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Last month, we asked how you’ve made your work area more comfortable, organized, or even fun. And you enthusiastically shared all sorts of ideas ranging from décor (one gardener adds a vase of fresh flowers from her garden every Monday) to healthy habits (like keeping wipes and hand sanitizer close by and using a special pillow for back support while sitting for long hours). Personal items, especially photos of family and pets and children’s artwork, head the list of “must haves” in the office.

Synergy readers also like things around that inspire, including motivational quotes and positive affirmations posted on the wall. Several people who answered the survey have calendars to mark exercise progress in their office and one displays badges from his marathon races. Another has a poster about the importance of team work in view while she works; it shows an elephant, monkey, peacock and rabbit all standing on each other’s shoulders to reach fruit. Other popular items for the workplace include small plants and original art – one reader told us her hand-made collage of images of butterflies gives her cubicle the feeling of a window.

Thanks to everyone who participated in our survey! Melinda P. was picked at random from everyone who responded to receive a $50 Visa gift card. “I try to keep the clutter down as much as possible,” Melinda told us. “I also have family photos (formal and silly), a deflated balloon that says 'I Love You Mom' hanging on a wall in my cubicle, a Yoda candy dish for guests that stop by and a solar flower in front of my monitor that waves at me during the day.

Sherry Baker is a writer from Atlanta, Georgia. She last wrote the article on Put Your Commute to Work for Synergy.
