
Nitroglycerin overdose
Nizatidine overdose
Norco overdose
Novoxapam overdose
Novoxapin overdose
Nuprin overdose
Nutmeg oil
Nytol overdose
Oak - poisonous
Oil of vitriol poisoning
Oil of wintergreen overdose
Oil-based paint poisoning
Oleander poisoning
Opiate overdose
Opioid overdose
Oral hypoglycemics overdose
Orange crush overdose
Organic solvent syndrome
Organophosphate poisoning
Orudis overdose
Oruvail overdose
Oven cleaner poisoning
Overdose - hydrocodone
Overdose - methamphetamine
Overdose - oxycodone
Oxalic acid poisoning
Oxazepam overdose
Oxpam overdose
OxyContin overdose
Paint - oil based - poisoning
Paint - oil-based - poisoning
Paint - watercolors
Paint remover poisoning
Paint, lacquer, and varnish remover poisoning
Painted leaf poisoning
Palladone overdose
Para-aminobenzoic acid
Paracetamol overdose
Paradichlorobenzene poisoning
Paraffin poisoning
Paralytic shellfish poisoning
PCP overdose
PediaProfen overdose
Pencil eraser swallowing
Pencil swallowing
Pentazocine overdose
Pentobarbital overdose
Pentosol overdose
Pepcid overdose
Peppermint oil overdose
Percocet overdose
Percodan overdose
Petroleum jelly overdose
Phenaphen with codeine overdose
Phencyclidine overdose
Phenergan overdose
Phenic acid poisoning
Pheniramine overdose
Phenobarbital overdose
Phenol poisoning
Phenothiazine overdose
Phenylic acid poisoning
Phenytoin overdose
Philodendron poisoning
Photographic developer poisoning
Photographic fixative poisoning
Pigeon Berry poisoning
Pine oil poisoning
Piperonyl butoxide with pyrethrins poisoning
Piroxicam overdose
Plant fertilizer poisoning
Plant food - household - poisoning
Plastic casting resin poisoning
Plastic resin hardener poisoning
Poinsettia plant exposure
Poison control center - emergency number
Poison ivy - oak - sumac
Poison oak
Poison sumac
Poisoning - fish and shellfish
Poke salad poisoning
Pokeberry poisoning
Pokeweed poisoning
Poly-D overdose
Poly-Histine overdose
Polysporin ointment overdose
Potassium carbonate poisoning
Potassium hydroxide poisoning
Potato plant poisoning - green tubers and sprouts
Potpourri poisoning
Prochlorperazine overdose
Promethazine overdose
Propane poisoning
Propoxyphene hydrochloride
Propoxyphene overdose
Propyl alcohol
Psycho-organic syndrome
Psychoorganic syndrome
Purgoxin overdose
Pyrethrins poisoning
Quinalbarbitone sodium overdose
Quinone poisoning
Ranitidine overdose
Rat killer poisoning
Red devils overdose
Refrigerant poisoning
Repocal overdose
Resin poisoning
Revebjelle poisoning
Rheum officinale poisoning
Rhubarb leaves poisoning
Robo overdose
Rodenticide poisoning
Rolaids overdose
Rosebay poisoning
Roundup poisoning
Rubber cement poisoning
Rubbing alcohol overdose
Rubbing alcohol poisoning
Rufen overdose
Sachet poisoning
Sal soda poisoning
Sassafras oil overdose
Scarlet berry poisoning
Scoke poisoning
Scorpion fish sting
Seafood contamination
Secobarbital overdose
Serax overdose
Serenid Forte overdose
Sernyl overdose
Shampoo - swallowing
Shaving cream poisoning
Shaving lotion poisoning
Shellac poisoning
Sinequan overdose
Skin and sunburn treatments
Slaked lime
Soap - swallowing
Soap ingestion
Soda ash poisoning
Soda loading
Sodium bicarbonate
Sodium bisulfate poisoning
Sodium carbonate poisoning
Sodium hydroxide poisoning
Sodium hypochlorite poisoning
Sodium orthophosphate poisoning
Solanum tuberosum poisoning
Solder poisoning
Sominex overdose
Sopental overdose
Sparklelan poisoning
Spectracide poisoning
Speed overdose
Sports cream overdose
Starch poisoning
Steam iron cleaner poisoning
Stellachrome poisoning
Stoddard solvent poisoning
Stonefish sting
Sudden sniffing death syndrome
Sulfite poisoning
Sulfonylurea overdose
Sulfuric acid poisoning
Sulindac overdose
Sumac - poisonous
Sunscreen - swallowing
Sunscreen poisoning
Super Glue
Swallowing batteries
Swallowing chalk
Swallowing pencils
Swallowing shampoo
Swallowing soap
Swallowing sunscreen
Swimming pool cleaner poisoning
Tagamet overdose
Talc poisoning
Talcum powder poisoning
Tar remover poisoning
Tarantula spider bite
Tetrahydrozoline poisoning
Texas Wonder plant poisoning
Texsolve S poisoning
Theophylline overdose
Thevetia peruviana poisoning
Thiazide overdose
Thioglycolate poisoning
Thioridazine hydrochloride overdose
Thioridazine overdose
Thorn apple
Thrombran overdose
Thyroid preparation overdose
Tick bite
Tofranil overdose
Tofranil overdose, Norpramin overdose
Toilet bowl cleaners and deodorizers poisoning
Tolectin overdose
Tolmetin overdose
Tolmetin sodium overdose
Toluene and xylene poisoning
Toothpaste overdose
Trazadone hydrochloride
Trazodone overdose
Trepiline overdose
Triactin overdose
Triadapin overdose
Trialodine overdose
Triaminic infant overdose
Triavil overdose
Triple C's overdose
Triptazine overdose
Trisodium orthophosphate poisoning
Trisodium phosphate poisoning
Trittico overdose
TSP poisoning
Tuft root poisoning
Tums overdose
Turpentine oil poisoning
Tylenol # 3 overdose
Tylenol #3 overdose
Tylenol overdose
Tylenol with codeine overdose
Unisol overdose
Uppers overdose
Urine sugar reagent poisoning
Valium overdose
Valrelease overdose
Varnish poisoning
Varsol 1 poisoning
Vaseline overdose
Vatran overdose
Vicks VapoRub overdose
Vicodin overdose
Vicodin overdose
Virginia poke poisoning
Vistaril overdose
Vitamin Bx
Vitriol brown oil poisoning
Vivol overdose
Voltaren overdose
Wake robin poisoning
Wart remover poisoning
Washing soda poisoning
Wasp sting
Wasp sting
Watercolor paints - swallowing
Wax poisoning
Wax poisoning - paraffin
Weedoff poisoning
Weedy nightshade poisoning
Wet overdose
Wild turnip poisoning
Willow-leaved foxglove poisoning
Window cleaner poisoning
Windshield washer fluid
Winter cherry poisoning
Wonderberry poisoning
Wood alcohol poisoning
Wood stain poisoning
Wool alcohol poisoning
Wool wax poisoning
Writing ink poisoning
Xanthine overdose
Xylene poisoning
Yellow jacket sting
Yellow oleander poisoning
Yew poisoning
Zantac overdose
Zapex overdose
Zeltran overdose
Zetran overdose
Zinaderm overdose
Zinc oxide overdose
Zinc poisoning
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