Featured Story
FS Halloween contest winner

Last month, we asked what scream-worthy or totally silly costume you planned to wear for your grown-up Halloween fun and we have to admit you tricked us! We thought we’d have tons of responses like ghosts, witches, and vampires.

Instead, Synergy readers came up with lots of unexpected, and some downright hilarious, costume ideas -- including a zombie cheerleader, a jelly fish, Sarah Palin, a Real Housewife of l985, and a hamburger. One guy even explained he was dressing in green and wearing a bandana on his head that said "gang" and going as "Gang Green"!

From all the entries we received, Axel L. of Ohio was picked at random as our survey winner. Axel will receive a BOOtiful $50 Visa gift card. Axel dressed as Snooki from the reality TV show "The Jersey Shore."

Thanks to everyone who participated!
