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We asked you to tell us what you did differently this year for your significant other for Valentine’s Day. We had a lot of great responses. Our winner is Elizabeth, of Vienna, VA.

Here is her story.

This year for Valentine’s Day (our first one as a married couple), I surprised my husband with a couples’ yoga class. I thought something different besides a huge restaurant meal would be much more interesting and meaningful for us. My husband was actually very excited when I told him about the surprise. We took the class with 7 other couples, and it ended up being a very fun and challenging workout. It was a different way to connect with each other, and it definitely takes a lot of trust and support to maintain some of the poses! We shared a lot of laughs in class and afterwards – it was definitely a memorable day. The bonus was after the great workout, we cooked a special meal at home together and didn’t feel guilty about it!

Here are some snippets from some of the other great responses we received:

FS Valentine's Contest winner gas card
  • This year we didn't plan anything for Valentine's Day, but it turned out to be a very special day. My husband and I decided that every day should be celebrated like Valentine's Day due to the bountiful blessings we have received and close-call life ending misses. So, in short, our Valentine's Day turned out to be a beautiful sunny, snowy day spent at our little cottage by a lake in Grand Junction, Michigan. We stacked wood and spent some quiet moments appreciating the natural beauty around us. That evening, we had a simple dinner, a fire, and plenty of hugs, kisses, and words of thanks for each other and to God for the benefit of celebrating Valentine's Day every day.
  • We told each other this year, no presents for Valentine’s Day, for we are going on a trip to see my son in North Carolina. (Of course, I had to get him a nice watch, a token of my eternal love for him.) When he found it, he looked at me and softly said, "No gifts. No gifts, honey." Then, he felt bad, but I couldn’t help myself. I gave him my explanation. He got over it. The point of this surprise? Simplicity! We love each other so much. Some in life expect, or make, Valentine’s Day to be materialistic, or it’s about the hype of the day. But in their hearts, they can never feel what Jim and I felt that evening.
