New Survey: Personalized Workspace

You spend a lot of time in your office or cubicle and we’d like to know how you’ve made it more comfy, organized, or even fun. Personalized your workspace with family photos or art? Have a drawer stocked with healthy snacks? Keep a pair of sneakers in the corner so you can take a brisk walk at break time?
Tell us how you’ve made your workspace healthier and happier for you! We’ll select a survey participant at random who’ll receive a $50 Visa gift card.

To submit by email:
Send an email with to with the following subject line: Synergy Green Holidays Survey

Include the following in the email: a short description of ways personalizer your workspace, your first and last name, email address, street address, and a phone number where we can reach you.

To submit by mail:
Editorial Director, Synergy Workspace Survey, Ebix Health, 10 10th Street NE, Suite 500, Atlanta GA, 30309. We will use your phone number to contact you in the event you win. Your address is needed to mail the prize. We will NOT use your phone number or address for any other reason.

All entries must be submitted by April 5, 2012
