Step 1: Taking charge
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If you or your child has just been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, you're probably feeling a mix of emotions. You may feel anxious about the responsibility of managing this condition and overwhelmed by the medical information you need to know. You also may be worried about what the future will bring.

All these feelings are normal. In time, you will realize that diabetes is a very manageable condition. To get started, you will need an understanding of diabetes and the daily tasks involved in keeping it under control.

Your doctor is your primary source of information. This step-by-step guide will help strengthen your understanding of diabetes and how it is treated.

Don't worry about learning everything at once! In time, you will become an expert -- you will learn more as you go along.

Your doctor and other medical professionals are available to provide you with information and support. Equipped with the right skills and information, you can take charge of managing diabetes!

To continue to the next step of this diabetes guide, click "next" below.


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Review Date: 6/24/2011
Reviewed By: Nancy J. Rennert, MD, FACE, FACP, Chief of Endocrinology & Diabetes, Norwalk Hospital, Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT. Review provided by VeriMed Healthcare Network. Also reviewed by David Zieve, MD, MHA, Medical Director, A.D.A.M., Inc.
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